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Y/n watches as Kevin Placed a banana into the ring of the teleporter.

Gwen: This is a very bad idea. I mean, we don't even know how to work A teleporter pad.

Kevin: Got to start somewhere.

Y/n: But why'd it have to be in my garage?

Kevin: It was the only place I could think of that could hold it.

Y/n: If This teleporter blows up or mutates us I'm gonna kill you.

Gwen: Jen, tell kevin this seems like a very bad idea.

She gets no response and looks around for Jen.

Gwen: Jen?

Jen pokes her head out from behind Y/n's car.

Gwen: Are you hiding?

Jen: No, It's just if a fly lands on that banana when it teleports and it rematerializes as a deadly Banana
Fly monster I don't want to be standing right next to it is all.

Kevin pushes a few buttons on the control panel.

Kevin: I don't see what the big deal is Tennyson. Didn't you used to turn into an insect all the time?

Jen: That was different.

Kevin: He we go?

Jen hides behind Y/n as Kevin pushed the button that activates the teleporter. The banana rises into the air and disappeared only to reappear a few seconds later. The banana's skin bubbles before it burst causing the teleporter to spark

Y/n: Uh-Oh

Kevin: That's not good.

Y/n: You think!

Jen: Turn it of!

The control panel sparks and kevin pulls his hands away.

Kevin: I can't it's too hot!

Jen: I know who can take the heat.

She transforms into swampfire and the control panel stops sparking. She looks down and sees that it was now destroyed.

Swampfire: Open the door!

Gwen throws a mana disk at the garage switch and opens the door. Jen runs towards the teleporter and grabs it. She rips it out of the ground and throws it outside.

Jen: Everybody down!

The portal explodes and the four took cover behind Y/n's car. Jen times out as they walk up to the broken teleporter.

Jen: Everyone okay?

Kevin: Forget that what about the teleporter pad?

Kevin runs towards the teleporter pad

Gwen: Deep down he's really glad we're okay.

Y/n: Sure he is.

Kevin: It's totally trashed...

Jen: Well, at least we don't have to worry about any banana fly monsters.

Gwen gives Jen a look and she shrugs.

Jen: Just saying.

Kevin: I know a kid who might be able to fix it.

Gwen: Fix alien tech?

Kevin: He's a total super genius with any kind of machinery doesn't matter if it's human or alien. I'll bring cooper over from his lab.

Y/n: Cooper?

Jen: Pasty kid?

Gwen: Blonde?

Y/n: short?

Gwen: Bad haircut?

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