"Makes me want more babies with you"

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Sally was at her desk multitasking, she was finishing up her latest design all while finalizing her daughters birthday party. Audra walked in
"Hey Sally,these just came for you, I know you have been waiting for them"she said
Sally looked up and got excited "Ooh great the materials I need to finish this" she grabbed them
"Do you need any help" Audra asked looking around "It looks like a tornado came through" Audra laughed
"No I'm good"she set the materials on her desk. And looked around "I actually work better like this"she chuckled
Audra saw the dresses Sally had for the girls "These are adorable"she told her
"Thanks, I can't believe my girls are going to be one"Sally said trying to not get emotional
"Soon you'll have another"Audra smiled
Sally smiled and looked at her bump "Ya, we must be crazy having them close together, but it's Adam's fault"Sally said eyeing Adam at the door
"What's my fault "he asked
"Wanting our kids close together" she smirked
"Well you agreed to it Missy"he came up to her and wrapped his arms around her
"I did,and I'm happy "she smiled up at him "What brings you by"
"I came by to see if you wanted to go get some lunch you and baby need to eat" he told her
"I'd love too"she sighed
Adam looked at Audra "Audra would you like to come, my treat"he asked
"No you two go enjoy yourselves"she told them
     They were at Society. As they were eating Adam started discussing the plans for Connor
"So everything is set for Connor to go be with Chelsea"he told her
"Is she still planning on leaving next week"Sally asked
"Yes she is. Since the girl's birthday is after school ends for him. She said it was fine for him to stay for Mazie and Haddie"he told her
"Oh that's good"she took a bite of her food "So is she coming back to fly out with him" she asked
"No, actually I'm going to fly out with him"he said
Sally froze "You are going" she asked
"Yes, with her starting work it's easier for me to go with him"
"She should do it Adam, she decided to do this"Sally started to get annoyed
"She did but as his parents this is what we agreed on. And it's the least I could do for her letting him stay here"he said. Adam looked at Sally and saw how pissed she looked "Sally why are you so upset"
"Forget it, I'm fine"she threw her napkin down "I'm not hungry anymore"she got up to leave
Adam grabbed her hand to stop her "Sal,where are you going, we came together"
"I just need to be alone" she let go of him and left
   Sally returned to the office a little while later. She kept her distance from Adam and wouldn't talk to him. Which confused Adam. Sally was trying to work on a design but she couldn't focus. She threw the paper on the floor
  Sally went to Adam's office she stood in the doorway
"I'm going home"she told him
Adam looked up "Didn't we come together"he questioned
"I actually went home and got my car before returning"she said tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear "Can you bring the girls home"
Adam was worried about her behavior "Yes, Sal are you alright. You have been avoiding me ever since we came back"
"I'm fine" she heavily sighed "I'm tired and I don't know if it's the baby taking my energy" she looked at him
"Sally that worries"he got up and came over to her
"I'm fine,I just need to get out of here. Are you bringing the girls home"
Adam nodded "Please let me know if anything else comes up"he went to hug her
Sally back away before he could and gave him a smile then left
  Sally didn't go home. She was walking around in the park. In her head she literally ran into Chelsea
"Oh my"Chelsea said "I'm sorry are you okay"
Sally put a smile on her face "Ya. You getting last minute things before leaving" she asked
" Yes, I had no idea how much stuff I needed"she gave a small laugh "I'm grateful Adam is taking care of Connor's stuff for me"
Sally tensed up, Chelsea noticed "Sally are you okay"she asked
"Ya Adam told me the plans for Connor"she said
Chelsea noticed her tone "Sally, why don't we go somewhere to talk"
"There's nothing to talk about, I'm fine"
"No you aren't Sally. You can either talk to  me or" she pulled out her phone "I'll call Adam"
"Fine" she huffed and went to the bench and sat down
Chelsea sat next to her "What is going on"
Sally looked down "Does Adam have to bring Connor"Sally asked
"What"Chelsea looked mad "Are you trying to keep my son from me"
Sally shook her head "No, no, no not at all. I mean does he have to be the one to do it"
"No but he offered Sally. I'm lost why do you seem bothered by that"
Sally was silent for a moment then began to cry
"Sally what is wrong"Chelsea asked a little worried
"I can't do this ... I can't let him go"she looked at Chelsea "The last time he went somewhere, we almost lost him"she was panicking "I can't go through that again not now"
Chelsea grabbed Sally's hands to get her to focus on her "Sally you not going to lose him"she told her
Sally wiped her tears away "I didn't mean to sound like the possessive wife"
"You weren't. I do think you need to tell Adam this"
Sally nodded then placed her hand on her bump and smiled a little
    Adam came home and put the girls in their play mate. He then went to find Sally. He found her in the kitchen sitting at the counter just staring
"Sally I need you to tell me what is going on, please don't say it's your hormones because I know you"he looked at her "I can tell it's something much deeper"
It was quiet for a couple seconds
"I'm scared"she said in a low tone not looking at him
Adam walked over to her "Of what" he asked
"Of you leaving... the last time you left to go somewhere. I thought .. I lost you"she said more tears fell
Adam pulled her into him and rubbed her back "Babe, I'm so sorry. It never occurred to me. It's not going to be like the last time" he sat next to her "I'm going bring Connor to Chelsea and then I'll come back home to you"he cupped her face
"Sally why didn't you say something"he asked
"Just hearing you mention you were leaving it brought everything back. And  I couldn't.."
