"Adam, I'm gonna say something you probably aren't going to like"

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Adam entered their hotel room carrying Sally bridal style,obviously. Laughter coming from both of them. Adam playfully threw her on the bed
"Oh is someone eager to get to the after party"she teased him
"Maybe" he winked at her "What don't you want to"he asked
Sally sat on her knees, and pulled him by his shirt "Did I say that"she smirked
"I guess not" he said running his hands up and down her back
Adam began to kiss her neck, Sally tilted her head back
"Adam, I'm gonna say something you probably aren't going to like"she said taping his shoulders
Adam pulled away "What did you change your mind, do you want an annulment"he said looking hurt
Sally giggled "Never"she kissed his forehead "But for us to continue this" she started kissing his ear "I need to get ...off... the... bed"
He pushed off him and looked at her confused
"Relax" she laughed "I need to take off my dress"
"Oh can I do the honors"he said picking her up
"You know, I was going to go ask that cute front desk person to do it, but he seemed to busy. I guess you'll work"she teased him
"You are so mean, just for that you are going to be punished"he said pulling her into him
"Well it is our wedding night so you can have your way with me first"
Adam turned her around and slowly unzipped her dress, while kissing her back. Once the dress hit the floor she turned to face him and undressed him
"Are you ready for the fun to begin" he asked
Sally started pushing him to the bed until he fell on it "Absolutely" she said seductively and climbing on top of him
Adam and Sally were wrapped up in each other's arms. Adam's lips were rested on Sally's shoulder as Sally was scrolling through the pictures on her phone
"Oh look at this one of you and Mazie" she smiled at him
Adam scrolled to the next one "I love this one of you and Connor"he said
Sally went to the next one "Our Hadley Bean, sleeping on you while we were dancing"Sally placed her hand on her heart
Adam kissed her head "Today was definitely a top 5 moment"
"It sure was" she turned to kiss him "I love you"
Adam ran his hand through her hair "Hey, are you sure you want to use Newman, because it's totally fine with me if you..."
Sally stopped him by kissing him "I'm sure, Spectra will be tied to me with business, I won't lose that part of me" he kissed him again "But our children are Newmans so I'm Sally Newman"
"You can hyphen it and Spectra-Newman"
Sally shook her head "No"
"Very well then" he kissed the palm of her hand "You know speaking of children, anymore thought to adding more"he asked
"Smooth Adam"she chuckled
"What you are the one who mention children so opportunity presented itself"
"I have"she smiled and playing with his ring "And with the girls turning one in about seven months it's not out of the question" she said
"Really" he got excited
"How about this plan"she said turned to lay on her stomach "We won't prevent it from happening but we won't be trying if that makes sense"
"So if it happens it happens" he said
"Exactly" she smiled
Adam turned her so he was on top of her "I like this idea. Just think we could be making a honeymoon baby soon"
Sally laughed "But I'm telling you right now Adam Newman if it's more then one baby, no more" she shook her head
Adam kissed her "I love you, but I have a feeling you will change your mind"
The next morning Sally was getting ready when Adam pulled her into him running his hands along her body
"Good Morning Mrs. Newman" he said nibbling on her ear
Sally moved away "That tickles" she giggled "But good morning Mr Newman" she said wrapping her arm around his neck while smiling at him threw the mirror
"Do we have to leave this room" he said burying his head in her neck
"Yes, unfortunately for two very good reasons. One I miss our girls" she whined "And two we a honeymoon to get to"she turned around and wrapped both arms around his neck "Which you still haven't told me where we are going"she said
" Patience my wife" he kissed her "But I know you are going to love it" he smiled
They met everyone in the lobby. Sally and Adam hugging the kids
Connor tried pulling away from them "You saw us yesterday" he groaned
"We know but we still missed you" Adam told him "Were you good for Shirley and Coco" he asked
"Yes, he was"Coco said
Sally was holding Hadley, Hadley played with her necklace
"So Chelsea is going to pick you up from the airport, then take you and the girls back to our house" Adam told them
Coco nodded
"Coco are you sure you can handle them by yourself on the plane . I'm sure Grams doesn't mind changing her flight"she suggested
"Sally I'll be fine" Coco told her
"Besides Sally I'm not a kid, I'm almost an adult. I can handle myself" Connor joked
Sally teased chin "Fine Mr Adult do mind helping Coco with your sisters at least" she asked
"Sure" he smirked at her
"Thanks peanut" he pulled him in for another hug
Shirley handed Mazie to Adam who was bouncing going into his arms
Adam just stared at Mazie
Sally gave him a look "Adam she will be fine without you for one week"Sally said rubbing Mazie's head softly
"I didn't complain" he looked at her
"I can tell what you are thinking Adam" looked at both of the girls "Because I'm thinking it too"she kissed Hadley's head all while trying not to cry
Adam pulled them both into him and kissed Sally's cheek
"We all should get going" Coco said
At the airport they said their goodbyes and then went to their gates. Sally was resting her head on Adam's shoulder playing with his wedding ring
"I'm proud of you, you haven't asked yet where we are going"he said looking at her "You ready to find out" he held up the plane ticket
"Please" she took it her eyes lite up "Oh My God are you serious...TUSCANY"
"Where it all began for us" he kissed her
Sally brushed her finger tips along his cheeks and smiled "The place where one of our favorite kisses happened" she said softly
Adam placed his hand over hers "Really" he smirked
Sally nodded "Do you realize I was the one who initiated both of our first kisses" she said
"Are you trying to imply that I didn't love you enough to make the first move"he said sounding offended
Sally kissed him softly "No, you were scared" she said
"Of what"he asked
"Falling in love and for it to fall apart"
"You were afraid too" he pointed out
"Fair enough" she kissed his forehead
Chelsea dropped off Coco and the girls at the house
"Thanks for doing this'll Coco said
"No problem, would you like some help getting in"Chelsea asked
"I'll manage. It was nice spending time with you Connor" she smiled at him
"You too, goodnight"
"Call if you need anything "Chelsea said
   Coco walked into the house, leaving the suitcase at the door as she brought the girls up to their room.
Coco laid Mazie down first, then Haddie. She turned on their sound machine
"I hope you two sleep well tonight, especially with the time change" she said "We are going to have a fun week" she said giving them both kisses
   As she was leaving their room she heard something fall,she went downstairs and saw the suitcase moved but assumed it just fell over.
Unlike Mazie and Hadley she was wide awake so she grabbed a glass of wine to wind down. As she was in her own world she heard noises coming from outside. Coco got up and went to check, she didn't see anything unusual
"Maybe I am tired" she said to herself
Coco turned off the lights and locked up and went to bed
Adam and Sally were on the plane to Tuscany. Sally was asleep, Adam looked at his beautiful wife he couldn't believe he finally found the love of his life
He sent a text to his father to see if there was any updates on Helen to make sure she wasn't causing trouble
After sending the text he kissed Sally's forehead
In a rundown bar sat Helen she was sipping on her beer looking at a picture of Adam and Sally with the girls. She looked pissed
"All I ever wanted was for to be apart of your life and I believe would have of it wasn't for him" she hit Adam's face in the picture "I guess it's time for payback" she took another sip of her beer

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