"Adam it's okay, when you wake up you'll still be here"

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The next morning Sally woke up to find Adam still sleeping, she just stared at him watching him breathe. She was content until her morning sickness interrupted her,she ran to the bathroom. The sound of the door shutting woke Adam up
He got out of bed and limped over "Sally, you okay" he hollered
"Ya"she said trying to catch her breath
"Do you need me" he asked
"No not this time" she said cleaning herself up
Adam stayed by the door until Sally came out. She took one look at him and just went into his arms
"It's okay" he said wrapping his arms around her "I'm so sorry if it's twins again"he chuckled as he rested his chin on top of her head
"I don't even care anymore" she pulled out of his hold and smiled at him "All I care about now is you are alive for this"
"Me too"he said stroking his thumb on her stomach
Sally wrapped her arm around his waist as they walked to the other room "So where's this doctor, I want to thank him"she smiled
"Oh, he went to see family, it's Christmas" he chuckled "I wasn't up to being with people"
Sally got a panicked look "Oh my God, We need to get back to the house " she said quickly getting dressed. Sally grabbed her phone and saw all the messages "Crap, I lost track of time. We need to go back to the girls"she told him
Sally helped Adam up to the steps, she held his hand tight and looked over at him
"Are you okay, this isn't to overwhelming for you" she asked
"No, I'm good"he queened her hand
"Are you ready for them hugs from your girls and be loved on" she got teary eyed
"Absolutely" he said
Sally opened the door and let him go in first, she watched him take everything in
"Is it all coming back to you"she asked setting her things down
"Yes, the smell"he turned around "It smells like home"
Sally came up to him "That's because it is" she smiled "Come on, let me help you into the other room" she said walking with him
"Nick" she called out
Adam looked confused "What Nick is here"he asked
"What, did you think I just left Mazie and Haddie home alone"she shot him a look
"Ha ha not funny" he tapped her nose
"It's a long story, I'll explain it later"she told him
Nick ran down the stairs "Where have you been, you were supposed to call me. I was getting worried" he told her
"I know, I'm sorry"Sally smiled at Adam "I lost track of time,but I had good reason"she told him
Nick saw his brother "Oh my God, you are actually alive"
Adam looked down at himself "Looks that way"he chuckled
"How is that possible"Nick asked
Sally butt in "That's a story we are still trying to figure that out"Sally informed him "All that matters right now, is he knows he is Adam"she kissed his cheek
She looked at Nick "Are the girls okay, I'm so sorry I left you with them for so long"
"Sally, they were fine, i just checked on them. They were starting to wake up" he told her
"Okay" she looked at Adam "Are you ready to see Mazie and Hadley" she asked
"Go get them" Adam told her
Sally got all giddy "I'll be back"she ran up the stairs
    Adam made his way around the room looking at the tree, Nick looked on
"So what's the deal, did you make a move on my wife. You saw vulnerable woman to take care of huh" Adam said in a rage
"Woah, calm down I did no such thing"he held up his hands "I swear, I was just helping her.. find you" he told him
Adam nodded "To think I lost time with her and our kids"he said looking over at the tree
"What happened man" Nick asked
"That part is hazy at the moment"he told him
Nick nodded "We thought you were gone and it was hard"he said
"I'm sure some of you were fine"he gave him a look
Nick looked down "I think the worst part this was seeing how Sally was, she was a mess man. But that one knew something was up, she felt you like you weren't gone"
Adam just looked at his brother
   They heard Sally coming down the stairs talking to the girls
"Mommy has a special Christmas gift for the two of you"she told them
Adam smiled when he saw them enter
"Adam, I have two  little girls here who missed you" she said coming over to him
"Hey"Adam said softly waving at them
Both of them sat on the couch, the girls on her lap. They clung to her a little because they didn't recognize Adam
Sally gave them a smile "It's okay girls, you know him I promise" she said softly
"Oh my girls, you gotten so big how is that possible in such a short time"he said
"I know it's crazy"she smiled at them
Adam gently took Mazie's hand "Hey Mazie ..Moo"
Sally's eyes teared up hearing him call her his nickname for her
"See Maz, it's Daddy..  it's Dada"she whispered kissing her
Mazie crawled over to Adam, she studied him. Mazie touched at his beard and started crying
"Oh I know it must feel weird"Adam said comforting her
