Dear diary

25 6 2

Dear diary:
For some weird reason, it seems the universe hates me. Maybe I'm cursed or something, I'm not really sure.

I got a B in my maths quiz, I wasn't really prepared for it cause I spent last night being totally productive. Definitely not spending 6 hours on Netflix. Plus I fell and faceplanted the floor during biology class. Totally embarrassing.

I had to endure detention with Mr Liam. It was horrifying but at least Ronnie was getting punished with me. And I didn't have to explain to my parents that on how I got detention. They were pretty preoccupied, doing grownup stuffs. By that, I mean they locked themselves up in their room and, strange noises could be heard. I am still trying to convince myself that they were wrestling and that was why those sounds could be heard. My mental health is at stake

Alex ended up getting grounded for 2 weeks cause of the stunt he pulled today. Everyone expects me to let it slide but there's no way in hell that would ever happen. And even if I want to let it slide, I've already declared a sibling war against him. I'm going to give him and his friends, a taste of their own medicine.

I went to the mall with Laura and her new boyfriend who decided to tag along. I didn't really mind cause she's been crushing on him since like forever, I'm really happy for my friend . Although I must confess, being third wheel isn't fun but alas I find myself in such fate.

I always knew that one day my big mouth would put me in trouble, and that day was today. Ronnie came back from the principal's office super excited. I know she's up to no good but she simply told me that I'd find out tomorrow. Never In my life had I wanted to punch her so badly but I was pretty occupied trying to figure out why Erica was giving me the silent treatment. It wasn't like I forgot her birthday this year... Or did I?

Anyways, I've got to go. Dad has something to say and has called for a family meeting. I wonder what it is? I hope we're not visiting any boring relatives, I'd eat my shoes before I see some relative trying to tell me how to live my life, commenting about my weight or, giving me the talk. The last time it happened, I had to stop myself from laughing, it was so amusing watching my aunt struggling to think of the right words.

Anyways, I've gotta go...

Hope you guys enjoyed it.. Lol

That's it for now fellas.

You know the rest

Luv u all p.s don't be a silent reader
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