"Sally would never hurt those kids, she'd hurt for them"

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Sally was packing up the car early in the morning.She put Mazie and Hadley in their car seats
"Mommy is taking you two to Daddy's favorite place in the world"she smiled "If Daddy can't be with us for Christmas we will feel close to him there. I know you'll love it" she gave the a kiss
As she got into the car, Adam's words echoed in her head "You'll figure this out for us" "Our love will help you find me"
"What does that even mean" she told herself
The doctor came into the hospital room "Alex" was eating
"I'm amazed how fast you bounced back"he said coming over to him "Do you have any recollection of what happened" he asked
Alex shook his head "No everything is jumbled together"
"Well that's completely normal after waking up from a coma" he said sitting down "Well someone found you on the side of the road"he pulled something out "This ID was on you, it's how we got your name"he told him
"Alex Wilson"he said confused
"Is that not you" he asked
"It sounds familiar, but it doesn't feel right. Like it's not who I am"
The doctor looked at him " Well it's says your from Kansas, does that ring a bell. We did a name check an nothing came up"
"Something about that place speaks to me" Alex said
"So I have some good news everything looks good with you. Your leg is pretty banged up from the accident"he told him
"So where am I" he asked
"They found you in Canada, any memory on why your here. Maybe business" he asked
Alex thought for a second, then shook his head
Nick arrived to Sally's house to check on her. Coco answered the door
"Oh hey Nick, how can I help you" she asked.
"Hey Coco, I came to check on Sally"he told her
"Oh she isn't here. I came back this morning and her car was gone"
"Where did she go" he asked
"I don't know, she left this note"she went and got it and handed it to him "Did something happen Nick, to make her leave"Coco asked
Nick read the note "Have you noticed a
your sister acting odd, like spacing out"he asked
"No not since the funeral, what is going on Nick" Coco got worried
"Can I come in and explain it too you"he asked
Sally arrived at the farmhouse when she pulled into the driveway a sense of ease came over her body
"We are here" she said trying to not cry
Sally got out of the car and smiled. She took the girls out "Daddy loved it here" she said to them as they headed to the door
Harold greeted them at the door "Nice to see you again Miss Spectra" he said
"You too, but it's actually Mrs. Newman now"she informed him "Thank you for getting everything ready for me under such short notice and for not notifying anyone I was here" she told him
"My pleasure, I was shocked to hear about Mr Newman, I'm so sorry for your loss " he told her
"Thanks" she avoided eye contact
"I got everything you asked for and I threw in a couple extra things. If anything comes up and need anything don't hesitate to call"he said
"Thank you" she said
Alex was sitting in the wheelchair waiting to be discharged. The doctor walked back into his room
"So where do I go if I don't have anyone . And don't have a clue who I am" Alex asked
"Well it's your lucky day, it so happens I have a place in Kansas and my vacation starts" he looked at his watch "Right now and since it's the holidays how would you like to come stay with me. Maybe being there will jog your memory somehow"he asked him
"I don't even know your name. Why would I go with you" he asked
"Well my name is Angelo"he shook his hand
"Nice to meet you, but what if my memory doesn't come back" he asked
"In most cases something familiar helps jog your memory. So hopefully when you get there it works" he told him. He paused for a second "When you first woke up you asking where "she" was, do you know who that was for you"he asked
Alex shook his head "No but I kept seeing her like I have seen her before"
"Well hopefully we'll figure it out" he said
Coco was pacing the room "You should have called me Nick"
"I know, I was trying respect your sister. She seemed like she was was fine"
"Clearly she wasn't, she took the kids and left to God knows where"
Nick put his head down "I think she was afraid of my father taking the kids from her" he held up his hands "I told her I wouldn't let that happen"he nodded "I'm going to help you find her"
"Sally is so vulnerable right now, she should not be alone"Coco told him
  Sally opened the door and walked into the house and took everything in. She smiled when she saw Harold put up a Christmas tree for her
"This isn't how I pictured Christmas being this year" she put the girls down in the playpen "You two being here,yes"she started stroking their faces "Daddy was supposed to be here, that's not happening" she kissed them "Mommy will be right back"
