"It's what he kept wishing for"

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    Coco took the girls out for the morning to give Sally a little break. She decided to clean the house, as she was in the middle the doorbell rang. Sally looked at the door for a second deciding if she wanted to answer it
Sally went over and answered it "Audra, what are you doing here"she asked
"I know are taking a break from the company and don't worry everything is handled"she smiled "I came to check on, thought you could use company. You know company that's not related to you" she chuckled
That gave Sally a laugh "Come on in" she told her and moved aside to let her in "Let me go change, I'll be right back" she said running up the stairs "Make yourself at home" she hollered
Audra was looking around at all the photos on the wall. When Sally came back down
"That one was Adam's favorite" she said making her presence known
"I can see why"Audra smiled at her "He loves you, it's written all over his face"
"Can I get you anything, water , tea"she offered
"Maybe later"she told her
"Okay, do you  want to go sit by the pool. My sister took the kids so it's just us"she said
"I'd love too" Audra smiled
They sat at the edge of the pool with their feet in. Sally looked at the water deep in thought
"I'm sorry, I mean you start this job, and a few weeks later you are thrown into running the company for us" Sally said
"It's fine, I can handle it Sally. You know we don't have to talk about work , we can talk about anything that's on you mind. I'm here as your friend to listen"she told her
Sally sat there in silence for a few minutes until "I might be pregnant"she said not looking at Audra
Audra was speechless
Sally realized what she just said "I'm sorry I didn't mean to blurt it out like that"
Audra leaned over and took her hand "No it's okay" she looked at her "Are you okay"
Sally started crying "I don't know" she looked over at Audra
"How long have you thought this" Audra asked
"I might not be, it probably the stress of it all"she looked down as she moved her foot around the water "My mind keeps thinking I might be,you know like this last from Adam"
"I'll stay with you, if you want to take a test"Audra offered
"I would like that"Sally said
They were in Sally's bathroom, Audra was leaning against the door frame while Sally sat in the edge of the bathtub waiting for the timer
"This isn't my first test obviously, so why does it feel so weird" Sally said
Audra gave her a sympathetic smile "Because I'm not the person you want by your side right now" she told her
Sally looked at her "You seem to have an understanding on on losing someone you love"she said "I remember you mentioning something about it at the funeral, do you mind telling me about it, it's okay you don't... I don't like talking about Adam to people I don't know well"
"No it's fine" Audra came over and sat next to her "There's been a couple people, but the one I was thinking about when I told you, was my boyfriend" she looked down "We were teenagers so it was long time ago.. but"
"The hurt never went away" Sally questioned "I'm sorry no one should have lose someone that young"
"Thanks, you know I made the mistake of trying to find ways to not feel the pain and show people how badly I was hurting"she told her
"You're telling me this because you think that's what I'm doing"Sally asked
"They say there's no wrong way to grieve or cope but trying to not feel it does more damage then you think Sally"
"I can't fall apart I have to be strong for my girls"Sally started to cry
"Sally" Audra looked at her "You can still be strong for them all while letting yourself get out when you need too"she told her
The timer went off, Sally froze and looked at the sink
"When ever you are ready Sally" she said
Sally got up and walked over , she looked down, took a deep breath and flipped the test over. She stared at it
"Sally what does it say" Audra asked
"It's negative.. I'm not pregnant"she said in a sad tone, throwing the test away she walked out
Audra followed "Sally how do you feel about it"she asked
"I'm okay "she looked to the nightstand at the picture of the two of them "It would have been a beautiful gift, you know"Sally teared up "A honeymoon baby" she whispered "It's what he kept wishing for" she walked over and pick up the picture and sat on the bed "But I guess the way I was feeling was  from the stress and everything"she said
"I'm sorry"Audra told her
"Thanks... you know for being here. I don't how I would have been if my sister was here instead, I don't even I think would have brought up to her"Sally smiled at her
"What are friends for.Hey, why don't we go out to lunch my treat" she smiled
Sally shook her head "Thanks but maybe another time. Connor is coming over to spend the night. I want to get ready for him"she told her