"Don't worry Maz, it was for Mommy too"Sally told her giggling
"I didn't hear Mommy complain last night"Adam teased her
Sally punched him
Mazie looked at him "Dada"she said softly
Adam looked over at Sally in shock "Did she just..." he said
"She did"Sally smiled at her then kissed her "Yes, it's Dada"
Adam hugged her "Ua, I'm your Dada"he was crying
Sally held Hadley, who was leaning on her chest "You know it was Mazie who help realize I wasn't crazy. We were at the Christmas market"she looked at Mazie "And our Mazie saw you and started squealing Dada"she looked at Adam "Then what did it for me was she saw a picture of us  later that night and did it again. She knew who you were. And I knew you were alive"she told him
      Hadley warmed up to him and started making her way to him. Sally leaned on Adam a little
"Hey Hadley" he said softly and pulled her closer to him. As he was looking at her, images of the kidnapping came to his mind
Sally noticed "Adam ... what it's it" she leaned a little to look into his eyes
"I was protecting you from her"he looked at Sally
"Do you remember how Adam"Nick asked
Adam ran his hands along Hadley's face "I told her I'd get her out of town"he paused
"Adam you okay"Nick asked
"The IDs"he said
"What about them"Sally asked
"I had a fake ID for her to leave the country and to not come back" he said looking at the girls
"So the ID that Alex Wilson on it that was supposed to be hers"Sally asked
Adam shook his head "No, I had that made for me"he told them
"But why"Nick asked
"I had to make sure she actually went"he looked at his brother "And I couldn't let anyone see the Newman name"he said
Sally smiled "This is good"she kissed his cheek"I love that you protect me and the girls"she gave him a serious look "But Adam Newman you are not allowed to do anything that stupid again" she said pointing her finger at him
Adam took her hand "Don't worry, I won't" he kissed her palm
Nick got up "I'm gonna take off, give you two some alone time with the girls. I'll check into the hotel in town"he told them and left
Later on Sally found Adam in the room with the girls watching them take their nap. She smiled and leaned against the door frame
"I never thought I'd see that sight again"she said
Adam turned around "What, me hovering" he chuckled
"No"she laughed "You being a loving father"she wiped her tears
Adam came up to "I still can't believe I forgot them and you"he said
Sally pulled his shirt "Well you didn't truly forget me"she placed her hand on his head "I never left your mind. You couldn't place who I was yet"
"You do have point there"he caressed her cheek "I guess in a way you see my safe place" he told her
Sally smiled "I'm happy I could be that for you"she kissed him "I believe you were that for me too"she said as she was kissing him
Adam deepened the kiss "Should we take this to our room"
"You read my mind" she smiled into the kiss
They made their way into their room, Adam closed the door
Later on they were laying on the couch,Sally's legs were on his lap, he was placing kisses on her leg
Adam looked over and saw Sally's eyes were closed but he knew she wasn't sleeping "What's on you mind Sal" he said running his hand up her thigh
"How a few days ago, I was hurting"she opened her eyes "That it feels like a dream you are here"she said
"I'm here, I'm real"he smiled
"My kids have their dad back"she sat up
"I'm have my girls back too"he ran his thumb along her chin "And you are carrying another one"he smiled
Sally looked down "That reminds me"she got off him and got up and went to the tree
Adam followed her
"I bought this for girls first Christmas"she showed him the snowman ornaments
"Those are adorable, we should make it a tradition, they get a new one each year" he said looking at the tree, he saw the other one "What's this one"he asked pointing to the snowman family
Sally took it off the tree "Before I realized you were alive. And I thought I was gonna raise this baby without you. I saw this and it reminded me of our family"she smiled "I wanted the baby to know it's Daddy loved them even if he wasn't.."Sally started crying
Adam pulled her into him and let her cry
After a few minutes,she calmed down
"I'm sorry, it's the hormones"
Adam rubbed her back "It's more then that"he smiled. Adam bent down and kissed her stomach "You know, I might be your Mommy's favorite gift this year, but you are mine"he told the baby
Sally smiled
The next morning, Adam and Sally fell asleep on the couch in each other's arms. The doorbell woke them up. It startled Sally the most
"ADAM" she yelled catching her breath
"Hey, hey, hey... it's okay I'm here"he said calming her down
"I thought.. I was dreaming"she looked at him "And none of it was real and I actually crazy"
