Dear Diary

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So, I haven't written in a while, and it's not because I have a lot on my plate. I've actually had nothing eventful to take note of.

Oh, I do have a little update. Guess what? I passed the audition!!! (Squeals in excitement). Well, it's not like it's hard, there's no way I wouldn't pass. I've been pretending since the day I was born, so something's as easy as crying in less than one minute, is nothing for me. I simply had to think of how miserable my life has been lately.

I know you're wondering why I'm excited. The almighty Alice, that was initially uninterested in anything that required giving more effort than was need, now has an interest in something. But like the walls of Jericho, my self absorbedness, fell flat.

I can lie to everyone that I merely did it for my friends but the truth is that a tiny, and nonsensical part of me wanted to do it. Maybe because I was exhausted with my humdrum life and wanted some spice but whatever reason it is, I couldn't care less.

But, I'm irritated at myself for getting swayed by the little wench's taunts. I literally have the mental age of a 60 year old. Well, I'll be the bigger one and admit defeat. I won the battle but she, won the war.

Anyways, like I just said, my life life has been boring and I'd been enjoying it so far but it seems life doesn't always go the way you want it to. Because, tell me why I'm following my family to my uncle's place this weekend? (Cries in distress) I don't want to go and I tried various ways to escape but mom, wasn't buying it. That little lady, is really determined, I'll give her that.

A+ for determination and controlling my life!!! I could also add obvious emotional blackmail.

I even pretended to be sick but the moment she mentioned injections, I broke out of character. There's no way I'll let that thing in me, there's only one thing I want inside me... I'll stop there, I'm trying to keep this diary PG 13, in case my parents stumble on it one day.

Oh well, seems like I have to face my fate afterall. It's just 2 days, what exactly can go wrong?

Well, I'll tell you, every bloody thing. I jinxed it!!!

Anyways, I got to sleep. I'm beyond tired.


P.s. Is it obvious I just learnt the word: "humdrum"? I'm actively trying to increase my vocabulary.

P.s. I lied, my mental age is actually that of a 15 year old if I was being thoroughly honest.

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