"I'm your husband and a requirement that comes with that is you need to talk to me when you are going through something. And especially when it's something you don't know why your are feeling like that."he said stroking her cheek
"Okay I promise" she hugged him
As they were hugging they felt a little tap. Adam pulled away and they both looked down
"Well hello to you to Bug" he laughed "Was this their first kick"he asked getting all excited
Sally looked guilty "Sadly no, they started kicking earlier"she paused "I'm sorry"
"Hey it's okay, I think Bug was helping you" he was rubbing her bump
"How so, by telling Mommy she's paranoid and crazy"
Adam laughed "No and you're not."he kissed her "Bug  was  telling you everything is going to be okay"he smiled
    Adam and Sally were in the girls room playing with them.Mazie had her head on Sally's stomach
"I guess she thinks Bug is a pillow"Adam chuckled
Sally smiled and was running her fingers through Mazie's hair "Are you going to be a protective big sister"she asked
"She might. Haddie might be protective of Mommy though. She's a Mama's girl"Adam said standing Hadley up "Are you going to be jealous of the baby"he looked at her
Hadley smiled at her Mommy, Sally smiled back
"Are you Mama's girl Bean" she said "That will never change" she told her
All of sudden Hadley let go of Adam's hands and started moving towards Sally
"Adam ..is .. she"she asked moving Mazie to the side a little keeping her eyes still on Hadley
"She is, go on Hadley" Adam cheered her on
Sally was gesturing her to keep coming to her "Come on Bean"she encouraged her
Hadley got to her and fell into Sally. Adam and Sally cheered
Sally hugged her baby girl and cried
"Hadley Siena you just walked to Mommy"she looked at her and kissed her
Adam came over and picked Mazie up "Mazie Moo did you see Sissy, yay Sissy" he clapped Mazie's hands
Connor came into the room "What is all the excitement about"he asked
"Hadley just took her first steps and walked to Sally"Adam told him
"Wow that's amazing"he said and got excited
Sally looked at Connor "You okay"she asked
"Just realized I'll be missing them  when I go"he told them
"You know you can FaceTime them"Adam said as Mazie crawled away "I can't promise they'll sit still" he added with a laugh
Both Sally and Connor also  laughed
"Are you hungry. I can fix you dinner"Sally asked
"Not yet, I'm going to read in my room for a bit. I'll be down later"
    At the end of the night Sally was watching Adam say goodnight to the girls. She leaned up against the door fame smiling at the sight
"Daddy loves you two so much. I hope you have the best dreams" he kissed both of them
He turned their sound machine on then  turned to leave the room when  saw Sally eyeing him
"What is that look for"he smirked
"It's just watching you be a father" she pulled him into her by his shirt "Makes me want more babies with you"she said seductively and running her hands up his arms
"Wow you saying that while pregnant is wild"he said taking her hands and placing them on his waist
"I know"she rested her forehead against his "I'm must be nuts" she kissed him "Wanna take this"she began to kiss his neck"To the bedroom" she said still kissing him
Adam turned her towards the door"Lead the way"he said moving her out, Sally took his hand and went to their room
   Adam had Sally up against the door,he was kissing her neck, as much as Sally loved it when he kissed her there she needed more
"Adam if it was any other time I'd love for you to take your time..."she said, pulling him back  to her "I need you NOW" she said capturing his lips
Adam deepened the kiss,Sally turned him and backed him into the door
"We should take this into the bathroom so we don't wake Con"she said unbuttoning his shirt
"Love that idea"he picked her up heading to the bathroom
Adam set her on the sink so he could turn the water on. As Sally started to remove her blouse
Adam turned back to her "No Ma'am, that's favorite part"he quickly came back over to her and ripped the shirt off
Sally wrapped her arms around his neck "I think the water is hot enough" she smirked
Adam help her into the shower. Once in Sally took over and pushed Adam under the water and kissed him like her life depended on it
    They were in bed still kissing. Adam took her hand and kissed all down her arm
"I don't know how we are ever going to top that round"
Sally rested her head on him "I have no idea what came over me" she said softly "But that was amazing" she sighed "Something about this pregnancy wants ..." she looked up at him "You more"she told him
Adam chuckled "I could tell"he said running his hand up her back
Sally gave him a questionable look "How so" she asked
"Earlier when you told me you wanted to have more babies with me"he said
Sally cover her face all embarrassed and giggled "Well we will see if I meant it or if it was pregnancy hormones"

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