Meanwhile in dimension 23

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Inside a Mr gyro's sat a boy surrounded by people who were trying to get his autograph.

Y/n 23: hold on. one at a time please I only have two hands.

Y/n tried his best to sign as many as he could but he was slowly being overwhelmed by his fan base which mostly consisted of girls. Y/n Wondered why he didn't have any male fans but thought it was because boy's didn't find him cool. A girl from the crowd waved to Y/n getting his attention.

Girl: I love you!

Y/n 23: Thanks that's really sweet of you

Y/n 23 smiled at the girl causing her to blush.

Girl: He called me sweet!

She immediately fell back on the ground passed out.

Y/n 23: Oh no!

Y/n quickly got up to check on the girl he sighs in relief when you realize that she was only passed out. On the other side of the Mr gyro sat a girl with her own set of fans but her group was smaller and paled in comparison to Yn's. She watched as Y/n interact with his fans with a frustrated look on her face.

 She watched as Y/n interact with his fans with a frustrated look on her face

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A/n: best one I could find

Jen 23: I just don't get it! what makes him so popular? He doesn't make any endorsements he doesn't have any merchandise and yet people love him.

Y/n notices her and waved in her direction she quickly looks away causing Y/n to scratch his head in confusion.


Y/n left the Mr gyro's and began making his way to his next destination unaware that someone was following him. Jen follows Y/n and observed his every move she was determined to figure out what made everyone love him so much. An explosion goes off in the distance that immediately gets Y/n's attention.

Y/n 23: I better check that out.

He activates his watch and transforms.

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