"Helen wasn't real... she wasn't here was she"

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    It was the day after Adam and Connor left to go to Paris. Sally was trying to keep her mind off Adam being away. She was thankful she had the baby to help distract as the kept kicking. Sally stopped doing what she was doing and leaned back in the chair and exhaled
Sally ran her hands along her bump "Bug, I know you are trying to help Mommy's mind to wander. But I'm going to need you to relax a bit"she said
Just then her phone went off she looked at the ID and smiled
"Oh it's Daddy" she said and answered it "Hey your ears must have been ringing I was just thinking about you"she told him
"Oh ya,was these thoughts dirty thoughts"he asked
Sally laughed "No, sorry to disappoint you. Did you make it to Paris yet" she asked
"Yes, we just landed we would have been here sooner but with the issue with the plane there was a delay" he told her
Sally was quiet for a minute
"Sal, you okay"he asked
"Yes, Bug just kicked my rib cage. I'm good"she sighed "I wish I could have gone"
"I know, me too. Look we are about to be at Chelsea's soon so I'll call you when I get him settled" he told her
"Sounds good..ooh"Sally paused
"Sally everything okay" he got worried
"Bug says hello"she laughed
Adam laughed "Well tell Bug I love and miss them" he said
"What about me, do you miss me" she asked in a sad tone
"Oh you know I do Baby, I miss all my girls. Before I go how are they" he asked
"They are good. Maz was looking for you this morning"she told him
Adam laughed "My girl"
"You aren't believe this but I let Nikki and Victor take them for the day and possibly the night"she said
"You are right, I don't"he chuckled "What made you do that"
"After yesterday being by myself with them, I was exhausted"she sighed and cry
Adam knew he had to get off but something made him afraid to get off
"Sally"he said
"I'm sorry, I don't what happened but it's like Bug took all my energy or something"she said
"What are you doing at work then" he asked "You should go home and rest you are allowed to"
"I might, i just had come in and finish a few things"
"We are pulling in now. So I'll call later and you better be at home. I love you"
"I love you too" they hung up
Sally was sitting at her desk with her eyes closed. Audra came in looking at her phone
"I just got a weird text from Adam telling me to tell you to go home"sh looked confused
Sally shook her head "I shouldn't have told him I was tired"
"You do look a bit tired. You go I'll finish things up for you"Audra told her
Sally smiled "Can you go something for me"she asked
"Anything"Audra smiled
"Have a glass of wine for me"she looked down since the baby kicked "Maybe two" she giggled
"That I can. Now go before Adam calls me"she told her
Sally decided to go get some food she has been craving before heading home. She was at Society waiting
"Hey Sally"she heard someone call her name
Sally turned around and saw Elena "Oh hey Elena"she smiled and went to her table "How have you been" she asked
"I'm good, been busy at work. How are things with you"she looked at her stomach "Is everything good"
"Yes"Sally smiled "But for some reason I'm more exhausted with this pregnancy then I was with the twins"she gave a small laugh
Elena gesture for her to sit, Sally gladly accepted
"So how much longer do you have left"Elena asked
"Two more months"Sally told her
"That's exciting it's getting close"Elena said "So how is Adam" she asked
"He is good, he is actually away"Sally told her
"Oh something to do with business"Elena asked
"Um no, he took Connor to Paris to drop him off with Chelsea"she told her
Elena eyed her and could tell something was off
"Sally what is it, are you afraid Adam will cheat"
"Oh God no"she shook her head "He wouldn't do that"
"But clearly something is weighing on you"Elena leaned forward "You can talk to me"
"You know what we went through earlier this year"
"Yes, quite a story"she said
"Ya, it is" she took a sip of water "I shouldn't be worried but"
"It's not far from your mind it could happen again"
The waiter came out with her food
"I should get going,it's good to see you"
"You too, if you need anything while Adam is away don't hesitate to call"Elena told her
"Thanks, he should be back tomorrow night" Sally told her