"Okay" she came over to her and put her hand on Sally's shoulder "You call me if you need anything"she told her
Sally nodded and smiled
Coco brought the girls back and offered to stay when Connor came but Sally wanted it to be just the three. They were playing a board game. Sally would space out at times Connor noticed
"Sally are you okay" he asked look concerned
"Of course" she smiled "I'm so happy you are here" she told him "So are excited for winter break"
"Yes and no. To be out of school yes,but not having dad here"he looked down
"I forgot about that, I'm sorry" Sally said looking sad
"It's Hadley and Mazie's first Christmas"he looked at them
"That's right it is" she looked at them as well "Last year they were in here" she placed her hand on her stomach and froze
Connor was concerned "Sally are you sure you're fine, you seem really off tonight"
Sally broke out of her thoughts"I'm fine , I was just thinking" she started cleaning up "You know what let's get some pizza" she pointed at him "I'll even let you get pineapple"
"You hate pineapple" he looked confused
"I know, but you and your dad loved it. So I'll suffer and eat some tonight. Now go get the menu" she told him
Connor ran out
Sally plopped down on the couch and laid back and sighed. She couldn't believe grief took over and made her forget that Christmas was in a couple of days. Not only was it the girls first Christmas it was their first Christmas without Adam
"Adam what are you doing" she asked all confused
"Shh" he said and lean his head on her bump "Hey you two"
Sally smiled
"Look I don't know which one we just found out about today. But we can't wait to meet you." He kissed her stomach "Merry Christmas" he whispered "Next Christmas you'll be here with us"
"That will be the best Christmas"Sally said rubbing his hair
             *****End of Flashback******
"This was supposed to me our best Christmas Adam"she said softly
Connor came back "Here Sally"he said handing her the menu
Sally ordered the food "Can you be a big help and get your sister's hands washed for me"
"Sure thing Sally,I'll be right back" he took the upstairs
Sally and Connor were eating , well Connor was. Sally was moving the food around.Mazie and Haddie were playing with the pineapple
Connor saw Sally not eating "I thought you were hungry"
"I guess I'm anymore" she gave him  a small smile
"Sally, do you remember when you and Dad first got together and we made our own pizzas" he asked
"Of course the kitchen was a mess  for weeks"Sally giggled "Thanks to Adam" she got quiet again
"It's sad that Mazie and Hadley won't get those memories with him"
Sally looked over and them and smiled
"I'm sorry I didn't mean make you sad again" Connor felt bad
"No Connor never apologize for talking about your Dad. We should be able to talk about him, if we do it's like he never left us"
"So we keep talking about him so we don't forget him" he asked
"And we need talk about him for Maz and Haddie for they know who he was"
Sally nodded "It's getting late, you should get ready for bed"she tapped in the table
"Alright" he said getting up and heading up, he looked back "Sally" he called out
"Yes" she said looked back at him
"You know how Dad would always come to my room for a bit before I fell asleep"
"Yes" she said picking up Hadley
"Would you mind doing it tonight" he asked all nervous
"Are you sure" she asked with tears in her eyes "I know it's your Dad's thing"
Connor nodded
"Then of course, let me clean up and put the girls to bed. Then I'll be in" sje smiled
He smiled back then ran up
"Okay girls time for bed" she said picking up Mazie and heading up
It had been a long time, Connor was laying in bed waiting. He wondered what could be taking Sally so long . He got out of bed , Connor looked into his sisters room and saw they were in their cribs and there was no sign of Sally. Connor then went to her room and it was empty
"Sally" he called out, trying not to wake up his sisters
There was no answer. Connor went downstairs. He looked in every room, he finally found her sitting by the pool
Connor slowly moved closer he could hear her talking
"Sally" he called again, she she didn't respond
Connor then ran to the phone and made a call
"Hello"a voice was heard
"Uncle Nick, it's Connor" he said
"Hey Bud what's up its pretty late. Is everything okay" he asked
"I'm staying at Sally's"he said an paused
"Okay, is something wrong" he asked
"I don't think she's okay" he responded "How so Con" he was concerned
"She seemed off tonight, which I understand because I have those moments, but when I asked her to come say goodnight to me she never showed"he told him
"Are there alone" Nick asked
"No she's here" he looked back at her "But it's like she's somewhere else"
"Alright , I'm coming over there. Are sisters okay"he asked
"Yes, they are asleep"he said
"Okay hang tight I'm on my way"

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