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Awesome news, people!!!

Translation: Guys, the teacher

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Translation: Guys, the teacher ... Is letting us continue the work of the teacher ...!!

Big news!!! Big newss!!

So we'll get out of school al 5pm!! Yayyy!!!

Now, let's test my translation skills, translating a MLP song!!

What about "A Glass of Water"?

Okkk!! Yessss!!


A little glass of water please.

Un bicchier d'acqua, per favore.

A fresh pressed hanky If I sneeze.

Un fazzoletto appena stirato se starnutisco.

Some tea with honey from the bees.

Un po' di te con miele dalle api.

Whenever you can brew It.

In qualunque momento possiate prepararlo.

[Princess Cadance]

I'll get your tea.

Prenderò il tuo Thè.


And while I get a little rest.

E mentre mi riposo un po'.

A teeny tiny small request.

Una piccolissima richiesta.

Some codfish oil for my chest.

Un po' di olio di pesce freddo (?) per il mio petto.

Poured from a crystal cruet.

Versato da un'ampolla di cristallo.

[Twilight Sparkle]

A crystal cruet?

Un'ampolla di cristallo?

[singing faster]
My goodness, I'm a nincompoop.

Mio dio, sono un i****a.

Because I fear I've got the croup

Per ho paura di aver preso la groppa.

I need a vat of pumpkin soup.

Ho bisogno di una vasca di zuppa di zucca.

And scarves made out of Zinnias

E sciarpe fatte di Zinnie.

Did I say Zinnias? I meant silk.

Ho detto Zinnie? Intendevo seta.

Or something shiny of that Ilk.

O qualcosa di brillante di quel tipo.

And then I'll need some nice warm milk.

E poi avrò bisogno di un po' di buon latte caldo.

And pastries from Abyssinia.

E paste da Abyssinia.

And since my stomach's feeling crummy.

E dato che il mio stomaco di sente male.

Why not give my aching tummy.

Perché non dare alla mia pancia  dolorante.

Something soothing, something yummy.

Qualcosa di lenitivo, qualcosa di delizioso.

Piled up with noodles?

Impilato con I Noodles?

Add a slice of homemade rye.

Aggiungi una fetta di segale fatta in casa.

With stacks of Swiss way up high.

Con pile di Swiss fino all'alto.

Served with sides of sweet mince pie.

Servito con parti di tutto torta dolce tritata.

More basil; I need oodles!

Più basilico; ho bisogno di più roba.

[Twilight Sparkle]


I'll be grateful for your charity
Until the bitter end
Because I've heard that tenderness
Is what you lend an ailing friend
Tenderness, isn't that right, friend?
Twilight Sparkle: Right, but—
Discord: So, who's ready for my big reprise?
I'd like that glass of water please
Some magic spell to cure disease
A firm "gesundhoof" when I sneeze
A fresh bouquet of roses
Some lozenges will soon appease
My wheezing when I start to sneeze
A wig to keep me from the breeze
And blankets for my toes-es
Take tweezers out of my valise
And then massage my knobby knees
A bowl of peas, some extra cheese
A cuddle with a Pekingese
A singing harp who's named Louise
A goat on skis, a new trapeze
And more and more and more and more of these
And just because I oughta...
Make sure I'm drinking in the right
Amount of fluids day and night
I wish I may, I wish I might
Have just one little thing
Oh, would you please finally bring
Me that tiny glass
Of water?!!

Finishing tomorrow, because I'm tired!!

See youuuu

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