Sally was setting up things to eat in her own world. The baby was kicking her
"Hold on Mommy is going to feed you" she laughed
A few minutes later she finished up
"Your Daddy is going to be so happy to know you are a fan of this"she laughed "Now that I fed you can Mommy sleep for a bit" she sighed
Sally got up to clean up when out of the corner of her eye she saw someone standing at the window. She gasped and dropped the plates. The crash of the plates made her look down but when she looked up nothing was there
"You're fine, it's nothing" she started to calm herself down
Sally's mind kept focusing on what she saw or what she thought she saw. She decided to call the ranch, Nikki answered
"Hello"she said
"Nikki it's Sally, are the girls okay"she said a little panicky
"Oh hi hon, yes they are good."she looked at them "Victor is teaching or trying to teach them chess"she smiled
"Oh okay that's good"she said "Thanks"
Nikki could sense something was off "Sally are you okay"she asked
"Ya, I'm guess I'm more tired then I thought. I'm just going to go to bed. Give the girls a kiss for me"she hung up
Sally was getting ready for bed when her phone rang
"Hello"she said
"Hey Baby, I'm not calling to check up on you, but are you resting" he asked
"Yes, I'm actually getting ready for bed"she told him
"That's good, I won't keep you but I have news"
Sally got worried "What's wrong"
"There's a storm coming so it looks like I won't be leaving as planned"he said he could tell she was freaking out "Sal it's okay it's safer to not travel"
"You're right"she sighed "I love you"
"I love you too, and I'll update you"
"Okay"she said
"Before I go how is Bug, did they settle down for you" he asked
"Yes a little. You'll like this Bug approved of your favorite meal"she laughed
"Well of course they do duh" he chuckled "I want you to get some sleep so I'll talk to you later"
"Yes Sir" she said in a stern voice
Sally was woken up by a loud noise, she shot up and panicked. Sally looked out her bedroom window and didn't see any type a storm, so she concluded it was in her dreams
Sally decided to go get something to drink so she headed down stairs. When she grabbed her drink so saw the person she thought she never see again
"HELEN" she screamed
She ran up the stairs as fast as she could. As she arrived in her bedroom her phone went off
"ADAM"she screamed
"Sally Baby what is wrong" he asked
"Helen.. she's here"she said as her voice was breaking
"Are you sure"he asked
"Yes, I saw her outside Adam I'm scared"
"I know you are. Look I want you to call police"
"I don't want to get off the phone with you" she told him looking at the door
"I don't either, but your safety and the baby's safety is important"
"I'll use our house phone"she went to go get it
Sally froze when she saw Helen standing there.
Flashbacks from before were flashing in her mind. She dropped the phone and screamed
"SALLY"Adam called out
Adam panicked and called the cops for her. Then called his father
"Hello Son isn't it late in Paris. Is everything with Connor okay"
"Yes he is fine. Listen I'm calling because of Sally"he sounded worried
"What's wrong is it the baby"
"I got a call from her. It was odd she seemed panicked and kept saying she  saw Helen"he sighed " I called the cops but I can't reach her now"
"Alright stay calm I'll send my men over there to check things out"
Nikki over heard this and went to grab her purse  to leave and go to her
"You aren't going over there"Victor ordered
"Yes I am. Victor, she is obviously scared and pregnant and alone. Earlier she seem off. I need to go" so told him and left
Nikki arrived at the house and there were cops all surrounded. She ran into the house
"Sally"she called out
One of the officers stopped her "Ma'am are you family" he asked
"Yes, I'm her mother in law. Is she okay" she looked around "Where is she"
"The young woman seemed to lock herself in the bathroom and she won't come out. Officer Chancellor is trying since he knows her better but no luck"
"Oh poor thing. Did you find Helen is she in custody"Nikki asked
The officer hesitated "Um when we got here there was no sign of anyone here. We checked cameras and nothing"
"So you are saying there was no one ever on the property" she asked
"Correct. Are main concerned is Mrs Newman to talk to her"
