Chapter 24: Crazy Weather

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In the state of Chicago was a rock convention and concert that Max wanted to go and when they arrived Y/N was interested in the event, once they arrived Max was dressed in his regular Hawaiian shirt with a brown vest over the top of it along with a head band jeans and sandals.

In the state of Chicago was a rock convention and concert that Max wanted to go and when they arrived Y/N was interested in the event, once they arrived Max was dressed in his regular Hawaiian shirt with a brown vest over the top of it along with ...

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Y/N: Nice outfit.

Max: Thanks. Come on we're going to be late.

Ben: For what? Like anything exciting's gonna happen at this dumb festival anyway.

He then noticed a weather man with some sort of machine called 'S.A.M'.

Weather man: So expect another scorcher with highs in downtown Chicago to top 90

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Weather man: So expect another scorcher with highs in downtown Chicago to top 90.

S.A.M: And with no rain in sight, it's enough to make my cranium rotate.

The robot does exactly that as its "cranium" spins in place.

Weather man: Not so fast, Sam. This meteorologist thinks Chicago's draught might be over. This is Vance Vetteroy from rockin' Chicago signing off.

As soon the cameras went off and the camera man went back to the news van the kids ran up to the robot and Ben put his hand on one of the coils messing up his hair.

Ben: Hey, you're the weather guy. We saw you and your robot on TV last night.

Hope: "S.A.M", what does that stand for?

Y/N: Wait, let me guess... Sounding Anemometer Metagraph?

Vance: Yes, that's right.

Hope: What?

Y/N: It measures the wind speed and I'm guessing "Sam" here does more then that.

Vance: Yes, he's a sophisticated weather monitoring apparatus created by me. But corrupted by a news station for a gimmick.

The kids looked at him like he was talking another language and walked off, Ben put on his headphones as they entered the event.

Y/N: So Max? Who are you excited to see?

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