Dear diary

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Dear diary:
Today was chores day and it was exhausting. I couldn't go to the mall with the girls and I'm really sad, I really wanted to go. I kind of knew I wouldn't go because of Alex but I just had a little hope.

I know you're probably wondering why I just couldn't go and I'll tell you. My parents don't allow me to go out so I sneak out of the house every chance I get and come back before they realize I ever left the house. Cool plan right?

If you're wondering why, it's because an incident happened some years ago that made them become very strict.

Anyways I'm really tempted to tattle on Alex but because I'm a good sister, not because I'll suffer the consequences from Alex, I decided not to.

I still don't know who this Eleanor girl Is and I doubt it's the girl he was telling me about plus he told me he wasn't in love with anyone. But why did he tell this mysterious "Eleanor" that he loves her if he doesn't do love? I'm really desperate for answers. That kid is keeping lots of secrets and my hands are itching to unfold them.

Next week, I'm going to be having my biology test and I don't know if I'm ready for it. I might as well ask Betty for help.... Like that could ever happen. Besides Miss Gwen can't really do anything to me asides sending me to the principal's office. And besides, it's not like I have the worst grade in class, I get A's in my other subjects.

Mom and Dad came home kind of late but they looked like they had just won the lottery. I shrugged it off at first, it wasn't bad to be happy. Maybe something good had happened. But something definitely happened because during dinner, I broke a plate. I expected mom to scold me but she just smiled and was like; "we all make mistakes".

Her attitude freaked me out but I felt there was a logical explanation to it until my dad started acting weird. I was watching this crazy show and my dad had told me to call him when his favorite show began. I definitely forgot to call him. He didn't seem upset one bit. He told me it was okay and I could keep watching my show. That did it, something is up. Even Alex noticed their weird behavior and knew they had something up their sleeves.

Oh, I almost forgot. I egged Alex today. I set up the trap when he was still doing his chores. He kept screaming like a banshee and I kept laughing like a maniac. As a result he couldn't go on his date as he was too busy cleaning the egg stained rug. He had to make up some lie but it seems his date didn't believe him cause she ended things between them immediately.
Don't ask me how I know because I have no idea. Okay I lied, I'm actually a professional eavesdropper. I placed my ear on his door and sniffed out all information.

I've never felt so happy in my life. He couldn't do anything to me cause our parents shunned  him for allowing me to do all the chores. Mom made him wash all the dishes and put him on maid duty for a month. I happily danced in my room while he worked miserably. He still smells like eggs.

Anyways I've got to go. I've got school tomorrow and as the famous saying goes.
"Early to bed, early to rise
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."

P.S: it's 3am

It was actually 3am when I completed this... 😂

Tell me what you think? Don't be a silent reader.

#stay safe

Love you all.
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