"Sally This. Is. Not .Your. Fault"

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     Adam and Sally were on the Newman jet. Victor sent it so they could get home as fast as they could. Adam was on the phone with the security team
"I don't care what it takes or how long it takes, I WANT MY DAUGHTER FOUND"he yelled and hung up
Adam looked over at Sally, she was just sitting on the couch staring at a picture of her and Hadley
Adam came over and sat with her "We are going to find her Sally, I promise you that"
"I had this feeling Adam. I knew something bad was going to happen, a mother knows" she cried
Adam pulled her into him "I know, I'm sorry remind me to always listen to you okay"
Sally pulled out of his hold. Adam was hurt but knew she gets like this. He just kissed her head and went to go sit in the chair
   It felt like a lifetime but they finally arrived home.Considering what happened Victor had Coco and Mazie stay at the ranch.
Sally ran in "WHERE IS SHE, WHERE'S  MAZIE" Sally yelled as she enter
"She's right here"Coco said handing her over to Sally
"Oh my baby, Mommy's got you" she said holding her tight
"Sally, I'm so sorry I thought locked the door" she told them
"Coco it's okay"Adam said
"Where were you when my baby was taken"Sally said
"Sleeping,Mazie's crying woke me up at 2am and when I went to check on her I saw Hadley's crib empty" she told her
Sally turned away from her sister still holding Mazie
"Coco, why don't you go lay down in the Tack House"Adam told her knowing it was best to get her away from Sally
Coco looked over at her sister then nodded
Sally sat on the couch looking Mazie over to make sure she was okay
"Sally, you know deep down this isn't Coco's fault"he said looking at her
"She's our daughter" he said down next to her and leaned into hug Mazie
Mazie moved to Adam
"Daddy is going to find Sissy"he kissed her head
Mazie wanted Adam and he took her. This made Sally even more sad,she wanted to hold, no she needed to hold her little girl
Victor walked in
"Dad, has there been anything on Hadley"Adam asked
"I'm sorry son,my men looked all over your house and they found nothing"
"Maybe it's because the police need to be handling this" Sally said
Adam placed his hand on her her knee
"So what you are saying who ever took our daughter the cameras didn't catch anything" Adam asked
"No, those seemed to be disabled"
"Oh God, so who ever did this, planned it" Sally cried " I want Mazie,and I want to take her home"
"Sally, I don't think that's a wise decision"Victor told her
"I don't care what you think"she shot up "This place isn't Mazie's home I want to take her back where it's norm..mal"
Adam looked at her then back at his Dad "I agree with Sally, just send a guard with us.Mazie is already confused because her sister isn't here"
Victor nodded "Very well then"
Sally reached for Mazie and left with Adam right behind her
"I'll be back, I want to make sure she's okay" he said
Sally was laying on her bed with Mazie laying on her
"You probably are so lost, like mommy. Without your sister,your other half"she said softly Sally rested her chin on Mazie's head "I hope Hadley is okay" she cried
Adam came in just standing there, Sally looked up
"What is there news" she asked
Adam shook his head "Um no sorry, I was just in their room looking for any clues to point us in the direction to figuring out who took her" he said then continued "And.." he paused
Sally looked at him "Did you find anything" she asked
Adam looked down "It's what I didn't find Sally"he said
"What are talking about"
"Not only is Hadley gone, but so is her bear" he told
Sally sat up, Adam came up to her and sat beside her
"I hate to even say this, but who ever took her knew about her comfort toy"
Sally looked at Mazie,who's hand was on Adam's arm
"So, the person must have been watching us to know every little thing"
"And I'm afraid I may know who"he looked at her
A little while later Coco came back , and found Sally laying on the couch with Mazie asleep on her. Sally also was looking at the cameras
"Sally, what are you doing"she asked
"Seeing if I can see the person who took Hadley"she said not looking away from the laptop "Are you sure you didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, or someone watching you"
"No, but there was this time when we got home I thought I heard something"
"Why didn't you say anything" she shot at her sister
"Because I thought it was nothing, I just got home and I thought it was nothing just me being tired" she told her
Sally sighed "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be so harsh"
Coco sat down "I know you are under a lot of stress and worried about your baby"
Mazie started screaming
"Here let me take her for you"Coco offered
