Dear diary

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Dear diary:
Today was a disaster. Miss Gwen the new biology teacher is seriously getting on my nerves. Why couldn't she just leave me and my terrible score? But no, she just had to interfere and suggest tutoring and of all people to call, it just had to be that witch, Betty.

Her name might sound sweet and all but trust me when I say she's far from sweet. She's sour and most times tasteless. Don't ask me how I know, cause I overheard a bunch of guys in the locker room talking about how she tastes. Till now, I'm still utterly confused on what they meant.

I and Betty go a long way back. I don't hate her or anything cause she's not worth my energy and strength but she's one of those girls that just get on your nerves just by talking.

Yeah, we fake laugh when we see each other but I massively dislike her and the feeling is definitely mutual. Like the one time she "accidentally" pushed me off the stage during drama class. I had to wear cructches and as a result I couldn't participate in the drama. This really sucked cause I had a major role.

Yeah, she apologized in front of everyone and fake cried and all but there's no way in hell that I would ever believe her stupid apology and flawless acting that she might as well shove it up her a-hole. It was no surprise that everyone bought her stupid acting, she just had to be good at pretending.

She was more than glad to take up my role since she was the one that not so accidentally' caused me to fall off that damned stage and should pay for her sins while I sat in the back watching her deliver my line gracefully.

Oh don't get me wrong, I had my sweet revenge by stealing the guy that she claimed to be in love with although we both knew that he was just one of her new shinny toys.

I made him fall hard for me and he just had to declare his love for me in front of the school. (not like it's a big accomplishment or something)

Oh I was flattered and all but there's no way I would ever, I mean ever ever date him. But Betty wasn't flattered. She was furious and heartbroken but she had it coming. Such blissful friendship memories. Now we don't talk at all but at least I still acknowledge her presence. But nothing is going to make me ask her to tutor me.

Anyways, Erica brought up a suggestion that I and the girls should audition for a play. I'm not really trilled about it but she's right, summer break is so close and this summer, I don't think we would be spending it together. So of course we all agreed although the audition is in 5 days ...This is absolutely the worst thing I have ever agreed to do. Like why did I have to support her in the name of being positive for once? Hopefully she would have forgotten. But I highly doubt that. I'm definitely certain that this would go all shades wrong

This evening I overheard mom and dad discussing in the kitchen that we should visit her brother, Uncle Joe. I don't think I want to go cause of his over chatty nosy wife and spoilt kids but he's pretty loaded. Hopefully I can convince him to get me a new phone if mom isn't watching because she doesn't want us to seem like a charity case, blah blah blah.

Alex has been acting strange lately. During dinner he kept looking at his phone every time he received a message and smiling stupidly at the screen. I wonder what he's looking at? I could go through his phone to find out but that'll be so wrong. Or more like I don't know his password.

But I think there's a girl involved and if it's a girl, I'll definitely puke. Plus he let me win in a video game three times in a row! that is so unlike him and it's disturbing watching him behave like this. The last time he acted this way it ended badly, I don't want it to happen again.

Well, I've got to sleep cause tomorrow is chores day and I'm going to need all my energy and strength to work and watch my brother's weird and disgusting behavior.


That's it for now... What do you think? Leave a comment.

Love you all...
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