"Adam and I will never forget about our child,we are not like you"

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    It has been two whole days since Hadley's was taken,Adam and Sally barely slept. Sally hasn't gotten out of bed if she wasn't sleeping she just laid there staring at a picture of Hadley, Adam entered the room and went over and kissed her head
"Any updates" Sally said barely a whisper
"No nothing, I'm about to go look myself"he said stroking her back
"Me too, She should be here" she cried
"She will be soon" he kissed her cheek
The doorbell rang causing Sally to jump.They both ran downstairs.Adam answered it with Sally behind him. When Sally saw it was only Victor and Nikki her face fell and she walked away
"Come in"Adam told them
Nikki went over to Sally who was curled up on the couch holding Hadley's blanket
"How are you holding up"she asked in a soft tone
Sally snapped "How do you think I am, my daughter is missing, she was taken from her own home. She's has been gone for days she is probably so scared because she knows she's not with her Mommy"Sally was hysterical "And to make it worse my own mother did this, who knows what she is doing or not doing. She is punishing me"Sally cover her face and cried
Nikki pulled her into a hug
"I'm sorry, I know ...you  were asking out of... concern"Sally said as her voice was breaking
"There's no need to apologize Honey, you are under a lot of stress"she said stroking her cheek "But there's one thing I need you to understand okay, this isn't on you okay"
Sally nodded, Mazie started crying Sally went over to her and picked her up
She was trying to soothe her but it wasn't working, so Adam went over to them
"Here let me take her"he said trying to grab her
"No" Sally pulled away "I'm her mother I want to comfort her"
"I know you do, but you are so stressed out and that's not your fault and Mazie probably picking up on"
Sally was annoyed "Fine take her"she handed her to Adam and stormed into the other room
Nikki followed and found Sally trying to find the wine
"Sally"she started to say
"Don't okay, Mazie is a Daddy's and only wants him"she said trying not to cry
"Honey, you know that's not true at all. That little girl loves you just as much"Nikki said
"You saw it Nikki" she said gesturing to the other room "I had my little girl for two seconds and she got louder" she told her
"This is a tense situation for all of you, Adam could tell and he probably just didn't want to you to get more upset"
"My child is missing and the other I can't hold because she hates it. So of course I'm gonna be upset"
"Let me make you something to eat"
"I'm not hungry" she said sipping the wine
"You need to keep up your strength" she told her
"No what I want Nikki is my baby back and that woman behind bars"
"We are going to find both of them okay"Adam said as he came into the kitchen still holding Mazie who was playing with a piece of paper
Sally just looked at him then smiled at Mazie
"I'm sorry" she said quietly
Adam went over to her "Sal, there is nothing to be sorry about"he said
Sally rubbed her face "It's my fault"
"No it's not Sally" he told her
"My mom took her Adam, she has our child to teach me a lesson. I don't care if you tell me it's not because of me Hadley isn't here, she would be here with us if I just accepted my mother"
Adam caressed her face "Don't do that don't let her get inside your head okay. This all Helen not you"
Sally leaned into Adam they just stood there
Victor came into the kitchen with them
"Has this Helen person called back"he asked
They both shook their heads
Adam turned to his father "I asked you to watch out for her. You saw how terrified I was for Sally and my children... and you DID NOTHING"
"I never saw a threat"
"If anything happens to Hadley it's on you" Adam yelled
"What is she gonna to do to our little girl Adam" she cried
Adam put his arm around her and held her. Sally cried into Adam while rubbing Mazie's back
Just then Sally's phone rang again, she ran over to it, she saw the caller ID
"It's her" she looked back at Adam
"Answer it" he told her
"Hello Helen" she said in a cold tone
Adam put Mazie in her playpen and went beside Sally
"Oh is that how you greet you own mother"
"When someone takes my daughter they don't get a polite greeting. Now tell how is my little girl."
