❦ Chapter 15 ❦

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❦ 15: Heartbeat ❦


Once the butterflies in my stomach began to fade, Akia began to speak, "Nea... I don't want you cryin' anymore." She spoke softly as my heartbeat pulses uncontrollably where I stood in her arms, "Yesterday, when you were crying on my shoulder, I was pretty touched. Also, I was glad to be there for you. Ya' know? When you're with Jaelyn, I always notice that your face lights up like a fat kid getting cake. I love that beautiful smile of yours. I just only wish that I could do the same myself." She says softly pulling away from our embrace as she gives me a weak smile.

"Uh... Thanks, Kia." Is all I could manage to get out as she grabbed me by my cheeks, "No problem, kiddo. I just want you to be happy. Well, bye. I'll see ya' later. Good luck with the rest of your races." She waves as she leaves out the locker room. And once I heard the door shut, my knees grew weak and I fell to the floor gripping my towel in utter shock.

Why is my heart pounding so hard?


As I walk back towards my swimming team, insults were coming from left to right. But knowing that I was about to finesse these last 7 races, I wasn't phased.

"Now up is the 100 meter relay!" Announced the official as I stepped up to my swimming block.

"Nea, you need to get your shit together, asap! You're the most experienced swimmer out here, so you can't keep bombing these races!" Yelled one of my teammates that had a swimming block right beside me. But, I wasn't paying much attention to her as she rambled on. Akia kept my mind occupied until she got in my face, "Are you even listening to me!" She finally screamed catching my attention.

"You best watch who the fuck you screaming at before I lay your ass out!" I snapped back at her.

She then looked surprised but simply retreated back to her swimming block as I huffed.

Fuck she thought I was?


"Simonéa is really starting to piss me the fuck off, man! It's like she ain't even trying?!" Yelled some kid pissed with a few of his other friends as they watched Simonéa prepare to start another race.

"Awe, I'm sorry guys. This is all my fault." Says Alani looking innocent.

"What? How could this be your fault, Alani?" Asked one of his friends as they all looked at her.

"I think Simonéa hates that you guys are on my side. So, by losing all her races is her way of getting revenge. Isn't that terrible?" She pouts as all of their faces scrunch up.

"I don't believe it, what a bitch!"

"She's just losing on purpose?! She's a fuckin' bitch!!"

"Just to get back at us?! This is way pass crossing the line! Even worse then the things she's pulled to break up Jaelyn and Alani!"

"What'd she do exactly?" Asked one of the kids who was still skeptical.

"Have you not heard? While I'm not around. She physically attacks her. She even went as far as breaking into her hospital room and threatening to jump out of the window if she didn't agree to date her!" Barked Alani at the boy.

A loud hum came from behind her and she quickly turned around to find Akia grinning. She gasped and Akia held her chin in thought, "That's pretty funny? Cause I just happened to hear a completely different side of that story."

She began to walk over to the crowd of boys, "Alright guys, listen up. Jaelyn's actual girlfriend is Sim—"

"Excuse me guys, but I need to borrow her for a sec!" Panicked Alani quickly as she grabbed and dragged Akia from them.

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