The final battle

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Everyone watched in horror as vilgax  continued to grow.

Vilgax: Yes I can feel the power coursing through my veins

He looked down at them his eyes glowing with energy.

Vilgax: what will you do now Y/n l/n? I have the ultimatrix and you have nothing.

Max: He's got friends!

Max arrives and opens fire on vilgax the energy blasts collided with his body resulting in him growing in size. Kevin and Gwen get free from their restraints and got ready to fight. Max lands next to them prepares to blast vilgax again but was stopped by Orion

Orion: No stop! You're only going to make him grow bigger. we need to go now.

Max nods before tossing Gwen her spell book.

Gwen: My old spell book.

Max: I marked out a page for you.

Gwen opened the book and reads the incantation vilgax shoots at them with his eye beams but before it could hit they all disappeared in a flash of pink light.


They reappeared inside of Y/n's living room and Jen quickly grabs Orion by the collar.

Jen: Start talking now!

Y/n: Jen let him go.

Jen: You can't be serious? he kidnapped Gwen and Kevin, tried to hurt my parents and gave Vilgax the ultimatrix and after all that you want me to let him go.

Orion: the longer you stand here yapping the less time we have.

Max puts a hand on Jen's shoulder.

Max: let's hear him out.

Jen releases Orion and walked over to the couch.

Kevin: well genius start talking.

Orion: the serum I placed in vilgax's respirator was made to enlarge someone cells to the point that they would explode killing them from the inside.

Gwen: That's disturbing.

Jen: then why is he growing so fast?

Orion: I was getting to that. When he activated the ultimatrix it sent waves of energy through his body supercharging his cells and now they are growing rapidly along with him.

Y/n: meaning?

Orion: He's going to get stronger and stronger until his body can't handle the energy anymore and then he'll...

Gwen: He'll what?

Y/n: he'll explode

Orion: taking the entire planet with him

Kevin: so he's a living nuclear reactor waiting to go off?

Orion: and Max might have sped up the countdown.

Y/n: So what are we going to do?



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