Adam kissed her forehead "It's real, I'm here"he smiled "If it makes you feel better I kept waking up to make sure I wasn't dreaming" he told her caressing her cheek
Sally leaned in and kissed him
The doorbell rang again as they were kissing
"We should probably get that" he mumbled into the kiss
"Fine" she groaned and pulled away "You go get the door and I'll check on the girls"she told him
Adam playfully hit her with the blanket
"Hey"she said sounded offended "I'm carrying your child, don't hurt me"she said running up the stairs
Adam finally got to the door, with Nick on the other side of it
"Morning Nick"Adam said
"Hey, I didn't mean to wake you two, I just thought I'd bring you both some breakfast, before we leave"he held up the bags of food
Adam let him in. Nick brought the food to the table
"So was it being back"he asked
"Good, I barely slept though, I kept waking up to check if it was real"Adam told him
Nick nodded "I can believe it" he said
"When I was in the coma, I kept seeing her. And when I was with her everything felt right"
"That's probably why she was spacing out on us"
Adam looked confused "She what"
"It's not as bad as it sounds, one time she thought I was you. I have a feeling that she was seeing you then"Nick told his brother
Sally came into the room "Our girls must have been so excited to have Daddy back they tired themselves out last night, they are still asleep" she told him "Can you believe that" she saw Nick "Oh morning Nick"
"Morning, I brought you two some breakfast" he pointed to the bags
Adam gave Sally a look and crossed his arms "How do you mistaken my brother for me"Adam asked
Sally looked between her husband and her brother in law
"I told him about the time in the office"Nick informed her
Sally held up her hands "Adam it was nothing, it was the first time I was in that office since and I was missing you"she pleaded
Adam took her hands "Hey, I'm just teasing you" he kissed her knuckles
Sally then got a whiff of the grease from the food and ran to the bathroom. Adam went after her as fast as he could
Sally was trying to compose herself as Adam had his hands on her waist
"There's nothing left"she sounded exhausted
Adam rubbed circles on her back "You sure"
Sally nodded and slowly sat on the floor, she laid her head on his arm
"Was it the smell of the food" he asked
She nodded, Adam gave her a kiss on her head
Sally then wrapped her arms around him "I'm so glad I have you here" she sighed "And I'm not alone"
"I'm so glad I'm here for you through this" he said "I hope it's not as bad as it was with the girls, because I would feel so horrible" he told her
"As of right now, it's not as bad, but sadly being here with smell it's the best"she chuckled
"Well that's a new one"he laughed with her "Well they better like this farm when they are here" he joked
Sally closed her eyes and relaxed for a moment "We should probably get the girls up and get out there"she patted his arm
Adam got up first and held out his hand for her
"Babe, your leg isn't the strongest to pull me up" she told him
"If I could carry you to bed, I can help you up" he said
Sally smiled and let him gently pull her up. Adam placed his hands on her hips and stared
"What" she asked
"I love you" he whispered
Sally smiled "And I love you" she hugged him
They were eating. Sally had Haddie on her lap while Adam held Mazie, who was still fascinated by his beard and playing with it
"You know I was gonna ask you to shave it off, but it looks like it occupies our daughter" she laughed as she was eating
"Why, don't you like it"he gave her a look
Sally eyed Nick then looked back at Adam "I don't think your brother wants to hear why I dislike it" she smirked
"No I do not" he said looking at his plate "So we can possibly leave in a hour if you like"
"Nick I don't know about flying, I drove here so we can just drive back" Sally said
"Sally, we will send someone for your car. Besides it's probably easier for Adam to fly then be in a car for hours" he told her
"You are right" she said
They were on the plane, the girls were in their car seats on the chairs across from Nic. While Adam was laying on the couch with Sally on him sleeping with her arms around him. Nick looked over and smiled
"What's with the smile"Adam asked
"She told one time, she wasn't sleeping good, it's good to see her sleeping peacefully" he said
Adam looked at her and ran his fingers through her hair
"I can't even imagine how it was for her" he said softly
"Probably the same for you"Nick said
"Ya, but I was in a coma for all that time. She had to go on grieving me, that does something to you" Adam said
"You should get some sleep as well, I'll keep an eye on my nieces"Nick told his brother
Adam looked between Sally and the girls
"Adam it's okay, when you wake up you'll still be here" he smiled

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