Chapter 20: Game On

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Ben: Bring it on Kenko!

On a rainy night, Ben is playing on his gaming system playing Sumo Slammers: Smackdown while Gwen was looking out of the window and the magicians were reading their spell books.

 Gwen: I'm so boreeeeddddd. Even your dumb video game sounds good. Let me play.

Ben: Sorry, I already have a partner. Run! Ishiyama, slam! He's the best! So why would I want to play with you?

Gwen: To prove you're not afraid of losing to a girl.

Ben passes a controller to Gwen and the two started playing, Hope and Y/N were up front. Hope took the passenger seat and Y/N took the drivers seat while reading their books.

Hope: Ben is going to lose.

Y/N: Couldn't agree more.

Ben: Hey, I heard that!

Y/N: You were supposed to.

Ben: After I beat Gwen, I want to challenge you.

Y/N: Alright.

The two cousins kept playing and Gwen came out as the victor and in typical fashion she rubbed it in his face.

Ben: Beginners luck, let a real sumo warrior show you how its done.

Ben controlled his character to an item box but it was a trapped box by the games antagonist 'Kenko The Shapeshifter'. 

Gwen: Fell for the oldest trick in the book. Careful you only have two lives left.

Ben grabbed her controller and made her character fall off the map.

Gwen: Hey!

Ben: Careful you only have one life left.

Max: Guys, keep it down I'm trying to get some shut eye here.

Gwen: Sorry Grandpa.

Ben snuck to the side and turned into Upgrade but Y/N and Hope noticed as he merged with the game console making Gwen lose all of her points.

Y/N: Ben, get out of the game.

Upgrade: No.

The two magicians got up from their seats to help Gwen get Upgrade out, Hope was about to push the power button but their was a blue light engulfed the group making them disappear.

Max: Finally, some peace and quiet.

Little did Max know that the kids got sent inside the game.

Inside the game world Upgrade was seen and 3 figures materialised in wearing samurai themed attire.

Inside the game world Upgrade was seen and 3 figures materialised in wearing samurai themed attire

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