☤ Chapter 8 ☤

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8: How Far Will You Go, Alani?

- Simonéa -

I don't want to believe it... but people always think I'm easy, because of the way I look.

But, not Jaelyn she's not that type. I just know it, she's better than that.

I was sitting right by Jaelyn in science class. In nothing but deep thought as we did our lab experiment.

It wasn't until Jaelyn took a tube out of my hand that I realized how spacey I was.

"After school I want you to meet me by the pool. I want to tell you something." Said Jaelyn without even looking my way.

I nodded my head in agreement and stared back into space as I zoned out once again.

What I didn't know was that Alani was right behind us writing down what Jaelyn just said.


So, after the bell ringed for dismissal Alani found Jaelyn where she was cleaning up a classroom.

"Heeey, Jae! Néa said to tell you that she wants to meet in the cafeteria instead."

"The café?" Asked Jaelyn

"Yeah, that's right. She said there's too much sun by the pool." Answered Alani.

Jaelyn then took a deep sigh as she blushed and nodded in agreement.

"Alrighty, good luck you stud muffin.❤" Smiled Alani as she waved goodbye and left out the classroom.


It was scorching hot outside as I waited for Jaelyn. She's almost 30 minutes late. Clean up doesn't take that long.

Wonder what she wants to talk about. Maybe, it's a break up... ugh, no let me stop. It can't possibly be a break up... our relationship has just started...

But, then I was interrupted out of my thoughts as a pair of hands blinded my vision, "Guess who?"

I quickly turned around yelling, "Jaelyn?!" But, only to be disappointed as I saw Akia's face.

"Oh, it's you." I said as I rolled my eyes.

[Meanwhile, Jaelyn was in the café playing with a cup of water as she waited impatiently on Simonéa to show up.]

"Are you sure she told you to meet her here?" Asked Akia as she joined me on the bench by the pool.

"Yes, but I don't know why you're here in the first place." I said crossing my arms.

"I wanted to know how you were doing, and since you're on the swim team I figured I'd find you here." She smiled.

"Well, I'm doing fine. So, you can go ahead and leave now." I said slightly annoyed.

"But if I leave, you're going to be out here all alone. Which'll make me worry, so I'll stay." She smiled.

I then rolled my eyes and said nothing else as the time passed by slowly. 10 more minutes had passed and she still hasn't shown up.

"This is really getting ridiculous." Said Akia as she tied her hair up. "Why don't we go to check if she's still here?" She asked

"Nope, I don't wanna. She told me to meet her here, and that's what I'm gonna do." I said back.

There then was an awkward silence going on until Akia broke it saying, "Look... I'm not even kidding anymore. But, why don't you break up with with Jaelyn, and go out with me instead."

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