Epilogue - Two Months Later

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James walked up to Mr. X before he'd even closed the front door. "Mr. X, there is a guest for you waiting in the ballroom." X glared at him. "And you let them in without requesting my permission first?" he said through his teeth. James kept a straight face. "Trust me, Mr. X, you'll like this guest." X sighed, and walked to the ballroom.

He noticed her immediately as he opened the doors. Inside the ballroom was the most beautiful and cute girl he'd ever seen. Her long, golden hair was beautifully curled like a bride's coupe. Her makeup accentuated her eyes, making them bigger. She was wearing a leather jacket, complemented by the gorgeous ball gown under it. Mr. X stood frozen in the doorway, his eyes wide, his jaw dropped. "By God, it's you, isn't it?" he uttered.

She smiled. "Hey X," she said. "I've missed you."


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