Divide and conquer

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Orion stares blankly at psyphon as he presents his plan to get the omnitrix.

Psyphon: We launch a full on invasion on earth and force Jen tennyson into giving her no choice but to hand over the Omnitrix.

Vilgax thought about his plan but his thinking was interrupted when Orion spoke up.

Orion: that plan is stupid.

Psyphon glared at Orion for embarrassing him in front of vilgax.

Psyphon: oh? Well perhaps you have a better plan you'd like to share?

Orion: as a matter of fact I do.

Didn't see the sense of writing the first half of the episode cuz it didn't really add anything because the little bit of character development I thought Ben would have had was completely erased away a second later.

We cut to Kevin drives through the streets with no destination in mind.

Kevin: I'm surrounded by nerds. I wonder if l/n would want to hangout?

He reached for his plumber badge to contact Y/n but before he could someone walked into the middle of the road.

Kevin: Whoa!

Kevin loses control of the car and swerves off the road. He crashes into a fire hydrant and stumbled out of the driver's seat.

Kevin: Ow my head.

Orion: Kevin buddy pal how long has it been like a month.

Kevin: You totaled my ride!

Orion: your ride isn't the only thing I'm going to break.

He activated the predatrix and slams down on the dail. In a flash of red he was fully transformed.

Kevin looks up at Orion who now towered over him

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Kevin looks up at Orion who now towered over him.

Predasaur: what are you going to do now Kevin? You going to call your friends for help? we both know you can't defeat me on your own.

Kevin: I don't need them to take you on your gonna get it big time!

Orion smirks as Kevin attacked him he threw a punch at Orion. He easily catches Kevin's fist before countering with a punch of his own that sent Kevin sliding across the pavement. He got up and was quickly ensnared by strong webbing Kevin tried to struggle but it all stopped when Orion stomped on his head knocking him out. Orion shifted back to his human appearance and quickly picked up Kevin's unconscious body.

Orion: that was easy

He walks away carrying Kevin.


Y/n woke up to his phone continuously buzzing. He groans as he reached onto his nightstand to grab his phone.

Y/n: Oh man what time is it?

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