"Do you mind if I try for you"she offered
Nikki asked Chance to give her a minute alone she knocked
"Sally it's Nikki. Everything is okay, you are safe"
"I want Ad..am" she said Nikki could barely hear her
"I know you do, and he wants to be here, he is trying"she paused "In the meantime Im here is that okay"she asked "Can I come in"she asked softly
A few minutes later Nikki heard the door unlock. She opened the door and saw Sally curled up
"Oh Sally"
"I don't know what happened Nikki, I saw her" she was shaking
Nikki came over to her and sat beside her
"She was here"she said
Nikki held her "Sally you need stay calm for the baby"she told her rubbing her shoulder
Sally looked at Nikki "How did you know to come here" she asked
Nikki looked at her "Do you remember calling Adam"she asked
Sally gave her a confused look "He called me" she told her
Now Nikki looked at her confused
Before either could say anything Chance came in on the phone
"Yes Adam we are with her now" he told him
Nikki gestured for the phone Chance handed it to her. She still was holding Sally
"Adam it's Nikki"she said softly looking at her
"Nikki is she okay"he asked
"She is safe"she said "I don't want to scare you or her, but she doesn't recall calling you"she told him
"What are you sure, can I talk to her" he asked
"I'll put you on speaker" she told him "Okay, can you hear me"
"Yes,Sally Baby are you okay"he asked
Sally began to cry "Adam, I'm scared"
"I know it's going okay" he told her "Nikki can you take her to the hospital"he asked
"As soon as she is ready to move I will"she carol him
"No I don't need to go"Sally protested while breathing fast
"Sally we need to make sure you and the baby are okay"
"Nothing happened I'm fine"she told her
"Baby listen to me. You are obviously under a lot of stress right now. Which isn't good for Bug. Please let Nikki get you check out"
"I know the baby is fine"she told him
"Okay I'd feel better since I'm not there okay"he said
Sally's breathing wasn't slowing down
"Sally I'm making the call, I'm taking you"Nikki order "Adam I'll call you when I know something"she told him
   They were in the hospital. The doctors gave Sally oxygen to help with her breathing. They checked the baby their heart rate was evaluated a little bit so they were monitoring both of them. The nurses gave Sally something to relax and she was finally sleeping
   Sally was in a apartment, the apartment she grew up in. She was standing in the living room
"As much as you try I'm always with you" she heard the evil laugh
Sally turned around and saw Helen. She started backing away
"Relax I can't hurt you here"she told her
"Why am I even seeing you at all you are dead"
"Or did you convince yourself I was" she smiled
"Why are you doing this to me. Why are you in my head"Sally demand
Helen didn't answer, she looked at Sally's stomach "You are worried this baby will remind you of me"
Sally cradled her stomach "This baby is going to be nothing like you, it perfect"
"Wait and see"Helen's voice faded
Sally started waking up "No this baby is per...fect it not... like you" she mumbled crying
"Sally"Nikki leaned forward "Sally its okay it's only a dream"she told her
Sally opened her eyes and looked at her surroundings her eyes landed on Nikki
"Why am I here. Why are you here" she was confused
"You don't remember"Nikki asked
Flashes from earlier came to her. She looked back at Nikki
"I do, why are you still here"she asked
"I told Adam I wouldn't leave you until here could be here"she took Sally's hand
"Is the baby okay" Sally asked
Nikki nodded "Yes, their heart rate was a little, but it's fine now"
Sally nodded "What happened to me"
Nikki took a deep breath before answering "They believe you were having an anxiety attack"
Sally stared at the ceiling for a minute
"Helen wasn't real... she wasn't here was she"
Nikki shook her head "No she's wasn't.And that's a good thing"
"Why did I think she.. was"Sally's voice was breaking
"Shhh" Nikki calmed her "It's not important right now okay"she said softly
"Why couldn't my mom be like you"Sally looked at her
Nikki just smiled and rubbed Sally's cheek as Sally fell asleep again

   *Tell me your thoughts on how you like it. This took FOREVER to come up with*

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