Chapter 2: To kiss a frog

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Alice was convinced that she was going to die soon. She was called to Miss Gwen's office, and she knew why. She had failed her biology test, again.

There was always the one thing that no matter how much you tried, you just could never be good at it. For her, Biology was that thing. She was pretty much good at everything else but when it came to that dreadful subject, she was horrible.

Maybe understanding life just wasn't her thing.

This was her second time this term failing that subject and she couldn't afford to fail it anymore if she wanted to enter the best college. Plus the thought of failing was terrifying.

Biting into her apple, she turned her attention back to her friends just in time to hear her name being called.

"...Ali, you're spacing out again! "

Smiling sheepishly, she blew a kiss to the red head who called her name.

Erica's face turned it disgust at the kiss and stuck out her tongue

Alice knew many people she was afterall, quite popular. She however, had three female friends.

There was Veronica, the damsel in distress. Then Erica, the definition of natural beauty and Laura the crazy dark haired who was more often than not in situations which had gotten her almost arrested.

"...I've been talking for the past five minutes and I'm pretty sure you didn't hear a single word I said"

Smiling at Erica apologetically, Alice gestured for her to proceed.

Erica placed a paper that she had been holding few minutes before on the table and the girls scooted closer to get a better view of the content.

Laura took the paper from the table and skimmed through it. After what seemed like hours, she dropped the paper on the table and burst into fits of laughter.

Looking at Laura in confusion, Alice questioned her "Well, why are you laughing and what does the paper say?"

Laura merely gestured to the paper as she continued laughing. In the process, clutching her stomach in pain.

Sighing loudly, Veronica picked up the paper and read the content. After a few minutes, she raised her head and looked at her friends whose expression remained curious.

"Well what is in the paper?"

"Well" dropping the paper on the table as she continued "It's about an audition."

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Guys come on it'll be awesome, it can't be so hard" Erica pleaded as she looked at her friends in desperation.

Laura shook her head sadly as she looked at Erica. "It's not like we don't want to do it but..."

"Speak for yourself" said Alice.

Ignoring her, Laura continued "it's just that we don't have any experience."

"Or talent" Alice chipped in.

"And there's a hundred percent chance we would end up embarrassing ourselves." Veronica added.

"I just wanted us to have memories" Erica whispered with less enthusiasm.

Releasing a breath, Alice looked at her friend and knew what she had to do.

"Guys, as much as I'd hate to admit, Erica is right." Rolling her eyes at the shocked expression on their face she continued "In a month's time, we'd be going for our summer break and we won't be seeing each other for a while. Laura will be traveling to France, Erica, to London. We won't be able to hang out and even if we don't end up traveling, we'd be busy with our family"

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