"You know her Sally she's not gonna listen"

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It's been a couple weeks and everything has gone back to the way it was. Adam and Sally are back at work. Sally was getting ready she stood in front of the mirror she was adjusting her blouse staring at herself. Adam came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, Sally smiled and leaned into him
Adam pulled back a little when he felt the small baby bump "Is that"he questioned
Sally looked down "Yep, it just hit twelve weeks"she sighed
Adam turned her to face him "Hey, this is a good thing. It means our baby is growing"he placed his hand on the bump
"I know"she smiled "I'm happy but I wasn't prepared to see it so soon"she told him
Adam kissed her "It's okay"
Sally deepened the kiss, she wrapped her arms around him running her hands up his back
Adam reached behind and removed her hands "Babe, as much as I would love to continue this"he said as they were still kissing "We have a busy day" he said bring her hands to his lips
Sally pouted
"None of that, I promise we will finish this later"
"Fine"she groaned "I'll go get the girls ready"she went to leave
Adam pulled her back to him "Nope not before I kiss you" he said
"Adam we were just kissing and "you"" she couldn't finish because Adam captured her lips
Adam pulled back after a few minutes then bent down and placed a kiss on her bump "Hey little one nice to see you made your presence known, can't wait to feel you move" he said
Sally smiled "Can I go now" she asked
Adam smiled up at her "Yes I'll be down in a minute"he said
They both had back to back meetings all morning. Sally and Audra were at Society after the meeting. Audra looked over at Sally
"Hey girl are you okay?" She asked
"Yes, why wouldn't I be" she took a sip of her tea
"Well you were kind of quiet during that meeting"she looked at Sally's cup "And you are drinking tea"she gave her a look
Sally put the cup down "Okay I can finally tell you."she paused "I lied to you"she said
"About what, did we not finalize a deal or something"she asked
Sally shook her head "It has nothing to do with work. It's about the pregnancy test I took. I told you I wasn't but..."
Audra smiled "Wait you're pregnant" she said
Sally smiled and nodded
Audra got excited for her "Oh my goodness I'm so happy for you two" she told her
"Thanks, we are really happy too"
"Why did you tell me it was negative"she asked
Sally looked down and stroked her small bump "I didn't want to make it real because Adam wasn't here.. I know it's sounds crazy, I didn't want go through this without him"
"Sally it's not crazy I totally understand. It does explain why you left town"she said
Sally nodded
Sally walked into the office, she closed the door, Adam was at his desk he looked up and smiled
"How did your meetings go"he asked
Sally walked over to him "They went well, how did yours go"she asked
"Mine went amazing" he said
"That's good to hear. You know you never told me what yours were for"she asked
"You'll know very soon"he pulled her onto his lap "I need to finalize a couple more things, but I promise you are going to love it"he told her running his hand up her thigh
Sally smirked "Adam, you know what happens when you start doing this"she said
Adam leaned into her ear "Is the door locked" he whispered
"No"she said
"Go lock it"he told her
Sally pulled away "Why do I have to lock it when it's you who wants to fool around"she gave him a look
Adam didn't say anything he just got up still holding her and placed her on his desk. Then ran over to the door he locked it
"Happy" he said coming back over to her he went in between her legs. He began to unbutton her blouse as he was kissing her
Sally was removing his belt. Then she laid back on his desk as he got on top. Sally wrapped her leg around his waist
"Adam"she moaned
"I know baby"he said as he was kissing along her neck
Later they were laying on the couch. Adam was playing with her bracelet. Sally's head rested on his chest
"Can I tell you something" she said still out of breath
"Absolutely" he said catching his breath and kissed the top of her head
"I think this is my favorite part of working together"she looked up at him
"Mine too"he kissed her palm "I'm just sad you won't be working with me anymore"
Sally gave him a confused look "Why what's going on" she sat up
"The meeting I had, was for you" he told her
"Are you firing your wife"she looked hurt
Adam sat up "God no, Babe your are still working here, just in another division"he paused and smiled "Your fashion line" he said
Sally was in shock "Wow, I don't believe this"
"We talked about this on our honeymoon. You still want it don't you"
"Yes of course I do, but with the baby coming am I going to have time to focus on it"
Adam moved some hair aside and kissed her shoulder "You Sally Spectra can do anything. We can just attach this baby to you"he smiled
Sally smirked "Adam, you see this bump the baby is already attached to me"she laughed
"Touché, but you know what I mean" he said "You can design baby clothes"he suggested
"You really want this for me" she said running her hand up his arm
"I want whatever you want Sal"
Sally looked at him for a second "What I want" she leaned into him "Is another round of what just occurred, over there"
Adam back away a little "Seriously" he asked
"Yes" she pushed him down on the couch and was on top "But this time I'm in charge"she told him
