"It wasn't a dream... you and me"

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      Sally stood there frozen still in shock seeing the love of her life. He looked a tad run down. He stared at her as well
"You know who I am" she sounded hopeful "You remember me" she asked
Alex shook his head "No, I'm sorry I don't know who you are, I said that because I have seen you before" he told her
"You have"her eyes lite up "You have no idea how happy I am to see you alive .. Adam" she said softly
"I'm sorry you must think I'm someone else my name isn't Adam .. it's Alex ... apparently" he told her
Sally shook her head "You aren't Alex Wilson , you are Adam Newman"she smiled
Alex looked confused "How do you know my full name "he asked
"I can explain by helping you remember, if you let me"she looked down "I promise if you have no recollection after I will walk out the door and leave you alone"

He nodded and let her in. Sally walked in and looked around
"Have you been here long" she asked looking back at him
"Oh this isn't my place, the doctor who helped take care of me graciously invited me to stay when the only thing that made sense to me was being in Kansas"he told her
Sally nodded "What happened to you, do you remember that"she asked
"I was in some kind of accident"he stopped "Enough of the questions, you have ten minutes"he said in a cold tone
      Sally was taken back by his tone but understood "Let's sit" she gestured to the couch
Alex came over and sat next to her but not to close
"I was only asking those questions to see where I should start to help you"she looked at him "What do you remember, does any family members come to mind"she asked
Alex shook his head
Sally took out her phone "Alright I'm going to show you some photos and we'll see if anything stands okay"she smiled
He nodded
She showed him their house in Genoa City "Does this house look familiar" she asked
He took a look then shook his head
Sally smiled "That's okay, it's pretty new"she swiped to a photo of Victor Nikki, Victoria and Nick "What about these people do any of them look familiar"she said
Alex looked "Should they" he asked
"Yes, but it's quite alright" she looked at him
Alex rubbed the bridge of his nose
"It's okay, we are going to take it slow" she told him rubbing his shoulder
"I don't think showing me pictures is gonna help me" he told her
Sally put her phone down on the table "Then tell me"she paused "Alex what you remember on what happened, maybe it will give something to go with" she told him
"That's just it, everything I'm seeing doesn't make sense. It's like a puzzle, I see all the pieces that go together but it's all mixed up. I know they mean something to me"he looked at her
Sally just nodded and kept listening
"Like at the hospital when they told me "my name" it didn't feel right to me" he said
"That's because it isn't your name " she said softly moving closer "You are Adam Newman"
"Then how did I have an ID that said Alex Wilson on it"he asked her
"I don't know" she told him
      He got up in frustration "See more mixed up pieces" he groaned
Sally got up and went to him "It's going to be fine. I won't give up until everything makes sense for you" she said "We will take it one step at a time" she said softly
Alex turned around "Can we focus on one certain thing right now " he asked
"Of course, what would you like that to be"
"You" he said
Sally was surprised "Me, why me"
"I don't know, but your face was the only thing I was seeing" he paused "And I was with you, but I don't know if those times were real or a dream"
Sally crossed her arms "What happened... in these dreams" she asked
Alex thought for a second "We were together and I can't explain it but I felt I was ..."
