❀ Chapter 1 ❀

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- Simonéa -

It was the first day of school, I was starting my senior year of high school. I was on my way walking to school when suddenly I was grabbed by the wrist,

"Hey baby, you wanna have a good time?"

A man that looked to be in his thirties stood before me. Instantly I snatched my arm from him,

"Who the fuck even says that anymore? Get the away from me you perv." I yelled.

He then grabbed me by the waist whispering, "I'll pay you.."

He smirked and I instantly reacted pushing him off me. He fell right onto a trashcan and I walked away without another word.

But, he yelled behind me, "Cocky ass thot!"

That hit a nerve in me but I wasn't going to let that phase me.

Dark caramel bunny like skin, big round eyes that men think are vacuous. Long black curly hair everyone thinks is weave when it's actually natural.

They think I'm just some loud mouthed tom boy, you have no idea how wrong people can be.

"Brazen" "Conceited" "A Player" my looks always causes my problems. Then moments later my "friend" Alani came running up behind me.

"Who was that old creep?" She asks.

"Oh, hey Alani." I say walking ahead of her.

"Well spit it out who was that?" She asks catching up.

"Just some old perv he goes, "Wanna have a good time" like really? It really pisses me tf off!"

I yell as we entered the girl's locker room, and I punched a locker while Alani busted out laughing.

"That is so disgusting, but I see why they ask. Well I mean, you do look like the type that might take him on." She grins.

I looked at her crazy but then I noticed she had a bag that looked exactly like a bag I wanted yesterday while we were out shopping.

"Aye, hollup... where'd you get that bag?"

"Huh? What this?" She says lifting up the bag she held, "I bought it."
She smiled at me, I then rolled my eyes.

"Are you serious? You knew I wanted it, I didn't have enough money for but I was going to go back to get it!"

"Well, after you left I went ahead and brought it. Isn't it cute?" She smiled twirling around with it.

"You're such a liar! It's not even your type..." I trailed off concealing my anger.

"Yeah, maybe not." She pouts.

"Yo, you even tried to talk me outta getting it! You the one that told me not to..."

She then closed her locker and headed towards our classroom waving me off disregarding me. I shook my head and walked in after her. But as she entered a few girls started commenting on her bag.

"Hey, Alani is that a new bag?" Said a girl.

"It really looks cute." Said another finishing the other's sentence.

Then she did that stupid giggle of hers, thanking them. I just went to my seat and took out my supplies for the day.

I felt pretty stupid though, Alani copies everything of mine. People say the grass is greener on the other side. But I say if I were to pick up a blade of grass, Alani wouldn't rest until she had it.

Her outfit consisted of fake eyelashes, too much mascara, awful lip gloss, same hair pin as mines, fake nails, socks similar to the ones I buy, and vans similar to the ones I was wearing.

While I rocked no makeup except a hint of mascara you could barely notice, a simple T shirt with some dark blue jeans and my palm tree vans. My hair was in a messy ponytail, with a bobby pin that held my loose hairs back.

What hurts most is that the bag really looks better on her. She's got big boobs and she's light skinned, everything I'm not. Plus, she also gets all the good guys.

I'm not interested in men but it's annoying how she uses MY style. I've only known her for three months and she swears I'm her best friend. But then came Jaelyn coming our way as Alani pointed him out. "Look, it's Jae. Hey Jae!"

She waved at Alani but then turned her attention to me, "Guess who I saw yesterday?"

"Who?" I asked curiously trying my best not to blush.

"Alyssa and Ayren." She grinned.

"Oh really?" I laugh.

"Yeah, she told me to give you this. It's from yesterday, we took a picture together." She said taking a little photo out of her pocket.

"Wow, she grew her hair out." I laugh admiring the photo.

She nodded her head, "I guess, she also told me to say Hey so yeah..." She laughed awkwardly causing me to laugh as well.

"Well, thanks a lot, Jae." I smiled at her.

She nodded and proceeded to walk away. And, I continued to blush at the picture of her, my best friend Alyssa, and Alyssa's brother Ayren. Finally, I got a personal photo of Jaelyn. Sounds creepy huh?

But, I shook off the grin and joined Alani in class again. But she already noticed my change in mood.

"You like talking to Jae, don't you?"

My heart then started to beat fast, she was catching on to me...

"Uh.. wait what?"

"I just noticed you don't talk much to any one else, but you've been talking to her lately."

"I- uh, guess I do... we were in the same class in middle school. And... everyone was really close back then, well my best friend Alyssa and her brother were. So yeah... I guess I kinda do..." I laugh awkwardly.

Then she said nothing nodding her head. So, I quickly left, "Well, I gotta go.. I need to change my shirt before gym starts."

Then she nodded again, as I got up to leave.

That was hella close. How I feel about Jae is about the only thing Alani doesn't know yet. But.. I don't know how long I can keep it from her.. she's so nosy. Then I noticed Jae and a group of her friends hanging out in the hallways.

"Dude, you like Alani too?"

"Definitely.. she's the cutest chick in this school." ❤

I rolled my eyes, just because she's got that ivory like skin, they act like she's some kind of goddess. Plus, standing next to me, she just looks like the sweet and innocent one when it's the complete opposite.

"Have you seen Néa's skin, thou?"

"She must be out at the beach all the time."

"Yeah, I heard she a thot, bro."

"Maybe, I'll get her to party with me some time... or even in bed." Laughed one of them.

"Shut up, y'all sound stupid ass fuck. It's just because she's on the swimming team. Not because she's a beach bunny. Don't talk shit you know nothin about." Says Jaelyn defending me.

"Oh shit, ma bad.. "

"Yeah, I ain know fam.."

I then smiled... she actually stood up for me.

As long as she understands I don't care what anyone thinks. After I got done changing, I headed back to class with a smile on my face getting caught once again.

"So, Néa do you have anyone you like?"

Then once again my heart sped up... I've been found out?

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