"This wasn't supposed to be the end of our story Adam"

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Sally was getting ready for what is probably the worst day of her life. She put on of Adam's favorite dresses, she was looking at herself in the mirror
"Oh Adam"she sighed "How am I supposed to do this"she cried "I don't think I can say goodbye"she closed her eyes and let the tears fell "This isn't how it's supposed to be, we just married"she said
"I'm still here"she heard Adam's voice
Sally took a deep breath before going into their closet, she stood there taking in Adam's scent. Sally then ran her fingers along his clothes
"I .. can't ... do this ...alone"her voice was shaking
"You're not alone"she heard his voice again and turned around and gasped "Adam"she ran into his arms "They told me you were dead, how are you here"she said looking him over
"I'm not sure, but we don't need to worry about it now" he hugged her. Adam then reached over and grabbed one of his jackets and draped it over her "So you are not alone"he said wrapping his arms around her from behind her and held her tight "You are the strongest person I know."he kissed her cheek
Sally lightly touched where he kissed her
There was a knock on the door snapping her out of it. Sally turned and saw Coco and she became sad again. Coco found her sister on the floor in her closet wrapped in Adam's jacket
"Sally"she said softly
Sally looked at her confused "Why are you here"she asked
"You know why" she gave her a knowing look "Are you ready or do you need another minute"
Sally looked around realizing Adam was never really here "No"she said
Coco stepped closer and bent down "I know, but Chelsea just arrived with Connor"she told her
Sally looked at her like she had no clue why
"Remember you all agreed to go together"she reminded Sally
"Oh ya, I have had a lot on my mind" she looked at her wedding ring "Where are my girls"Sally asked
"All dressed and waiting in their room"she told her
"Alright, let's get this over with"she cried
Coco helped Sally up "Do you want to take Adam's jacket off"she asked going to remove it
"No"Sally snapped and pulled away from her sister "I need him" she said wrapping herself in the jacket
"Okay"she said guiding Sally out
    They came downstairs, Sally holding Mazie and Coco with Hadley. Chelsea was standing by the door and gave her a small smile when she saw her
"Hey, Sally"Chelsea greeted
Sally looked around "Where's Connor"she asked
"In the living room, he has been so shut down since we told him"she took a deep breath "He doesn't want to go"she informed Sally
"Him and me both"Sally said looking at Mazie "Um.. would you mind if .."she paused "I tried talking to him"Sally asked
Chelsea smiled "No go ahead, he has always opened up to you"she said "Here let me hold her for you" Chelsea grabbed Mazie
Sally stood there a second before going over to him. She pulled the jacket around her and walked over to him, she sat in front of Connor
"I'm not going to ask how you are, because I can guarantee you are like me"she told him trying to hold in her tears
"I don't want to go" Connor said not looking at her
"Me either"she said leaning in trying to get his eye contact "Because if we go... it's gonna make real ... and we don't want that"she said softly
Connor nodded
Sally thought for a second " I have an idea, if do this together..maybe it won't hurt as much"she smiled and held out her hand "What do say"she said
Connor looked at her for a minute, he didn't say anything he just jumped into her arms and hugged her tight
Sally just wrapped her arms around him "We can do this"she whispered
They were in the church, Sally still was in Adam's jacket holding Mazie who was playing with one of the buttons. Sally was in a daze she could barely make out what the person was saying.She looked around at the people,all these people she knew most of them never truly cared for him it made her blood boil. Sally then felt someone lightly squeeze her hand,she looked over and saw it was Connor, Sally squeezed back. Sally looked over at Hadley who was sleeping in Coco's arms. It broke her heart knowing they barely got any time with their father. Sally was kind of glad they were too young to fully understand, but her girls could tell something was wrong
Sally was snapped out of her thoughts when they asked if anyone else would like to say something. She nodded and handed Mazie to Nikki
