Chapter 3: He hit his head on a rock

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Alice closed the door after she watched her parents drive off. They wouldn't be back till late afternoon or evening since they went to pay a visit to a relative.

She put her hair in a bun as she jogged up the stairs to Alex's room to call him. Today was chores day and the sooner they got to it, the better. There was so much to do and so little time besides, she planned to go shopping with the girls and nothing was going to stop her from going.

Upon reaching his room, she opened his door and walked right into it without bothering to knock but his room was surprisingly empty.

"Strange" she whispered. What was he up to now?

Something was amiss. Asides from the fact that his room was perfectly arranged, he wasn't there. Walking around the empty room in case he would suddenly appear she almost missed his phone that was on the dresser. She picked it up and was shocked to see it unlocked. This was her lucky day.

The little voice in her head kept reminding her it was wrong but she kept telling herself that she didn't switch on the phone, afterall it was already on and begging to be used. Finally deciding to do the right thing she was about to drop his phone when a message came in from a person named Eleanor with several heart emoji's beside the name.

That was strange, she didn't know anyone called Eleanor plus, he never told her about a girl called Eleanor and he told her important things when was rather sane. Maybe this girl wasn't important afterall. But she was burning with curiosity.

Who was Eleanor? Where did he meet her? Was she the girl that he was talking to last night? And most importantly why didn't she know? She needed answers, and she needed them now.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to take a tiny peak" she said.

Clicking on the name, she scrolled through their last messages but before she could read it she stopped. This was wrong. He obviously had his reasons for not telling her and going through his private life wasn't right. But it seemed the devil was at work because her eyes saw the last thing he said to the mystery girl.

"I love you"

Oh no. This couldn't be happening. What the bloody hell was going on? Alex didn't do love. Well, until now.

She was about to read more to get her answers but stopped when she heard his footsteps down the corridor.

She quickly exited his chats, switched off his phone and dropped it back exactly as it was before just in time before he strode into his room.

He was about to take a bite from his banana when he stopped mid track upon seeing her.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?" He demanded.

Smiling innocently, she slowly walked to the door.
"I came to call you so we could begin our chores and all. So I'm leaving now" She blurted out.

He looked at her suspiciously as his light brown eyes bore a hole through her head. He was about to continue questioning her before she quickly ran outside of his room.

What a lucky escape.

She quickly walked into her room and shut the door. She had to wear her T-shirt and shorts for chores. As she wore her clothes, she pondered on what she had read. She still hadn't found out who Eleanor was and what was going on between the mystery girl and her brother but she had found out something else.

She smiled evilly as she stepped out of her room, she now had something to use against him.

"You'll never know what hit you, brother."

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