"No" Sally pulled away
"Okay"Coco backed off
Adam came in "Oh Mazie Moo" he said coming to take her from Sally
"No Adam I got her" she got defensive
"Let me, you haven't let her go since we got home" he took her
Once in Adam's arms she cuddled into him and calmed down
Sally was hurt "I want her back" she said
"We will get her back Sally"he said
"No I mean I want Mazie back, she is beside herself because Hadley isn't with her"
"I know, we all are Sal, but look Mazie is calm now.."
Before Sally could protest her phone went off. Sally looked at it
"It says unknown number" she told him
"Answer it, I'm right here" he told her
"Hello" she said
"Are you sorry now, for treating me the way you did" a voice was heard
Sally knew exactly who "Helen, you took my baby"
Adam got angry hearing this
"I had to teach you a lesson, on not giving your mother respect"Helen told her
"You left me, I had to go through life without a mother so why should I give any respect to you " Sally took a deep breath "So what you took my daughter, you'd think I'd respect you"
"She is precious, looks like you"she said looking at her
"You bring her back to me, I'll do anything" Sally pleaded
"I'm sorry that's not happening"she hung up
"HELEN" she screamed
"Sally"Adam looked at  her
Sally still staring at the phone "My mom, you were right"she looked at him "She's the one who kidnapped her" Sally cried "She's punishing me" she was hysterical
Adam went over and held her "It's gonna be okay. I'm going go call dad's team to come over here so we can try and track her"
Coco looked at her sister in disbelief "What do you mean mom has Hadley. How does she even know where you live"she asked
Sally pulled out of Adam's hold and looked at her sister " I was going to tell when we came back, but a few weeks ago I saw Mom and apparently she didn't like how I told her I didn't want to see her again" she told her
"Oh my God, how could you Sally" Coco got upset
"Coco don't get angry at her"Adam put his hand up to try not escalate the situation
"If she told me, then I would have been look out for her,and  maybe Hadley would be here" she yelled
Sally had enough "Get out" she yelled and pointed at the door "Get out of my house"
" Gladly"she huffed and stormed out
Sally looked over at Adam "What" she shot at him
"I know our emotions are high right now, but we need all the support"
"I don't need hers Adam, she basically said this was my fault, because I didn't tell her" Sally's anger went to sadness and started crying "This is my fault"
"No"Adam shook his head "No it's not"
"Can I just have Mazie, please"
Adam nodded and gave her Mazie. Mazie started crying
Sally was fed up and handed her back
"She wants you" she said and stormed upstairs
It broke Adam's heart to see her so defeated
Adam was rubbing Mazie's back and kissing her head "Daddy needs to find Sissy"
Sally had Adam bring in the portable crib into their room, she didn't want Mazie out of her sight. They were laying in bed looking at Mazie who wasn't sleeping yet. Sally hasn't spoken to him in hours,Adam moved so he could wrap his arm around her. They laid there in silence until Sally spoke for the first time since Coco left..
"Do you blame me"she said
Adam couldn't believe what he was hearing "What .."
"I wouldn't blame you if you did"Sally said in a quiet voice  just staring at Mazie
Adam looked at her "No of course I don't"he said resting his chin on her shoulder
"How could you not Adam , I mean my mom is the one who took your daughter so in a way it's on me" Sally cried
Adam turned Sally over so he could look at her "Sally,This. Is. Not . Your. Fault."he said "This is all Helen's and my father's " he said
Sally looked at him confused "Victor what does he have to do with this"
Adam rubbed his face and groaned "Before the wedding I asked him to keep an eye on her.He said he would" he looked at Mazie "It turns out he clearly didn't do it" he said wiping her tears away
"God, I hope she's okay" she leaned her head into his hand 
Adam pulled her into him "Me too"
Helen was pacing in a scummy room. She looked Hadley who was laying on the bed
"Maybe, you can be my do over. I can show your mommy, that I can be a mother" she laid next to her "All I wanted was her to let me be apart of her life"she picked Hadley up "And I think if it wasn't for your father, maybe Mommy would have let me"
Adam laid in bed, he looked over and Sally was finally asleep and so was Mazie. He texted Chance
"If you get any leads, call me because coming."
He looked over at Sally "I'm going to bring her home and get the woman out of your life" he said softly

*I have the next chapter ready just say when you want it posted*

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