"Oh my God ... it's you"

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       Sally barely slept her mind kept racing that Adam might be alive. She was pacing the living room. The doorbell rang, she ran to the door
"Oh Nick I'm so sorry for taking you away from the family... on Christmas"she sighed "I completely forgot what the day was"
"Sally it's fine" he walked in "I told you to call me anytime and I'm glad you did"Nick looked around the room "Finding out you came here, I should have known"
"Ya, when Chelsea offered to spend Christmas together I couldn't" she looked at the tree "I had to be close to him, I just never imagined how close I actually was"she told him
"Are you sure you actually saw him" he questioned
"Believe me Nick, when Mazie started screaming Dada and I saw him I questioned too" she sat on the couch "And then I thought maybe I am losing it, but I was afraid if said anything at first Victor would find out and take my kids"she was talking so fast
"Sally, slow down" he said coming to sit by her
"I'm sorry, I have in my head ever since, it's so overwhelming"
Nick nodded
"So I convinced myself it wasn't in him,that Mazie just saw someone who looked like Adam. But later that night we were looking at photos and Adam snuck some of us in there. When Mazie saw him she did it again said Dada" she said wiping her tears " She kept saying over and over. You know how she was with him. This was her first word Nick. So I was shocked, but my girl knew who Adam was" she looked at him
"If it was him Sally, how do you explain him being here in Kansas" he asked
Sally shot up "Nick they didn't find his car in Genoa City they found it in Canada, and no bodies were found"
"True, but that still doesn't tell us how he got to Kansas and why no one notified us Sally"
"Those are the questions I have been asking myself" she ran her hands through her hair and groaned
"Okay"Nick said
Sally started pacing again "Nick, you are the only one who knows I was seeing Adam, so I called you but I think we are going need Victor's connections. We need to get those answers "she said
"We will get them l, I will call him"he told her "But.."
"No buts Nick we need to find Adam or I'm.."she paused
Nick saw how worked up she was, he came over to her and took her hand "Okay relax"
"All this time he could have been right here all alone. While we were morning him" she looked down
"Let me call him, I'll be back" he left the room
Nick called Victor and he answered right away
"Hello son, what is the reason you aren't with us for Christmas" he asked
"Sally called me for help, I'm with her now" he told him
"You found her good, are the kids safe"
"They were always safe Dad. Look I'm calling because I need no,Sally needs your help. She thinks Adam is alive"
"She what, that's unbelievable"Victor said
"She thinks she saw him in town, and I believe her Dad. So I need the number of that guy in Kansas" he told him
"SHE'S IN KANSAS" he huffed "Son Sally seems unstable I think it's wise you bring my grandkids home"he told him
"Dad I'm not here to take her kids away from her...."
Sally overheard this and took the phone from Nick
"You have some nerve, we called because I can't find him on own. And all you care about is controlling and saying I'm unfit to a mom. Adam has been gone for weeks and I can say you only saw Mazie and Hadley ONCE. Nikki has seen them more then you. Now give us the number so I can find my husband and prove to you I'm not crazy" she shoved the phone into Nick and stormed out
Sally was laying on the bed holding her stomach, while Hadley was crawling around her
"You might be able to meet Daddy after all little one, I can tell him about you"she said softly
Nick knocked on the door, Sally jumped up
"Sally, sorry"he said
"Is your father sending someone for me" she looked at Hadley
Nick shook his head "No, you calling him out for not seeing the girls worked" he said
"Really he's going to help me" she looked at him
"Yes, he calling the guy now, and he'll reach out to me when they find something" he told her
"What if they don't Nick" she asked
"You can't think like that Sally. You got to stay positive" he told her
"So what do we do in the meantime. It's Christmas and I'm going to go crazy waiting" she told him.
