secret of chromastone 2

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Tetrax: it's almost time we must get there before Orion does

Y/n: we absolutely got our butts kicked by him. I'm not saying it's anyone's fault not naming any names here..... Kevin.

Kevin: The little punk got lucky, it's not like I'm the only one who got their butts kicked.

Y/n: something about that Orion guy seems familiar he kinda reminds me of me if that made any sense

Gwen: now that I think about it he does remind me of how you acted when you were kid

Kevin: don't tell me you're going soft now.

Y/n: no I'm saying I don't like the fact that there's someone out there who acts exactly like me running around with that kind of power.

At that moment Orion phases to the floor and enters the ship.

Hypnochill: did someone call my name?

He touches the wall and the inside of the ship starts freezing causing it's alarm to go off.

Tetrax: The engine is Frozen It's too cold, can't stay in the air we're going down!

The ship starts rapidly descending towards the ground and everyone quickly held on to their seats. Orion however was having a blast enjoying every second of the moment.

Hypnochill: When it comes to space travel we know you have no choice whatsoever but thanks again for choosing air orion.

The ship crashes in the middle of west bellwood destroying the roads and damaging multiple buildings as it went down. Orion, Team Tennyson and tetrax stumble out of the ship.

Tetrax: everyone okay?

Jen: barely

Orion: Whoo! Let's do that again!

Kevin grabs Orion by the collar and lifts him into the air.

Kevin: Got you! not so tough now are you?

Orion calmly grabs Kevin's wrist and twisted it in the opposite direction causing him to scream in pain.

Kevin: Ahhh!

Gwen: Kevin!

Orion: holy crap I didn't even know he had bones in there.

Gwen's hands glow with mana and she shot a blast at Orion blowing his head clean off. His body fell to the ground and Gwen realizing what she just did look at her hands in horror.

Gwen: I-I didn't mean too he just-

Y/n puts a hand on her shoulder and attempts to comfort her.

Y/n: It's okay it was an accident. If it makes you feel better I've done it a whole lot of times.

Gwen: That's different you like doing it you don't care about who you kill! But I do, I'm not like you I can't just kill someone and go about my day as if nothing happened.

Kevin: It's ok gwen you didn't know that would happen.

Orion: Aww all this drama over little old me I'm flattered.

They look back at Orion's head which was somehow functioning despite not having a body.

Jen: H-how are you doing that?

Albedo: amazing he seems to be able to function without his body.

Orion: No slacking off get up.

On command his headless body got up grossing out Jen and Gwen.

Jen/Gwen: Eww....

Orion's body picks up his head and placed it back on in the opposite direction.

Orion: oh come on this always happens. hold on give me a sec.

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