☢ Chapter 10 ☢

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9: More & More Drama!


"Simonéa! What are you doing? Wake up! You're going to be late for school!" Yelled my mother.

But, I simply pulled my covers over my head causing her to groan, "Alright, fine. Just lay there then. I've got to go to work, just don't be mad claiming I didn't wake you up."

After I heard my door close I let out a sigh of relief and slowly slid out of bed.

I was exhausted, and my chest felt heavy. I barely got any sleep from thinking way too much. Well, who could sleep after their girlfriend hangs up on them?


"So, all is present except Simonéa and Jaelyn." Stated the teacher after taking the attendance.

Alani's face then scrunched up as the teacher set his attendance sheet on his desk. But, he turned back towards his students,

"Oh, before I forget. I was told by Jaelyn's parents this morning that she wouldn't be coming. She's in the hospital with a bad case of appendicitis."

The whole classroom then gasped as he continued, "If anyone's planning on seeing her, I'd appreciate it if you gave her your notes so she can study."

After, the teacher finished speaking Alani then passed a note throughout the whole classroom...


I can't believe it. I actually overslept. Even, after I got up.

I quickly made it into the front desk and was given a late pass. I made it to class, and as I walked in a terrible feeling hit me like a lightening bolt.

Every single human being in the classroom was staring at me. They didn't say one word as I went to my desk but simply gave me looks.

What's up with them? Acting like they've never saw someone come in late before.

Something's wrong...

I looked at the board and under absent it read...


Oh, I didn't know Jaelyn wasn't here today... how strange.
I wonder why she's not here, maybe she caught a cold or something. It's not usual for her not to come to school.

The bell rang for next period and people were still staring as I got up to leave causing me to roll my eyes.

"Fucking thot..." Mumbled a guy as he passed by me walking out.

I wanted to pull him back and punch him right in his shit, but instead I just picked up my book bag and walked out. But, as I was walking to my next class I still got weird looks, and the usual gossiping increased majorly.


"Hey, Jae!" Squealed Alani excitedly as she walked into her hospital room.

"Oh, what's up, Alani." Smiled Jaelyn gently.

"We were all sad to hear you were in the hospital. Did they operate yet? How're you feeling?" She asked.

"I'm fine, and yeah they already finished."

"Well, everyone says hi. Oh yeah, and here's today's notes from class."

Candy Girl (studxstud)Where stories live. Discover now