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Today I wanna share a list of my Phobias-

Let's looking at some lists...

I'll write here just the phobias I have, and not the ones I don't...!


I have...

- Achluophobia (Fear of Darkness);
- Acrophobia (Fear of Heights);
- Agoraphobia (Fear of Inescapable and Unsafe Situations);
- Agyrophobia (Fear of Crossing Streets);
- Aichmophobia (Fear of Sharp Objects);
- Algophobia (Fear of Pain);
- Apeirophobia (Fear of Infinity, Eternity and the Uncountable);
- Aphenphosmphobia (Fear or Being Touched);
- Apiphobia (Fear of Bees);
- Apotemnophobia (Fear of Amputees or/and of Becoming One);
- Arachnophobia (Fear of Arachnids);
- Atelophobia (Fear of Imperfection);
- Atychiphobia (Fear of Failure);
- Autophobia (Fear of Abandonment, Loneliness and Isolation);
- Belonephobia (Fear of Needles and Pins);
- Carcinophobia (Fear of Cancer);
- Catoptrophobia (Fear of Mirrors);
- Chemophobia (Fear of Chemicals);
- Cherophobia (Fear of Happiness);
- Chronophobia (Fear of Time);
- Claustrophobia (Fear of Small Spaces);
- Coimetrophobia (Fear of Cemeteries);
- Cynophobia (Fear of Dogs);
- Dontophobia (Fear of Dentists);
- Diagraphephobia (Fear of Losing Data);
- Driving-Phobia (Fear of Driving);
- Dystichiphobia (Fear of Accidents);
- Eisoptrophobia (Fear of Mirrors and One's Reflection);
- Entomophobia (Fear of Insects);
- Ergophobia (Fear of Work);
- Erotophobia (Fear of Sexual Love or Sexual Abuse);
- Galeophobia (Fear of Sharks);
- Gelotophobia (Fear of Being Laughed At);
- Gephyrophobia (Fear of Bridges);
- Genophobia (Fear of Sexual Intercourse);
- Gerascophobia (Fear of Aging);
- Gerontophobia (Fear of Aging);
- Glossophobia (Fear of Speaking);
- Gymnophobia (Fear of Nudity);
- Haphephobia (Fear of Being Touched);
- Hedonophobia (Fear of Pleasures);
- Helminthophobia (Fear of Worms);
- Hemophobia (Fear of Blood);
- Hippophobia (Fear of Horses);
- Hypnophobia (Fear of Sleep and Nightmares);
- Hypochondria (Fear of Illness);
- Insectophobia (Fear of Insects);
- Lilapsophobia (Fear of Tornadoes and Hurricanes);
- Mageiricophobia (Fear of Cooking);
- Melanophobia (Fear of Black);
- Melissophobia (Fear of Bees);
- Monophobia (Fear of Being Alone and Isolated);
- Myrmecophobia (Fear of Ants);
- Necrophobia (Fear of Death);
- Neophobia (Fear of Changes);
- Noctiphobia (Fear of the Night);
- Nosocomephobia (Fear of Hospitals);
- Nosophobia (Fear of Diseases);
- Numerophobia (Fear of Numbers);
- Nyctophobia (Fear of Darkness);
- Odontophobia (Fear of Dentists and Dental Procedures);
- Ommetaphobia (Fear of Eyes);
- Ophidiophobia (Fear of Snakes);
- Ophthalmophobia (Fear of Being Stared At);
- Panphobia (Fear of Everything);
- Pedophobia (Fear of Babies and Children);
- Paedophobia (Fear of Babies and Children);
- Pediaphobia (Fear of Babies and Children);
- Phallophobia (Fear of Erections);
- Pharmacophobia (Fear of Medications);
- Phasmophobia (Fear of Ghosts);
- Philophobia (Fear of Love);
- Phobophobia (Fear of Fear);
- Pornophobia (Fear of Pornography);
- Pyrophobia (Fear of Fire);
- Radiophobia (Fear of Radioactivity);
- Scopophobia (Fear of Being Looked or Stared At);
- Sexophobia (Fear of Sex);
- Social-Phobia (Fear of People);
- Somniphobia (Fear of Sleep);
- Spectrophobia (Fear of Mirrors);
- Spheksophobia (Fear of Wasps);
- Taphophobia (Fear of Graves);
- Telephone-Phobia (Fear of Phone Calls);
- Thanatophobia (Fear of Dying);
- Tokophobia (Fear of Pregnancy);
- Toxiphobia (Fear of Poison);
- Traumatophobia (Fear of Injury);
- Triskaidekaphobia (Fear of Needles and Injections);
- Trypophobia (Fear of Holes);
- Vehophobia (Fear of Driving);
- Veloxrotaphobia (Fear of Roller Coasters);
- Workplace-Phobia (Fear of Workplace).

That's all... At least from the Wikipedia list of Phobias...

Soooo... That's It!!!

I think I should say bye now, but first...

I have a lot of anxiety these days...

See youuuuuuu!!!

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