If all else fails

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Albedo repeatedly paced around the campsite holding up her phone trying to get a signal.

Albedo: Ahh!! Why are we out here in the middle of the wilderness?

Y/n who was passing by with a few camping supplies stops and turns to her.

Y/n: Because this is a camping trip.

Albedo: But there's no Wi-Fi!

Y/n: Camping trips are about leaving technology behind for few days to reconnect with nature.

Albedo: But I don't want any of that!

She grabs onto Y/n's legs and gives him a pleading look.

Albedo: Y/n please I won't survive like this I need electrical stimulation.

Y/n: It's just for a few days you'll be fine. And who knows maybe you'll end up enjoying it.

Y/n walks off but Albedo still held onto his legs refusing to let go. She ended up being dragged along as Y/n walks up to the clearing and puts down the supplies he was carrying.

Albedo: Can I at least have chili fries?

Y/n: Well the nearest Burger shack is at least 40 miles from here. Maybe you can try a burger just this once.

Albedo: No I demand Burger shack this instant!

Y/n: But that's all you eat can you try different this time please.

Albedo: I don't want something different my craving for chili fries is insatiable.

Y/n: but if you keep going like this you'll get fat and my daily exercise routine with you isn't going to cut it anymore.


We see Y/n hovering above albedo holding a bag of chilli fries anytime she'd jump towards it he'd bring it up just a bit out of her reach.

Albedo: Stop doing that!

Bigchill: Come on try harder than that I'm going to need at least 30 more of those if you're going to get this.

He shakes the bag containing the chili fries enticing her. He starts hovering backwards and albedo starts running forward trying to grab the bag.

Albedo: Stop making this hard for me just hand it over.

Bigchill: just a few more miles

Flashback end

Albedo folds her arms and pouts which is something she recently started doing when she didn't get her way.

Y/n: Hey Don't be like that tell you what when this whole trip is over I'll get you as much burger shack as you want.

Albedo: Fine I'll sit through this primitive camping trip.

Y/n: Great you can help me set up the tent.

Albedo: Tent?

Y/n: Yeah not all of us are going to fit in the RV.

Albedo: you expect me to sleep outside?

Y/n: of course not you girls get to sleep in the RV. Me and Kevin will kick it outside.

Kevin: I never agreed to that!

Kevin shouts from the other side of the campsite where Max was flipping burger's.

Albedo: I-I mean I'm not against the idea of sleeping outside if I get to spend the night with you.

Y/n looks at albedo confused and she blushes while looking away.

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