Sally walked around the house "I thought coming here I'd feel you, but I don't" she cried "How do I find you Adam" Sally wrapped her arms around herself
A little while later Sally took Mazie and Hadley down to the barn, she took them over to the cows
"Hey Mazie Girl" she pet the cow. She then look at her Mazie "Mazie Moo, this is where your name and nickname from Daddy came from" she nuzzled her nose to Mazie's cheek "I promise to tell you the story on right from the start you were Daddy's girl" she kissed her
Sally sat on the hay bale "You know we talked about raising you girls here, even before we know there was two of you" she smiled "Maybe if we did things would be so different"she whispered
Sally looked at her girls "Can Mommy tell you a little secret" she moved the blanket up a little
Before she could, the wind slammed the door shut
"Woah, we better get back be the storm comes"she told them heading back to the house
Nick entered the ranch and greeted his mother
"Hey, Nickolas what brings you by" she asked as they sat down
"I know you have been there for Sally since Adam" he looked down
"I tried to be, why did something happen" she asked in concern
"Sally is gone" he told her
"Gone,gone where" she was shocked
"I don't know, but I'm worried"
"Miss Spectra took off with my grandkids"Victor came in
"Hello to you to Dad" Nick said
"Maybe Victoria id right, she was apart of my sons death"
"She didn't do anything, she's grieving Adam"Nick told him
"Well it is because of Miss Spectra's mother that Adam is gone"
"Victor, Dad" both Nikki and Nick scolded him
"We both know that's not Sally's fault, she is beside herself for that" Nikki told  him
"Yes Dad, I have witnessed a couple times where she's lost"Nick told him
"How so"Victor asked
"That's not important right now"
"If my grandchildren are in danger it is"Victor said
"They are fine" he said
"Well I heard what happened when Connor was with her"Victor told him
"How did you find out"Nick asked
"I called Connor for Christmas and he informed me on her coming over Christmas and then told me about that night"
"Wait what happened"Nikki asked
"Connor was staying at her house and somehow Sally blackout" Victor looked at her
"It wasn't like that Dad, he called me and I went over and helped her"
"She's is so unstable to run a business and raise those kids. We need to do something before she hurts them"
"Sally would never hurt those kids, she'd hurt for them. I'm already in works to help Audra with the company until Sally is on feet again" Nick told them
"I'll pitch in where I can too"Nikki smiled
"Well I'm going to protect those kids"Victor said
"No you are not taking those kids away from her Dad. She was afraid to open to me because of this.If you do this she'll never recover"he got up "I'm going to handle it"he said then left
Sally was sitting by the fire as she was drinking her tea
"Was this it Adam,was I supposed to come here and live here" she said taking a sip of her tea
"Nick is probably telling Victor all about what happened. He'll figure out where I went and demand for me to hand over Mazie and Hadley"she cried "They are the only piece I have left of you"she looked down "Right now" she said softly
The images of them together flashed in her mind "Why did those times feel so real. How is it possible I was seeing you"she thought out loud
   Later that night Sally finally turned on her phone. She wasn't surprised to see all the texts and missed calls she had from Coco, some from Nick as well
Coco tried again Sally answered "Coco I'm fine" she sighed
"Well thank God you are alive. Where are you"she asked "Sally finding the note was odd, then I hear from Nick on what happened. Now I'm worried"
"I know I'm sorry" Sally played with the bedsheets "I needed to get away for Christmas, I had to be close to Adam" she told her
"Sally you aren't making sense"Coco told her
"All you need to know, I'm where I'm supposed to be"she said and hung up
Angelo entered his condo with Alex limping in with his cane behind him
"I know it's not much" he told him
"You are opening up your home yo stranger, it's more then enough. I just hope I can figure out who I am soon"Alex sat on the couch
"Well it is Christmas, the time for miracles"Angelo said
That trigger something in Alex. Images of him and Sally in the hospital, he was holding her
"It's a Christmas miracle alright"echoed in his head
Angelo saw Alex's body language "Alex what is it" he asked
"That girl, she's someone to me but I can't place how" he looked confused
Sally walked up to the window, she wrapped her robe around her staring at the night sky. Thinking of Adam
"What if seeing you was all In head and I am crazy" she cried

*What do think Sally's secret is*

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