The Tundra pt-2

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A day passed and Ghost woke up in the safehouse. His head still throbbing in pain. The memories of what happened came rushing back to him. He remembered the attack, the konni soldiers, and her.

He sat up, a wave of anxiety washing over him. He had to find her. He couldn't lose her.

Ghost stood up, still weak from the hit to his head. He grabbed his rifle and his vest. He knew he was injured, but he couldn't let that hold him back.

He had to find her. He had to rescue her.

Every fiber of his being was screaming at him to go after her. To find her and bring her back home.

Ghost left the safehouse and stepped out into the cold. The snow was falling heavily and the wind was howling. The terrain was treacherous, but he didn't care.

He followed their tracks in the snow, his heart pounding in his chest. The uncertainty of not knowing where she was, not knowing if she was alive, was tormenting him.

The journey was difficult and dangerous. Ghost's head was still hurting, and he had to fight off the dizziness that threatened to overwhelm him.

But he pushed onward, determined to find her. He would go through hell and back to find her.

The tracks finally led him to a small cabin in the woods. It was isolated and hidden, a perfect place for someone to hide.

Ghost approached the cabin carefully, his rifle at the ready. He had no idea what he would find inside, but he was prepared for anything.

Ghost burst through the door, expecting a fight. But the cabin was eerily silent.

He looked around, searching for any sign of her. But the cabin was completely deserted. There was no sign of her anywhere.

Ghost felt a wave of frustration and despair wash over him. The cabin was a dead end. He had no idea where she could be now.

He walked deeper into the cabin, searching for any clue or clue that could lead him to her. But there was nothing.

He cursed inwardly, his frustration mounting with each passing moment. He was no closer to finding her than he was before. She could be anywhere.

He sat down on a dusty chair, running a hand through his hair. He was exhausted and frustrated.

He looked around the cabin, searching for anything that could help him. But there was nothing. The cabin was empty, devoid of any clues or clues as to where she could be.

He slammed his fist against the wall in frustration, ignoring the pain that shot through his knuckles.

His mind went back to that moment. The way he had grabbed her arm, the way she had fallen into his lap. It was all coming back to him.

He closed his eyes, reliving the moment over and over again. He could still feel the softness of her skin under his fingers, the way her body had fit against his.

But now she was gone. Konnis took her away. His heart was sinking thinking about what they can do to her. She would be alone, scared.

The thought of her alone and scared made his chest ache. He couldn't bear the thought of her being in pain or danger. He knew what the Konni did to their prisoners, and the thought of her going through that was too much to bear.

Suddenly Pric's voice came through the static. "Ghost! Do you copy?"

Ghost's head snapped up as he heard Price's voice come through the com link. He quickly grabbed the comm, relieved to hear his CO's voice.

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