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Heyaaa!!! I really like saying "Heya" these days!!!

I don't have any talking template right now, I just want to talk non-stop...!

I just love how Eurylicus calls Odysseus "Ody" In Mutiny!!!
This song really terrifies me somehow... Eury was really going Insane her, well, just like everyone else Including Ody...

Why are all the EPIC: The Musical songs of my playlist playing?

Anyway, uhmm, I'd like to find out If I'm autistic or something, 'cause I don't know, someone I feel like I am Neurodivergent... That feels weird thought, 'cause no one would probably say that... I'd just find Neurodivergent symptoms and see If I relate...

1. Communication
Those with neurodivergence may find typical communication difficult. They may dislike eye-contact, be unable to function in a multiple-voice scenario, and prefer certain communication methods over others - for example, a preference for email over the telephone. Small-talk is a challenge for many, a behavioural trait which may come across as aloof or unfriendly if there's a lack of knowledge or understanding from others.

Well, I've problems with that but It's probably just extreme shyness.... But, yeah... People made me notice that, while they talk to me, I almost never look at them In the eyes... And when my Mom stares at me or just looked at me, I'm like: "Uhm... Can't you look away?"...

2. Sensory
Sensory issues are often a challenge for neurodivergent employees. There may be a sensitivity to bright light, temperature, crowds of people, noises that neurotypical people don't notice and background distractions such as other people moving around.

I'm really sensible to warm weather, like when It's hot my skin gets some red points and, I feel warm even If other feel like It's really cold... Bright like sometimes disturbes me... Well, my left eye... I love crowds of people, thought... Really!!! A LOOOT!! Noises are a pain for my ears, but I don't know...

3. Nonlinear thinking
It's often pointed out by experts that neurodivergent individuals have an ability to think 'outside the box', finding original ideas or solutions to workplace problems. The Neurodivergent Magic self-help site explains this as thinking in spirals rather than straight lines, enabling people to see multiple points of view rather than a one-option, linear approach.

I don't know about this...? I'm usually pessimistic... I know I've always been optimistic here, just because I'm trying to be like that to feel better... But my brain right now Is just like: "School Is starting In a month and 5 days... Oh, I can't wait! But... What If my school friend doesn't consider me a friend anymore? What If she hates me? She never texted me In these 2 months... I did neither, ok, but just because I wanted but I was too scared... She mustn't be scared... But maybe she doesn't hate me...? Maybe that's just how she normally behaves...? Like that other friend of mine...? But she's an Introvert and my school friend Is an EXTROVERT!!! I need to know!!! And what If she doesn't choose the same class as me the year after this one...? What If I'll be alone? I'll live eight months of suffering... Of anxiety... For not being able to talk... BUT... Maybe I won't be so shy? But how? It can't happen like that... Ohh, what should I do?? I should stop overthinking... Yeah!! But how!!??"... Yeah, that's It...


4. High levels of focus
Research shows that neurodivergent people can be 30% more productive than their neurotypical colleagues. This is very much dependent upon allowing individuals to work to their strengths. Challenges when working with neurodivergent employees often arise when they're given mundane tasks to complete that they're unable to focus on, as opposed to enabling them to play to their strengths.

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