"Home"she said remembering him telling her this
"Ya, but the latest one was like you were my safe place as stood in front of these doors.. it was almost like I had to make a choice"
Sally realized they did in fact have the same dream, but she didn't want to freak him out "What kind of choice was it" she asked
"I don't know if, it was a key to who I am, but the doors I can't remember what they said" he said
Sally smiled "How about we stop for today? I mean you gave me ten minutes"
Alex shook his head "No I don't want to stop" he told her
"Okay, how about we try some pictures again, are you up for that" she asked
"Sure" he said making his way to the couch and sat down
Sally sat beside him "This is a picture of your favorite place in the world" she smiled at him handing him the picture of the farmhouse
Alex took a look at it and flashes from before came to mind "I have .. seen this place"
Sally got excited "That's great" she said "This place it was mother's, that's where you grew up" she smiled
"My mother" he questioned
Sally nodded "Sadly I never met her, so I don't have much to tell you but I know she was kind and made the best pumpkin pie" she said
"Pumpkin pie" he repeated " I remember something about that being my favorite"he said
Sally nodded "We are getting somewhere, this is amazing"
Alex swiped to the next picture and saw the picture of the kids from the wedding
"Who are they"he asked
Sally leaned over and saw what he was talking about "Oh that's Connor, Mazie and Hadley" she told him, her heart broke a little seeing he didn't remember them
"They are beautiful" he said staring "This one looks like she has my eyes somehow"he said pointing to Hadley
"She does"Sally smiled "I noticed that too"she said looking at the photo
Alex went to the next one he was shocked "We are married" he asked
Sally saw it was from there wedding "Yes" she rested her chin on her hand
Alex looked over at her "I'm married.... and your my wife" he asked
Sally had tears in her eyes "That I am, is any of this helping"she asked
"How long have we been married"he asked
"A month" she told him. "We have been together for almost two years" she started to cry "A couple weeks after the wedding we lost you or we thought we lost you" she was shaking
Alex leaned in and wiped her tears away. Sally took in the intimate moment
" I didn't mean to make you sad"he said
"YoI didn't, all these emotions are still fresh me"
They stayed staring at each other for a long time. Sally broke the contact
"I should get going and let digest all this" she grabbed her purse and took her phone from him "I'm staying at that house,the second one I showed you" she told him
"That farmhouse, that's here in Kansas" he said surprised
Sally nodded "Yes so if anything comes up for you" she said writing down her number "Call me, I'm here til new year's
Alex nodded
Sally started heading to the door, she stopped and turned around
"I'm hopeful you'll remember soon, you just got to have faith you'll remember who are" she smiled
Alex could tell something was on her mind "What is it" he asked
"I know this is gonna sound so awkward, but it's been a long time for me, so will it be okay if I hugged" she asked
Alex nodded
Sally exhaled and slowly hugged him, she wrapped her arms around him. She felt him slowly wrap him arms around her
"This feels right,but I don't know why"he said still holding her
"It's okay"she ran her hands up his back "Our love will help you find me"she whispered
When he heard those words, he saw everything come together in his mind. He didn't feel Sally let go of him and start to leave. Flashes of his family, his kids, his Sally
"WAIT" he called out
Sally turned around and saw his face "Are you okay" she asked
He came up to her and stared into her eyes "It wasn't a dream... you and me" he said
Sally smiled "No"she said softly
He caressed her face studying her "Sally" he said as a smile appeared on his face
Sally gasped Yes it's me"she said running her finger along Adam's chin
"I'm not Alex... I'm Adam"he stated
"That you are, you are my Adam" she said as she cried
"And you're my Sal"he said
Sally nodded as tears fell
   Adam stared at her for a second then he wasted no time he dropped his cane and put both hands on her cheeks and backed her into the door capturing her lips with his. Sally wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss
     Sally began to moan from the kiss, Adam started to move his way down her neck.
