"Are we sure there were Newmans at this party"

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*I have rewrote this chapter so many times ..  hope you like it*

Today was the day, today was Mazie and Hadley's birthday party. Sally had everything set up so perfectly. It wasn't going to be a big party just them Connor, Victor, Nikki, Nick, Coco and possibly Audra
Sally was in the girls room getting them ready. She just stared at them
"How are my babies one"she said "It feels like yesterday"she smiled
"This day changed our lives for the better"Adam said coming into the room . He got a look of his girls in their dresses "When did my girl become princesses"he came over to them
"Since day one" Sally smiled at him
"I hope you girls are ready ..to... party" Adam started dancing
Sally started laughing "Daddy is a dork"she looked at Mazie and Haddie
"Hey, you love this dork"he said pointing at himself
"That I do, I did fall in love with the dork side of you"she kissed him
Adam picked up Mazie "A year ago this little girl scared the crap out of us" he said pressing his nose against her cheek
"The longest few seconds of my life, but look at her now"Sally smiled at her then tickled her
Hadley squealed for Sally and reached out to her
"Oh Haddie Bean you have been through a lot, starting with not being about to see us"she said stroking her cheek. She thought of the kidnapping "Then to almost losing you"she got emotional
"Sal" he took her hand "We don't need to think about the bad stuff. Just all the love and memories we made in their first year"
"You're right, but you started it with Mazie" she told him
"I'm sorry"he kissed her hand
"Now what do you say we go celebrate" he smiled
Sally nodded and smiled back
"Let's go cel..e...brate" he said lifting Mazie in the air and shaking her making her giggle
Everyone was gathered outside. Victor got a little ball pit for them, with Sally's permission. Adam was sitting on the ground as Mazie was playing in it. Sally was laying in a lawn chair watching her. She looked over and saw Nikki with Hadley looking at the flowers, she smiled . Coco and Connor were in the pool
"So son how is the business going with Sally's new line"Victor asked
"Doing good, everyone seems excited for what's to come"he told him
"When does it come out Sally" Nikki asked coming back over
"I was hoping for fall, gives me time with the baby before jumping back into it"
"When are you do again"Audra asked
"August"Adam and Sally said in unison
"Oh hopefully the summer heat isn't to bad for you"Audra said
"Ya let's hope so"Sally sighed rubbing her bump
Nikki came back over and handed Hadley back to Sally. Hadley laid right on her then cried
"Oh I know you can't get close like you used too" Sally kissed her head
Later on they were all singing happy birthday to them. Sally had them do it to them individual so they both felt special. Adam was kneeling next to Mazie while Sally was over on Hadley's side. Mazie and Hadley both seemed to love the attention they had smiles on their faces the whole time
When it came to their cakes they each had a small cupcake. Mazie loved it, she was covered in pink frosting
"Hence why she was not getting a cake"Sally laughed
"Is it yummy"Adam asked her leaning close
Mazie took her hand and placed in on Adam's face. Sally busted out laughing
"Well is it yummy Daddy" she said still laughing
Adam gave her a look "Why don't we have you find out"he said coming over to try and kiss her
"No" Sally squealed.
She tried to run away from him giggling but Adam got her and pulled her into him from behind. He was smooshing his face into her cheek. They both her laughing
"Who are the children at this party"Nick joked
"Ya, it looks like the one year olds are the mature one"Connor teased
"Hey, you are gonna pay"Sally said as she acted like she was coming after him
Connor ran over by Nikki and Victor
"Relax, I'm not like your father"she smiled at him, and went back over to the girls
Adam saw Hadley who wasn't touching her cupcake. He went over to her high chair and took a tiny piece to feed to her. She didn't seem to like it and started crying
"Oh it's okay Haddie"Adam said picking her up "Not everyone likes sweets"he said soothing her
Sally picked up Mazie and they shared a group hug
It was the end of the night, Adam was laying on the couch when Sally came over with a piece of cake to him and laid into him
"Those girls partied hard, they are sound asleep"she said
"Today was fun"Adam said running his hands up her arms
"And the was no drama"Sally said in disbelief looking up at him.
"Are we sure there were Newmans at this party" he asked
Sally laid her head back on his shoulder and started laughing. She took at bite of cake
"Are you going to share or is this piece only for you and Bug" he asked chuckling
"I don't know, let me ask Bug. Bug is it okay if we share with Daddy"she said looking down
The baby kicked
"I believe they granted permission"Adam said rubbing her bump
"Or it was a no" she teased taking another bite
Adam looked offended,Sally smirked then turned a little to feed him
Adam kissed the side of her head "Thank you for being my children's mother"he whispered softly
"Thank you for being my children's father"she turned to kiss him
They pulled away and Sally laid her down on him. Adam wanted to talk to her about how she was feeling
"Hey Sal, I know we discussed your fear about me going to take Connor but I need to make sure you'll be okay"he said rubbing her back
"It's only gonna be few days and you'll call me"she said
"Absolutely" he kissed her head
"I'll have work and things to keep me busy but..."she paused
"But what talk to he me"he asked looking at her
"But I wish I was going with you" she intertwined their fingers
"I know me too"he said
Sally turned to face him "How about you and me end this party with our own little party. I mean with put us there wouldn't me anything to celebrate" she began to kiss him again.
They were in a make out session when Connor came down
"Woah sorry, I can come back"he said backing away
Adam and Sally pulled away
"No it's fine, what's up are all packed"Adam asked
Sally sat up and placed the cake on the table
"Almost"he looked down
Sally looked at him "Con what's on you mind"
"It's stupid" he shook his head
"Hey, nothing that's on your mind is stupid. Talk to us"Sally looked at Adam "Or if you'd like to talk to your Dad alone I can give some privacy" she told him
"No you can stay"he said down in the chair "It's just, I this was the agreement for letting me stay, but what if I hate there"he paused "I mean I won't have any friends. It's gonna be me and Mom. And she's probably gonna busy working"
"I'm sure your mom is going to have some off with you. And I know you're going to have a lot of fun. You are going to to see new places which is cool"Adam told him
"And as dorky as this sounds to you Connor I bet your mom met some people with kids your age or look into things that interest you"Sally told him
Connor nodded
Sally reached for his hand "We are a phone call away, you call us no matter what the time is for us okay" Sally smiled
"When you come back you'll have a new sibling to love"Adam told him
"I'm sad I won't be here to meet them when they are born" he said
"We are too, but I'm going talk about all the time so when you do meet them. They'll know exactly who you are"
"I like that"Connor smiled
"Would you like some help to finish packing"Adam asked
"Sure"Connor said
Adam kissed Sally "Why don't you go get some sleep"he told her and got up
"Sleep sounds amazing"she sighed in relief and laid down
Adam looked back "In our room silly"he laughed
"I'm pregnant and I tired I'm staying put for a bit" she closed her eyes

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