"She's a handful"she said
"What do you want from me, I'll do anything to have my baby"she pleaded
"You know never gave thought, to what you'd to get her back"
"So why did you do it, why did you kidnap in the first place"Sally asked
"All I wanted was to see you and be in your life and because you didn't do what wanted" she said sternly
"And you think I'd let you  in my life after this, absolutely not. I don't need you in my life now Helen I needed you when I was little"
"Oh that hurts"she said snarky
Sally was begging now "Please just bring Hadley home, you won't be in trouble" she cried
"You know, I might just keep her and raise he"she said knowing that would freak Sally out
"You could never, you are a no mother, a mother doesn't torture another mother who is supposed to be their daughter. You took apart of my other daughter" she looked at Mazie " She senses her sister isn't here"she told her
"She'll adjust and forget" she said
"But her PARENTS WON'T"Sally yelled "Adam and I will never forget about our child,we are not like you" Sally looked over at Adam "Name your price Helen,we will give you any amount you want"
"I'll have to decide and get back to you" she went to hang up
"No wait" Sally stopped her "Don't hang up yet, please just let Hadley hear my voice... please" Sally cried
"Fine" she huffed "You are on speaker" she told her
"Haddie Bean it's Mommy. I love you so much baby girl, Daddy and I are going to find and bring back home with us okay" she said
Adam took the phone "Hadley it's Daddy just like Mommy I love you and miss you and I'm gonna  do everything to find okay, I'm so sorry we aren't with you"he said "And Helen I swear if you hurt her, you will regret it"
"Oh look the man who controls everything, you are acting all tough we will see how tough you are, tell my daughter I'll call back with a price"she hung up
Sally got annoyed "Damn it Adam" she yelled
"I'm sorry, I just want Hadley back"he said
"I do too, but you can't make threats you don't know what Helen might do now. You don't know how she is"
"You are right I'm sorry" he said
"I understand believe me I wanted to say some things to her too" she said
Adam hugged Sally, she pushed him away
"No, I want to be alone right now"
"Okay" he backed away
Sally took Mazie with her upstairs
Adam slammed his hand on the table
"Son" Victor said
"No Dad not now, my wife is mess and the only thing that's gonna fix it is by find Hadley. So if you don't have any leads, I don't want to hear it" he said sitting on the couch
"I'm working on it" he said leaving the house
A little bit later Adam went to check on Sally he found her in their bedroom holding a sleeping Mazie laying across her chest
"Who knew the "better or worse" part of vows would come after we said "I do"she said softly as she was rubbing Mazie's head
"We are going to get through this"he said coming over to her "We are so close Sal,I can feel it"
"What if she isn't feeding her"she cried
"I'm sure she is. I hope she holding her like you do and Haddie can hear her heartbeat as she falls asleep"
"That woman is heartless"Sally said coldly "If she wasn't motherly to me Coco, she isn't gonna change now"
Adam just kissed her forehead "Here let me put Mazie in her crib, so you can get some sleep"he suggested "I'll even hold you" he whispered
Sally was so emotionally exhausted she just nodded. Adam carefully took Mazie and put her in the portable crib. He then came over and laid beside her and pulled her close
"Just close your eyes and think of seeing Hadley again" he kissed the back of her head
Sally was peacefully sleeping, Adam was laying there stroking her hair. When he got a text, he looked at his phone. Then back at Sally he didn't have the heart to wake her
He leaned in close to her "I'm going to bring our girl home" he whispered then kissed her cheek "I love you"
Adam walked over to Mazie who was asleep too "Love you Mazie Moo" he kissed her head
Adam was in the car with Chance who was driving
"Are you sure this was the location"Adam asked
"Yes, this is the pin location it tracked when she called"Chance told him
"When my father texted me my heart dropped and I need to be here"
"Adam this could get dangerous"Chance warned him
"All the more reason I need to be here, for my daughter. Hadley needs to see someone she knows" he told him
Chance nodded "Just let me handle it first okay and when it's safe you can come get her"
Nikki went to check on Sally and bring her some tea. She found Sally looking out the window
"Sally"she said softly
Sally turned around "Oh Nikki, I didn't know you were still here. I woke up and found Adam gone"
"I wasn't, I came back when Victor called Adam"she informed her
"Oh, why didn't he wake me, and tell me he was leaving"she asked
"I don't know, maybe he didn't want you to worry and get your hopes up. You were finally getting some rest"she smiled
