Chapter 7: Daisy shorts are trending

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The streets of maple field, was still. The atmosphere was tense and the weather was dense.

Many trembled in fear and anticipation. What was going to happen? They whispered in hushed tones. But, four brave and gallant girls stood at the front of the battle field, ready to conquer the enemy.

"Are you ready girls?" Their leader said.

"Yes!" They affirmed in unison. They were ready to conquer.

"Get out of the road you fools!"

The girls, turned back to look at the car driver that honked continuously.

When the man saw that they weren't responding, he held unto the steering wheel and accelerated towards them, he was ready to clear them off the road by all means.

This snapped them out of their imaginary world and they screamed and ran across the street.

The car swerved to the left, nearly hitting a tree. He took another risky turn to the right before he drove past them. But not before cussing at them.

"You realize we nearly died right?" Erica said, breaking the silence.

The girls looked at each other and burst into fits of laughter.

After they had calmed down, Alice snapped her fingers and looked at them.

"Okay ladies, enough of the little talks. Let's hurry before the audition starts."

The girls hurried towards the audition building, but stopped when they saw the crowd outside.

"The whole city is here" Alice said sarcastically.

"I don't think it's for the audition we're here for though" Veronica said as she tapped her boots on the ground

Erica's eyes widened in surprise and she looked back and forth from Veronica to the crowd standing in front of the building. "So you're telling me that they're two auditions going on here? This is exciting."

"Yes, very." Alice chipped in although she sounded anything but excited.

"I have a suggestion guys, why don't we turn back and go home?" Laura said slowly.

Alice smiled genuinely at the suggestion. "I'm liking that idea."

Erica rolled her eyes in slight annoyance. "Very funny guys. We've come this far, we might as well go through it."

A short red nosed man, walked up to the them in the middle of their conversation, holding a file in his hand. "Can I help you ladies?" He grunted

Veronica, smiled when she saw him and stepped forward. "Well, I don't know if you remember me, but I'm the girl that came the other day to sign up?"

The man looked her up and down, and shook his head slowly. "Your face doesn't ring a bell, probably because it's generic." He scratched his beards as he spoke.

Veronica, squeezed her hands, resisting the urge to punch him in the face while the girls, giggled.

"Well, I was wearing shades that day, and a skirt?"

"Still can't remember." He said.

"I submitted four entries to you?"

"Still doesn't ring a bell girl. If you want me to remember, you have to tell me something more, solid."

"Oh for heavens sake, I was the girl that fell down the stairs!" Veronica said in annoyance.

"Ronnie, you fell from stairs?" Laura said. "You didn't tell us."

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