Dear Diary

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So right now, I'm back home and I must say that I had quite an eventful weekend. I'll most definitely not forget anything that happened. From destroying a swing, to hitting its owner, getting chased by my Uncle's dog and, getting drunk in the family party. Did I fail to mention that Dora, the little spawn of the Devil said we should make up? That's literally the highlight of my week.

Oh well, I'm grounded for the next two weeks because Mummy and Daddy, found out I went wandering without their permission. It's not like I really care though, I'll still sneak out if I desperately need to.

So, I have good news... Drum rolls pleaseeee... I got a new part time job and the best part is that I'm going to be working in an amusement park!!! (Squeals in excitement). God bless Stephen for telling me about the place because I had no idea it even existed.

Daddy seems to be annoyed because Alex, broke his golf club while chasing a rat. Sounds crazy to me though, because how can a rat hunt down its kind?(Daddy doesn't get the joke).
Mom literally told him to suck it up, it's not like he even knows how to play golf. He literally got it because he read it in a magazine that it'll attract wealth.
So he's trying to play the mature adult but I don't know how that's working since he locked Alex outside the house.

Mom is unaware of this development since she's at a friend's. And I on the other hand, I'm trying to practice being a filial daughter so I can't go against my father's will right?

Poor Alex, exposed to the weather while I lay in my cozy bed, writing away.

I can't believe I've written for this long, I'm finally breaking the curse of inconsistency, hurray!!

Anyways, that's all. I don't think I've missed anything else or have I?

Gotta go, tomorrow is Monday and you know what they say about Mondays?

Well, I don't know so,

P.s. This is an edit, I'm scribbling hurriedly in the school hallway and I'm literally 20 minutes late to class!!

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