Sally giggled "It feels like sand paper" she said
Adam pulled away "Do you want me to stop" he asked
Sally pulled him back to her "Don't stop, don't ever stop" she said taking in the kiss
Adam wrapped his arms around her waist tight and picked her up
"Adam, your leg"she said out of breath
"I don't care" he said ignoring the pain and proceeded to bring her to his room
    Adam laid her on the bed not breaking the kiss. He groaned a little from the leg. Sally took over and turned him over so he wasn't putting pressure on it
"Here let me"she whispered straddling him
Adam nodded running his hands up her
   Sally unbuttoned his shirt, she gasped seeing his the scar from them reviving him on his chest. She looked at him, then began to run her fingers along it
  Adam put his hand on her cheek "What is it" he said softly
"You almost died" she said looking at him
"But I didn't, I'm here with you"he said "I know the scars are scary"
Sally shook her head "No" she began to kiss them "I'm grateful for them" she smiled up at him "They saved your life"
Adam intertwined their fingers together and brought her hand to his lips "I love you"
"I thought I'd never hear those words again" she exhaled
Adam pulled her into him and kissed
They made love for what felt like hours, they had lost time to make up for
   They laid in bed,Sally's head resting on his chest, Adam running his hand up her thigh his lips resting on her head
"You know, I should lose my memory and disappear more often if it leads to that" he joked
Sally sat up and hit him " Adam Newman don't you dare joke like that. We thought you were dead, I thought I had to spend the rest of my life without you " she cried and pulled her knees into her
Adam felt horrible after seeing how upset she was, he sat up "I'm sorry"he wrapped his arm around her "I can't imagine the hell you went through"
"It was hell all right"she looked at him "But what got me through most days was our kids" she smiled "Do you remember them now"she asked
"Our kids came to mind when things came together for me"he looked down "How could I forget them" he said
"Do you remember what happened"she asked
Adam rubbed his forehead "I see things but I don't know what it all means"
"It's okay" she took his hand "Talk me through it, I can help you"
"I remember trying to save someone" he said
Sally nodded "Yes and you did, our girl Hadley"she looked down "There was this bad woman, who in unfortunately is my mom" her voice broke
Adam looked shocked
"She was trying to hurt me, because I didn't let her in my life" she looked at him "We don't have to continue, I don't want to bombard you with everything at once" she said
"No, please go on" he took her hand "What did she do"he asked
"She took Hadley from us"she said staring down
Adam froze and Sally noticed
"Adam what is it, are you okay"she got worried
"She was... she was mad at me, she blamed me" he told her as he saw images from the event  
   Sally was stroking her thumb over his knuckles to let him continue to process
"I remember arguing with her to give me Hadley" he nodded "She did.. but I don't remember what happened next"
Sally wiped her tears away "Adam this is great, will figure out the missing pieces, but we don't to do everything now"she kissed his shoulder
Adam smiled at her
"Connor is going to be so happy to see you" she changed the subject
"How are my girls" he smiled
"They are good, getting big every day. They knew something wasn't right, especially your  Mazie Moo"she said
Adam kissed her shoulder "I meant all my girls" he smirked
Sally smiled "It's been forever since you did that" she said "I'm better now" she answered "Some days I felt like I was losing my mind, I kept seeing you" she was stroking his face
"I'm sorry, if it helps I was losing my mind seeing you too"
Sally shook her head "But for you, you couldn't remember me, I remembered everything" she cried
"True"he moved her hair to the side "But I couldn't get to you"Adam laid her back down and carefully laid on top of her "I believe that I was seeing you in my coma, that's when you were seeing me"
"It's possible, I remember you saying something, when thought of me I was seeing you. But it's still crazy"
"It's is" he was caressing her "But when it's comes to us anything is possible" he whispered and kissed her nose
"You know" she ran her fingers up his arms "We should make Christmas "our" holiday now, we always get a miracle" she smiled
"We don't do holidays"he chuckled
"I know, but with everything we been through. Maybe we should start"she said
"Maybe we should" he smiled and kissed her
As he was kissing her she began to feel nauseous "Adam, wait" she pushes him off her and sat up
"Hey are you okay, what happened" he got worried
Sally was breathing through the feeling "Yes I'm okay, but there's something I need to tell you"she looked at him
"I'm listening Sal"
"Do you remember anything about our wedding" she asked
"Ya those memories a coming back, we got married on the beach"
Sally nodded "Anything about our honeymoon" she asked again
"I took you to Tuscany,right"
Sally smiled "Where our story began" she told him. She took his hand "We um... created the best gift from there" she than placed his hand on her stomach , wait for it to register
Adam's got big "Are you serious" he looked down "We actually made our honeymoon baby"he chuckled
Sally cried tears of joy "Yes we did"
Adam got excited "You're pregnant"he asked
"Yes, at first I thought I was sick from all the stress from losing you. But when I took that test I saw "pregnant" I didn't want it be true"
"How come" he asked
"I didn't want to" she looked at his hand still resting on her stomach "Do this without you"she cried
Adam pulled her into him laying them both back down on the bed "Oh Baby it's okay, you don't have to, I'm here" he kissed the side of her head
Sally moved into him and inhaled
Adam rested his hand on her stomach again"Our honeymoon baby"
Sally just smiled and place her hand over his


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