Chapter 13:There is No Light at the End of the Tunnel

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Alice, concluded as she tried to process how the once joyful atmosphere became tense, that the saying of— holding out to the very end even when stuck in a dark tunnel because, there's a light waiting at the end of that tunnel; was a lie from the pits of hell. Because if it weren't, then there is no way Alice would be stuck there, reliving her worst nightmare.

Alice, squeezed her hand as she bit back the harsh words, burning to burst out of her.

Couldn't a girl enjoy a nice evening without any interruptions?

"Noah, let's go. Or, you could choose to stay, since it's your party." She added, not wanting to force the option on him.

Alice turned, with every intent to ignore the elephant in the room.

But the elephant, didn't want to be ignored.

"So you'll pretend as though I don't exist."

Alice tensed up, as though she weren't already guarded; when she heard the all-too familiar voice of the person she once admired.

Admired? She scoffed at the thought. Admired, was the word she would use if she wanted to put it simply. But, it was something more than that, something more bold, and painful than mere admiration.

But, Alice would never admit that she felt a longing because, the day she admitted it, was the day she would fall apart.

Alice, turned slowly to face the one person she loathed. "Eric, what do you want me to say to you? Do you expect me to throw myself at you?"

Her ex-boyfriend.

His handsome face, looked dejected which caused something to stir in her.

Eric, stepped forward, reaching for her. "Alice—"

Alice, stepped back to avoid his burning touch. "No right?" Answering her question. "Then I'll take my leave, I bid you a farewell."

Alice turned around and, sprinted as fast as her heels and dress would allow her.

In normal circumstances, she would have cringed at the thought of running away from a party, acting as though she were the main character. She always found it absurd, if not utterly ridiculous but; for the first time in her existence she could understand why they ran.

She wasn't crying, she absolutely wasn't. But if she stopped to think, she would.

So she did the one thing we was good at, or rather the one thing she learned from Eric— she ran away.

Without stopping to catch her breathe, she speed dialed her brother once she got outside.

"Give me a break Cinderella, it's not yet 10!" His answered sharply as soon as he picked the call. "Aren't you supposed to be enjoying the party?"

Alice, tried to say something but she choked on her words. She couldn't speak while trying to fight back the tears.

"Hello, earth to Alice. Is everything okay?" Alex's voice getting worried. "Hello?"

"Please... come pick me up." Her voice breaking in between sentences to catch her breathe. She didn't want him to know that she was about to break apart.

But Alex knew, he always did. "I'll be there in a minute, don't go anywhere." He threatened.

"You fool." She whispered, as soon as the call disconnected.

Alice, legs weakened so she sat on the pavement. She tried to control her emotions but the only thing she could think of was; why?

Why had he showed up? Why now when she has started to move on? Just when it began to stop hurting.

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