Chapter 21: Super Alien Hero Buddies

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TV Ad: The Super Alien Hero Buddies!

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TV Ad: The Super Alien Hero Buddies!

Inside the RV, Ben looked at the TV with his jaw dropped, Hope and Y/N were laughing over the fact that Ben's aliens got turned into a terrible cartoon.

Gwen: Ben, is it me or do those lame-o versions of your alien heroes?

Y/N: Your right, can no one come up with anything original?

Ben: Someone's paying for this big time.

Hope: How are you going to do that exactly?

Y/N: She's got a point, no one will believe that you're those aliens.

Ben: Oh yeah, well then watch me.

Gwen, Hope and Y/N: I got a bad feeling about this.

The RV broke down and the group were outside of a theme park as Ben ripped a 'Super Alien Hero Buddies' poster.

Ben: Did they have to make me look like a total dweeb.

Gwen: How can they make you into a total dweeb when you already are one.

Max: Exactly like I thought, the rust bucket isn't going anywhere.

Y/N: Let me guess, the distributor?

Max: Spot on.

Y/N: I swear I saw a garage a few blocks back, maybe you could get one there.

Gwen: What about Planetary Studios?

Max: Well, Ben has been bugging me all summer to take him to see Kangaroo Commando. (A/N: All this time I thought it was "Kommando"... The more you know.)

Hope: Who Commando?

Ben: Duh, like the best super hero of all time.

The two magicians look at each other and both of them had no idea what he was talking about.

Max: How about you kids get started without me.

Gwen and Ben's faces had instant smiles on their faces while Hope and Y/N were more questionable.

Y/N: Are you sure, we can wait until the Rust Bucket gets repaired.

Max: Nah, go on ahead and I'll meet you back here at 4, also I am leaving Y/N and Charmcaster in charge.

Ben: Yeah, yeah. Can we go in now.

Getting a nod from Max and Y/N the kids took off running into the park followed by the magicians as Max went to find a repair shop.

Y/N: So what's the big deal with this "Kangaroo Commando" guy.

Ben: Are you kidding?! He's the best!

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