Chapter 13

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"Yeah you could thing about that" I looked from Blake to my phone I had pulled out beneath the table since my phone kept ringing


I frowned a little, Walker never just called. There was always texts before the call, or at least a can I call you ?

This was new, I looked back up at and then returned to my phone debating wether I should interrupt the breakfast or just push the call to later

"Sorry, I really have to take this" I got up from my seat, seeing Cole frowning at me, I turned around and left the room picking the phone up "Hello ?"

"I just saw them kissing. Like full on making out" I frowned a little moving faster to get to the back door "I can't believe this- I mean it's just so wrong and-"

"Walker hold up for a second and breathe" I said closing the door behind me walking out into the backyard "What's going on ?" I heard him taking a breath in the other end and sigh "who was making out ?"

"Belle and Aryan" I really wanted to pull an I told you so but I felt like this wasn't the very best moment for that so I stayed quiet nodding slightly - not that he could see it from the other end

"And that's so wrong because....?"

"I told Aryan like a million times that Belle is off limits. She's my sister, she's the one person I told him he couldn't go for and he didn't care at all ? This is just going to make things weird, I know it is and I don't want it. Everything was going so great"

"Are they dating ?"

"Well yeah I think so"

"Walker I feel like you're overthinking this, it doesn't have to be weird" I walked around their backyard a little kicking a stone around while focusing on the conversation

"It will be. I just know that it will and I will stand between my sister and my best friend. The last time she dated one of my friends everything got fucked up"

"You know, I don't really know Aryan personally but he doesn't seem like the Jason type to me" I heard him breathing out

"He isn't. Of course he isn't. Aryan is great it's just..."

"You're protective about her I get it Walker, I really do but maybe just let this happen. What's the worst that could happen ?"

"They could break up on really bad terms and then I would never be able to talk to Aryan again because she's my twin so I'm obligated to side with her and things will get weird between the cast and everything's gonna be a mess"

"You're thinking too much again Walker, the seem happy right now don't they ?"


"See, if Belle is seriously happy with this let her have it Walk" he was quiet again so I started thinking about how I could break the ice carefully, a grin sliding onto my face when I thought of something "you're just mad that I won the bet"

"That's foul raven"

"How long have they been dating for ?"

"I don't know, I would assume they just started. I'll punch Aryan if they've been hiding around behind my back for long" I laughed a little at his words shaking my head

"Poor Aryan"

"Pf. Poor me if I have to actually witness them making out all day every day"

"I'm like 80% sure you're exaggerating Walker they were probably just kissing"

"That's still too gross"

"How was the event ?"

"It was so fun, I met Logan Lerman and Giancarlo Esposito and we did so many interviews and pictures-" I leaned on the wall behind me with a smile growing on my face about how excited he sounded, I could practically see his eyes lighting up as he kept talking

"Wait are you still in Vegas ?"


"So where are Aryan and Belle while you're having this crisis" he snorted a laugh

"I'm not having a crisis"

"Sure Walker"

"Whatever. They're at the hotel"

"Then let me rephrase my question, where are you right now ?"

"Uh... some park I don't know"

""Wow that's really reassuring"

"Worried I might get lost raven ?"

"Yeah because how would I ever get my necklace if you got lost ?" I grinned to myself, I loved reading Walker it might just be my favourite activity. He never took it serious which was really great because most of the times I tried to do things like this people got weirdly annoyed

"You know you couldn't care less about the necklace if I got lost"

"You're thinking like you're too much again Scobell, the world would keep spinning if you got lost"

You like him I heard Destiny's voice in my head, but I didn't like him, I couldn't like him I mean I barely knew him

"This is just so weird. Belle and Aryan dating ? That doesn't sound right"

"I think they look really cute together and I know I'm not the only one who thinks that. I've seen a billion people on TikTok or insta saying the same you know"

"I should get back to the hotel, they don't really know where I am I kinda just ran out earlier"

"And left the poor girl feeling bad about her relationship ?"

"It's just not right"

"It might not be, you can't really decide that, that's on them. But I know that you want both of them to be happy and if they're happy with each other...."

".... who am I to ruin it for them" I nodded slowly knowing that again he could t see me "I hate you Mel why do you always have to be so annoying"

"Just helping you out" I shook my head pushing myself up from the wall and walking circles and eights in the garden again

"You really don't want me to tell Belle about you ?" I was quiet letting that sink in

"Walker..." I thought about that, it was Belle. Truth be told I was dying to meet her and talk to her and I wasnt even sure if I would find it that horrible if she knew about my existence. It was just still pretty scary

"I like talking to you Mel and I would consider us friends so I would actually like telling her about you. But I won't if you don't want me to. You know I won't. But you should also know that she would never ever tell anyone else" I wasn't entirely sure why I was so over defensive about this whole thing

Social media was a scary place and people would for sure get the wrong idea about Walker and I and then there would be endless hate towards me and I seriously couldn't handle all that

"You can tell her"

Authors note:
I'm so tried first day of school killed me today 😭
Wellll the real stuff is starting soon (I think) so it's coming, I'm not sure when exactly but I know that it is coming 🤭
I also feel like we slowly need a ship name for them what about like Walody? Or Melker ?

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