"I'm all yours" he brought her into him
They were getting dressed, Adam looked over at her
"So is Spectra Fashions a go" he asked
Sally smiled "Yes" she nodded
Adam ran up to her and hugged her "Yes my baby is back" he squeezed her
"Hold on, I haven't designed anything since my wedding dress so I might be rusty"she informed him
"Fashion is in your DNA, you'll be back in no time"he said
"Have I told you lately how much I love you"
"Every day since I came back" he smiled "I already knew though"he kissed her
Sally's phone went off
She pulled away "That's my alarm. I need to go get Connor.Do you want me to take the girls or do you want to bring them home"she asked
"I'll bring them home, I need to finish some things up"he told her
Sally nodded then left
   Sally and Connor entered the house,Connor was upset
"Connor everything is going to be okay. Once your Dad comes home he'll figure out a way to handle this"she told him
"You know her Sally she's not gonna listen"he said
Sally looked at her stepson "I have an idea why do you go get you suit on and swim for a bit before dinner"
Connor nodded then headed up to his room
Sally popped down on the couch and took a deep breath
    Victoria walked into her office and was startled to find Adam sitting in her chair
"Hello sis, by that reaction I'm guessing no one told you the good news" he stretched out his arms "I'm back" he smirked
"No they told me, just wasn't expecting you in my chair" she glared at him
Adam got up and walked to the other side and Victoria say down
"You know I was disappointed you weren't here for the big family reunion when I returned" he looked at her with a sad face "So I thought since my dear old sister is back why not have our own celebration"he said sarcastically excited
"Look I'm glad Dad didn't lose you.."
"But you'd be happy if I was actually dead"he told her
Victoria just stared at him
Adam scratched his head "You know it's crazy Nikki has shown some grace and has this bond with Sally but you even after my "death" your are still this cold hearted person"he leaned in "I find out how horrible you treated her at my funeral"
Victoria gave him a smug look "Why would I change"
"You have a point there. But my wife was going through hell and all you cared about was.." he paused "I don't know what pleasure it gave you but accusing her of killing me was just cruel" he got up "Look we might shared blood but that's it you got your wish sis, you are no sister to me. My family now is who was there for my wife and kids when they needed someone"he walked out
   Later on Adam came home carrying the girls. He found Sally and Connor at the counter eating ice cream
"Ice cream for dinner" he said "Either you are craving it or Connor guilted you into it"he teased
"This was all me, but not because of the baby" she said giving him a spoon full.
Sally then took Hadley and looked over at Connor who was staring at his bowl
"What's wrong Con" Adam asked
"Mom's moving to Paris" he looked over at his Dad
Adam was in shock "When did this happen" he asked
"She told me today after school, before Sally came"he went back to looking at his ice cream "Dad I don't want to go, I want to stay here with you and Sally"he said softly
Adam nodded "Um Sal, can you take the girls upstairs and give me time alone with him" he asked
"Of course"she rubbed Connor's back before taking Mazie from Adam. Giving him a kiss before leaving
Adam took Sally's spot and sat next to him "Con look at me"he told him
Connor did
"I'll talk to Mom but if it doesn't go the way you hope it will. I want you to know that it doesn't mean we don't want you here with us"he told him
Connor just hugged him "Love you Dad"
   Sally was playing with the girls in their room. When Adam came in
"I can't believe Chelsea would do this without discussing it with me" he groaned
"When he told me I was shocked. You two have this good co parenting relationship now"she said "How is he" she asked
"He's confused, he's in his room reading"
Sally nodded, Adam sat down with her looking at her
"Adam what is it"she asked
"How would you feel about him living here full time"
"Easy answer Adam. I'd love it he is my family too and this is his home"she told him
Adam leaned over and kissed the side of her head "I knew you'd fine with it"he moved a strand of hair out of her face "Just with the baby coming.."
Sally stopped him "Adam Connor living here with us is not a stressful thing for me. If Chelsea allows him to stay that's all that matters" she smiled
Adam nodded and looked at Hadley How would you like it Bean, if big brother lived with us every day"he asked her playing with her hand
Mazie started clapping, Sally and Adam looked at her and giggled
"Well we know how she feels" Sally kissed her
"Speaking of Mazie and Haddie any ideas for their first birthday party"he asked
"Oh I have a lot of ideas"Sally got teary eyed "How are our babies about to be one Adam"
"I know it's crazy how fast this year went" he said
"A lot happened" she got quiet
"That is true"he laid down and took Hadley and lifted her up in the air "Haddie are you more  excited to be one or to be a big sister"he said to her
Sally laughed and laid down next to him bringing Mazie to lay on her "Do you two want a baby sister or a baby brother" she said stroking Mazie's hair

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