" I should have been able to choose to go with him"
"You needed to stay with Mazie, Hadley is going home soon if everything checks out" she told her
Nikki set the tea down on the nightstand
"Nikki" Sally turned to look at her
"Yea"she said
"Thank you" she gave her a small smile
"For what" Nikki asked
"You have never been Adam's biggest fan, so you being here means a lot" Sally said
Nikki went over to her "Seeing you two go through this ordeal,breaks my heart"
Sally just hugged her
Chance and Adam arrived at them motel. Chance grabbed his gun
"Remember let us deal with this first, you are father not cop"Chance told him
"Just hurry, I want my Hadley in my arms"
Chance ran up to the door and broke it down to find Helen frantically packing
"Going somewhere"he held up the gun
"Oh officer, what seems to be the issue" she said
"The baby over there, I'm here for her"he told her
"Oh" she laughed "No, she is mine. A surprise baby you know" she said trying to come up with a cover story
"Nice try, I know that's Hadley Newman"
"You want to leave town, consider it done. Just let me have my daughter"
"Adam I told you to stay in the car until the coast was clear" Chance snapped at him
"We both know I wasn't going to when my daughter is involved"
"Oh Mr. Newman, what a surprise" she said looking annoyed
Adam saw Hadley in the car seat
"Helen just give it up now, this isn't going to end well for you. Just let me take my daughter and I'll make sure you won't get in trouble for this"he looked at her "I know why you did this. You are mad at Sally"
"You got in her head and talked her out of letting me in her life"
"No, I was protecting my wife, you never saw how broken she was, you chose you over your child"
"I had a complicated life"
"So did Sally, because of you. And now you are making even worse"he pointed to Hadley "You took her daughter. This has Sally inconsolable. You are hurting her all over again.You say you want to be her mother, then do the right thing by Sally, give her her baby back"
Helen crossed her arms "You said you can help me get out of town"
"Yes,I don't care if you want to leave the country done. All I care about about is that girl right here. I'll make it happen, but Helen you can't come back"
Helen thought about it "Fine" she moved aside
Adam didn't waste any time he got Hadley and started crying
"Oh baby girl"he kissed her head "Daddy's got you now" he held her close "You are safe now"
Chance looked at Adam "What would you like me too do with her"
"Take her to the car"he said looking over Haddie
"You said you would help me" she shouted
"Give me time with daughter" he said on stern voice not to upset Hadley
Chance took Helen outside
Adam sat on the bed holding her "Daddy is so sorry, you must been so scared"Hadley played with the button on his shirt "You get to go see Mommy, she missed you so much" he said giving her kisses
A few minutes later Adam came out of the room still with Hadley in his arms. He went up to Chance
"I need you to take  her back to Sally for me" Adam told him
"Adam why not you" he asked "You all should be together"
"I need to make sure she is gone, I can't trust my father or his team, he was supposed to make she didn't come near us"
"Okay, I can do that"he took Hadley
"Daddy loves you and he is going to be with you soon" he kissed her "Go get lots of Mommy hugs"
The doorbell rang and Nikki went to answer it, she smiled to see who it was
"Sally, it's for you" she told her
Sally ran in to the foyer and saw her little girl
"OH MY GOD HADLEY"she ran over and took her "Oh my baby, you are okay" she said crying
Both Chance and Nikki smiled watching this reunion
"Is she okay"Sally looked at Chance
"She is fine, really healthy. And I can see how happy she is to be with her Mommy" he smiled
"Where's Adam, didn't he go with you"Nikki asked
"He had to take care of something" he told her
Sally took Hadley over to the couch held her tight
"Mommy missed you so much. I'm never going to let you and Mazie go" she said
Nikki brought Mazie over to her "Look Mazie, look who is back it's Hadley" she told her as she handed her to Sally
Mazie smiled and touch her sister face
"My girls you are back together"Sally said hugging them
It was a couple hours later when Victor came to the house
"Hey is everything okay"Nikki asked as he could tell something was wrong
"Um I just got some news" he said
Sally looked over "Victor where's Adam" she asked
"He took upon himself to get that Helen woman out of town... and i just informed.. that ... they found his car"
Sally stood up still holding Hadley "Is he okay"
"Sally I'm so sorry"
Sally's world shattered all over again "No ...no"
"The care was up in flames when the paramedics got there.. he didn't make it"
Sally collapsed on the ground screaming


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