Nick walked in "This is probably a stupid question, but do you have a picture of Adam" he asked
Sally gave him a puzzled look "Why"
"Let's go into town, somethings might be open. We can go ask people if they saw him" he suggested
"It wouldn't hurt to ask" she said "Let me get the girls ready" she told him
They walked around, Sally was getting discouraged because everything was empty. Which she figured. Nick saw a coffee shop open
"Let's try here" he opened the door
Sally walked in with the stroller, the lady from the ornament shop was sitting at the table Sally walked over
"Hello sorry to bother you. I don't know if you remember me"she said
"Oh yes hello dear"she looked at Nick who was by the stroller " Is this your husband"she asked
Both Nick and Sally at each other mortified
"No" she shook her head "I was wondering if you could help me, you see we are looking for this man, have you seen him" she held up the photo
She looked at it "No I'm sorry dear, but you can yet asking Mary"she pointed to the woman behind the counter "She's really good with faces and names" she smiled
Sally nodded and looked at Nick, who took the photo from her to try for her
"Hi excuse me" he said "Sorry to bother you"
Mary came over "Yes, how can I help you" she asked
"We are looking for my brother and the lady said you were good with name and remember people. Have you seen him before" he held up the photo
"Oh ya I just saw him yesterday" she said
Sally came over "Wait yesterday"she looked at Nick. Both realizing she did see him "You saw Adam" she said all excited
"I did, but his name wasn't Adam"she told them
Nick looked at Sally then back at Mary "What was this guys name" he asked
"Angelo said it was Alex something...Alex Wilson"
Sally and Nick looked at each other
"Do you know if he is in town. Where he might live"Sally asked
"I'm sorry" she shook her head
"Thanks you have been a big help"Nick said "Merry Christmas" he said
"Merry Christmas, I hope you find him"
They smiled and Nick guided her out
"Nick that's got to be him, how do we find him" she asked
"Let's go back to the house and I'll give the information to the guy. We will go from there" he told her
Back at the house Nick was on the phone relaying the information. Sally was in the bathroom throwing up
"Little one, I love you but Mommy can't handle this right now. She needs to focus on finding Dady"she said she placed her hand on her stomach "I promise once I do, my focus will go on you" she chuckled
Sally came back out to where Nick was
"Why would he go by Alex"she asked
"It could be a memory loss thing Sally"he told her
"But where would he get Alex Wilson from" she added
Nick looked at her "Hey are you okay, you don't look so good"
She swat him away "I'm good I'm just nervous" she told him as she sat down
"So he might remember who is" she got emotional
"We will handle this Sally,keep hoping okay"he patted her knee
Sally got sick again and ran to the bathroom
Sally came back and knew that Nick figured it out
"You can't know anything" she told him
"Sally, it's gonna be okay" he came over to her
"Me throwing up gave it away for you didn't it" she looked away
Nick chuckled "That and" he pointed to the tree "I saw the ornament with the extra snowman" he said
Sally gave a smile "I'm pregnant" she said
Nick came up to her and took her hand "Everything makes sense now, I understand why that night happened. And I'm so sorry you dealt with it alone"
Sally let go of his hand "That was my choice. You before I saw him here. I contemplated living here and having this baby here with anyone knowing" she cried "You know to be close to Adam" she placed her hands on her stomach
Nick pulled her into his arms and let her cry. As they were hugging the phone rang
Nick answered "Hello... are you sure" he paused "Thank you so much for your help" he hung up
Sally looked at him "Nick what is it.. good or bad news"she asked
Nick looked at him and a smile appeared on his face "They did their job, they found him Sally"he told her
"Oh my God, give me the address I need to go to him" she told him grabbing her purse
"Sally I don't think you should go alone, especially being pregnant" he told her
"Someone needs to stay with Mazie Haddie. And I'm not waiting another second" she told him "If Adam did lose his memory I can be the one to bring back to us" she looked at Nick "Maybe that's why I was seeing him, Nick"she said
"What if it's not him or he isn't the same guy you remember him to be. Please let me go for you"
"No I have four kids who think their Daddy is dead, thanks for your help but it's got to be me"she demanded
"Fine,but you call me if anything happens "he said
Sally nodded and ran out
Sally arrived at the condo,she doubled checked to see if she had the right place
"I'm coming Adam"she ran up
She finally found the right place, she rang the doorbell. Sally took a deep breath
"Please be him"Sally whispered to herself
It felt like forever before the door opened
Sally gasped when she saw the man that made her heart skip a beat
"Oh my God ... it's you"he said

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