Chapter 31

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I woke up in the morning with a blanket covering me and cuddled up to Walker on the couch

I felt his hand running over my hair and just stayed in the same position for a bit not moving at all

"When are you leaving ?"

"In like a week" I frowned a little unsure of what they were talking about "but it's only for a few days"

"But don't you also have the next Percy Jackson season coming up ?"

"Yeah" Walker sighed "that's like half a year of filming in Vancouver" my heart clenched up a little at the thought of not seeing Walker for half a year, I had never thought about the fact that dating an actor would mean a whole lot of long distance "but that's in august, let's not worry about that yet"

"Where are you going in a week ?"

"It's Charlie's birthday, he's doing this big thing cause it's his 20th. I'm honestly just excited for it cause I'll see Belle again, she's been filming for ages"

"Aww you miss your sister" I moved my head around after destinys word to show that I had woken up

"Shut up I like hate her. Good morning" he smiled down to me after finishing his words to Des


"We've got a long day ahead of us, we have a bunch of birthday activities planned"

"I just want to sleep" I turned my head into walkers chest again for a second "wait I thought Belle helped you with the gifts how have you not seen her for ages ?"

"She showed it to me over to phone" that means he put the effort into wrapping every single gift all by himself which was really sweet

"I'm like 90% sure that Belle might just be the love of my life" Destiny said out shaking her head slightly making both of us turn to her "what ? Have you seen her ? She's drop dead gorgeous and can sing and act and is nice ? You don't just find people like that walking down the street anymore"

"Well you can fight Aryan on that"

"That lucky bastard" I laughed out at my best friends mumbling "I'd date him too not gonna lie I have rarely seen a guy that handsome, he is fine. They are 100% the IT-couple of our generation, no doubt. They cause me straight up bi-panic"

"Not even gonna lie I'd date Belle too"

"Excuse me ?!" Walker looked at me wide eyed while I just shrugged

"I'm 100% gonna freak when I meet her for the first time just saying"

"You'd date my sister ?"

"I have a type what can I say" I grinned shrugging again

"Get some help dude" Walker placed his hand on my face and slightly turned me away playfully

I grinned turning my head away from his hand and shaking my head

"I'm obviously just kidding my love you're the only one I'd want to date" if there was a lie detector attached to me it would probably explode right now cause that was so not true, I don't know what was in those Scobell genes but they were insane, Leena, Belle and Walker. All of them. I wonder what it would look like if the Scobell gene got mixed with mine...? What the heck, I am insane. I need to stop thinking about that, that's insane

"I don't understand why you don't want to meet them" I blinked a few times to get out of my thoughts

"Well it's more difficult than you'd think Des"

"How ?"

The amount of hate I've seen people get for getting with a famous guy is insane and I'm honestly terrified of it, I've seen people even get death threats and I quite honestly don't think I could take that. There's also the thing where I would get a whole lot more attention and get questioned for a billion things and people would say that Walker deserves better all of the time which I honestly agree with but I like him too much to just ignore it. And then in the scenario, which I would most like to not even think about, of us breaking up there would be a billion reminders to it all of the time which I'm sure I won't want or need if that happens and the hate I'd get for that is another immense thing that I just can't take

"I don't know, it's still very new let us just chill for a bit" I pushed all of my thoughts away and said that shortly blowing the topic off by trying to get up

"No no, you lay there. We'll handle breakfast" Destiny stopped me jumping up from the mattress she had put on the floor "let's hope Cole hasn't burned anything off yet" I watched her walk into the kitchen and heard a little talking that I could t really understand before the door closed and the voices got muffled

"Why do you really not want to be all that public ?" I looked up to see walkers piercing blue eyes frowning at me

"A lot of reasons"

"Well could you imagine maybe at some point in the distant future going to an event with me ?" He played with the string of my (his) hoodie, wrapping it around his finger and letting it go again while I thought about his question for a bit

"Yeah, maybe"

"Really ?"

"Yeah, well in the distant future though" he smiled and kissed my cheek making me smile too "so Charlie's birthday coming up huh ?"

"You heard that ?"


"I thought you were asleep"

"Well my mind was alive"

"What does that even mean"

"You have so much to learn Scobell" I sighed shaking my head "so... how do you like my friends so far, this is the first time you like really hung out with them"

"I really like them, they're nice. I think we're getting along good"

"That's great"

Authors note:
Just a cutesy filler chapter because I need them to be happy 🤭
Sooo it's been over 30 chapters how do we like our dear Mel ? 🤭

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