Chapter 9

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I laid down on my back on my bed letting out a long breath, I was home alone since Cassie went with one of her friends to their house and the others had also left a while ago

Destiny had helped me clean the mess up and just now left too, I enjoyed the little peace I got after the mess of yesterday

I pulled my phone out to distract myself and not let all my thoughts eat my brain up smiling at the messages I've gotten

I pulled my phone out to distract myself and not let all my thoughts eat my brain up smiling at the messages I've gotten

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I stared at the message for a moment. A call ? Was he serious ? Was I actually ready to tell him all about my mother ? Wasn't it too early for that ? I mean we only texted for a few days and that was some really personal stuff

But was it bad that I didn't feel like I couldn't share everything with him at all ? It's like I had known him forever.

I grew a little smile on my face starting to type on the chat

I mean that would for sure be easier

I didn't know if he actually meant it so I just waited for an answer, but instead of an answer there was in fact a call coming in, not a video call, just a normal call, I accepted waiting for him to talk

"Hello ?" I smiled even wider hearing his voice through my phone


"Oh you're actually there" I laughed a little rolling over to my stomach

"No I'm actually not, I'm a.. Russian robot"

"A Russian robot ? That's so cool I've always dreamed about talking to one of those"

"You've always dreamed about talking to a Russian robot ?"

"Yeah ? Who didn't that's so cool"

"I don't think anyone dreamed about that Scobell"

"Are you just not gonna call me by my first name at all ?"

"Hmm I'll have to think about it"

"Okay then Raven, is that even your last name ?"

"It is"

"Great, so want to tell me about your story now ?"

"You seem really interested in my story, are you like a secret undercover spy looking for information ?"

"Oh shit you caught me. Now the Russian robots have to delete my brain"

"Oh man always those Russian robots huh ?"

"Yeah it's always them... no you just seem like a very... interesting person and I really enjoy talking to you" I blushed a little grinning like crazy and I was really happy that he couldn't see my face

"I enjoy talking to you too" I smiled at my phone for a second "but this story it's- I mean- I don't...." I sighed not finding the right words to explain it

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to you know ? We can just talk about something else"


"So tell me Mel, were you planning on working on Tuesday ?" I grinned opening my calendar app on my phone

"It seems like I am working on Tuesday"

"Really ? Maybe you'll find a handsome blonde guy in there"

"I'll keep an eye open for one. So tell me something about yourself"

"You'll find everything on Google about me, you tell something about yourself"

"I don't want to get to know you through Google Walker, god knows how much bullshit is in there. I want to get to know you through you" he stayed quiet for a moment making me question if I said something wrong

"What do you want to know ?"

"I don't know"

"Okay uh, I actually have no idea what to tell you Mel... it's been a while since someone wanted to talk about me without hearing about anything acting related" my smile fell at that and I felt my heart breaking a little for him

"For whatever it's worth from me, I think you're really impressive"

"As an actor ?"

"As a person. I would hate to have everything about me out in the world, sounds like a nightmare to me"

"You wouldn't want people knowing you ?"

"No. I really don't want to have to do anything with all of that, it's not my thing at all. I just don't like having a lot of of attention on me in general, I guess I'm not really used to it" I shrugged rolling over again so I was lying on my right side

"What do you mean ?"

"I mean... everyone has like one thing they're known for you know ? But I'm rather the one who tags along, I think if you'd actively ask people about me they could tell something about me but I would never just pop into anyone's mind, I'm just there. I have two amazing best friends though, they're both the kind of people who pop into everyone's mind. Cole is in our football team, someone important in there so he's like popular for that and Destiny... she's a cheerleader for one but she's also just so insanely beautiful that she's probably constantly in someone's mind, like she's the kind of pretty that makes you do a double take" I caught myself smiling a little talking about them, they were awesome, I wasn't entirely sure why they would hang out with me so much

"Yeah I was never that good at making friends either, I mean sure I had friends but never really that close. One of them that I was pretty good friends with turned out to be the biggest asshole anyways...."

"That Jason guy ?"

"Yeah. But I think I made my closest friends through acting in the end... Aryan, Leah, Mo, Dior, Charlie, AJ... I really feel like, at home with them if that makes sense ? And of course there's Belle, she's kind of my build in best friend I guess, I would never tell her that to her face though I hate her..."

We kept talking for over two hours and it flew by like minutes, Walker was really great and talking with him just came easy like I didn't need to overthink every word I said

"Mel ?" I was about to hang up but stopped when I heard his voice again

"Yeah ?"

"I think you're insanely beautiful too, I definitely had to do a double take when I first saw you"

Authors note:
What if die ? Cause how are these two already killing me and it's their first time like really talking to each other ?!
I had something else planned for this chapter entirely but I didn't like where that was going and it gave me writers block so I just restarted this 🤭🤪
Also this is march 12th right now which means if I'm remembering it correctly Aryan and Belle start dating tomorrow 🤭😱

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