Sally then went up to the podium and looked out into the crowd "Hello.. for those who don't know me I'm Sally Spectra"she stopped and shook her head "No I'm sorry I'm Sally Newman,Adam's wife"her voice cracked "I'm used to that... we just got married and"she paused and looked at the casket"Now I'm burying him, my husband is gone"she looked back over to them "Adam died doing the one thing he did best, protect the ones him loved. Do I wish he didn't"Sally nodded "But even if I tried to stop him, he wouldn't have listened"she paused for a moment "Now I have to go on without him, his kids who he loved so much have to grow up with their Daddy"she was crying "How do we do that"she asked. Sally looked at all the kids "Those beautiful faces, were Adam's everything, you could ask him "what's the best thing that happened to him" his answer was always the same.. Connor, Mazie and Hadley. His world revolved around his son, it's one the things that made me fall in love with him"she smiled at Connor "And when we had our girls, he was so excited" she looked at Mazie and Hadley. Tears fell down her face "This wasn't supposed to be the end of our story Adam"she slammed on the podium "You are supposed to be here with me, our family" she was hysterical "I'll never forgive myself" she covered her face and cried
Everyone watched as she went over the casket and cried. Nick went over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder
"Come Sally"he said softly and then guiding her back down
They were all back the house mingling. Connor was up in his room. Sally was sitting on the couch holding Haddie while talking with Audra
"Sally, I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sorry I never got to know Adam better"she told her
Sally have a small smile and leaned her chin on Hadley's head "Me too and thanks for coming, considering you haven't been with us long."she told her
"It's the right thing to do, besides i know what it's like to lose someone suddenly"she told her
Sally saw Victoria out of the corner of her eye and got annoyed "Excuse me"she said getting up and handing Hadley to Nikki and left before Nikki could ask if she was okay
Coco saw her bolt to the kitchen and followed her. She found Sally leaning over the sink
"Sally what's wrong"she asked
"What's wrong, are kidding me right now " she snapped "Why is she here, why is anyone who hated him here" she said out of frustration
"Sally who, who is here" Coco asked
"Princess Victoria, she hated him, she couldn't stand when anything good happened to him. It's makes me sick to my stomach that's she's here"she glared "What is she gonna do, dance on his grave" she yelled quietly
"Who know, who cares" she said stepping closer "That doesn't matter right now "she placed her hands on Sally's shoulders
"My husband is dead Coco, and I'm left here with people who barely acknowledged him when he was alive"she cried
"I know and wish I wish I could fix this for you"she hugged her "I'm also sorry for everything I said to you before" she placed her hands on her cheek "I'm going to help you get through this"
"I should have told you about Mom, then maybe...."
Coco stopped her "No, this isn't your fault Sally
Sally paused "I need a minute" she ran upstairs
Sally was leaning against the girls playpen, just staring at them. When she over heard Victoria talking to someone about her
"I wouldn't be surprised if she had him killed"she said in a snarky tone
Sally lost it and went over to her "Excuse me"she shouted getting everyone's attention
Victoria turned around and gave Sally a smug look "It's what you do Sally, when you want something"
"What would I want so badly I'd kill Adam"Sally asked
"Money, the company. I mean you practically ran my niece out of town for a job"
"How dare you, I apologized for that. Your family forgave me for that"she stepped closer
Coco took that as a sign to get the girls out of the room, so with Audra's help they went upstairs
"Come on Sally" Victoria looked at everyone "It's not coincidence that Adam mysteriously dies right after you get married. I'd bet you this was your plan working with your mother"she said
Sally slapped her
"This is my husband's funeral and you are here disrespecting his wife. So why don't you do everyone who actually loves him grieve him" she took a deep breath "Why are you here Victoria, if you are insulting me"
"For my father Sally, he still lost a son"
Sally started hysterically laughing "How rich, acting like you care . When it was your father who could have prevented this from happening" she gestured around her
"Oh please Sally this isn't on my father, Adam chose to go after your mother, so before you go blaming my father, why don't you just .. go look in the mirror"
Sally was in shock "I'd rather Adam be here with me then you in my house" Sally looked at everyone, then back at Victoria "Get her out of my house"she have her a stern look
Sally looked at Nikki "I'm going up to be with Adam's children"she said then running upstairs
   Sally didn't make it the the girls room yet. All of a sudden she felt like she was gonna be sick, she ran into the bathroom and threw up. Once she was done she collapsed onto the floor and cried for Adam

                   *What do think is gonna happen next *

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