☆ Chapter 2 ☆

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- Simonéa -

"You do, don't you?"

"Do... what?"

"Who is it that you like? Wait.. let me guess." She grinned.

I needed to distract her, I need something or someone... or I'm in big trouble... what will I do?
But then I spotted someone.

"No way, how did you know?" I fake laughed, "You could tell? You mean.. you knew all the time that I liked..." I then pointed at a random stud I saw laying against the wall laughing with her friends. Lucky for me, one of the cutest studs just happened to be nearby.

"But... she's so popular."
Said Alani as she stared at her in as I simply glanced at her.

But as I glanced at her our eyes made contact and she winked at me. I then quickly sped to my locker.

She just... I'm in shock. Plenty of daily pervs have winked at me but not an actual... ugh. That stud was Kia, Akia Jones.

She never even looked my way ever before, talk about conceited. But, Its easy to see why the girls make such a fuss over her, she had that kind of face that should be modeling something. But then as her friends left, Alani began to approach Akia. But, wait she's not seriously.. uh wait.. she is?!
She handed her a bag of cookies tied with a ribbon.

* fast forward *

Since that day they'd always meet at the same doorway.

A group of three girls that were completely head over heels for Kia were watching Alani, & Kia as they gossiped.

"There she is again." Pointed a girl.

"She's giving him that cocky look!" Muttered one of the girls under her breath.

"Ugh, who does she think she is."
Said another girl crossing her arms.

She definitely moves around fast. She's so cute on the outside, but what's inside is nothing but evilness. I shook my head watching them from afar, they were talking but I couldn't figure out what they were saying.

- Alani and Kia's Conversation -

"Hey, Kia!"

"That bag.. isn't that?" Akia pointed out looking at the bag Alani had.

"Oh this, you like it? Cute, huh?"

"What are you doing with it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, nothing, It's just.. my older sister's birthday is coming up and I was shopping for a present and I saw it at the store and..."

"Oh, I see. Guess we have the same tastes." She giggled.

"Well yeah, but... I kind of remember you thought it was lame... It was just last week. I saw you with your friend. She was saying she wanted it, and you told her how ugly it was. But now you're carrying it. That must mean that..."

"Wh- What? What are you trying to say? That I tricked her and snuck back to..."

Akia then leaned over Alani hovering over her, "Look, I like a girl who knows what she wants. But I don't want her playing guessing games about what she really wants. You should be more like your friend Simonéa. ❤ Nothing is worse for a relationship than lying."

- Back in class -

The classroom door slammed open as Alani walked in looking real upset. She stormed over to me slamming the bag onto my desk.


"Take it. It's yours. I never wanted this crappy bag anyway."

She then stormed out slamming the door behind her. I wonder what her problem was. Until some girls started gossiping about it, "I heard Akia cut her off."

"I heard it was over a bag, she wanted it for her sister but Alani had got it first."

"Come to think of it does Akia even have a sister?"

"I don't even know, but I'm glad she's definitely single now." ❤

A bag for Akia's sister? I wonder how that started? Ah, well. Who cares? It's about time Alani got some of her own medicine. But I knew that she wasn't going to let this end there. But then next period the whole class was gossiping about something else. Then, when I looked at the board it read

Simonéa Smith ❤'s Akia Jones

"Who wrote that?" A girl asked staring at the board in awe.

"I don't know, You think it's true?" Asked her friend laughing.

Instantly I grabbed Alani by the shirt and dragged her to the bathroom.

"How could you do that!? A ton of people saw that, now shit funna be spreading around school!" I yelled at her.

"What do you mean?"

"You know that thing you wrote about me on the fucking board in class."

"What thing?"

"Don't act like you don't know! You're the only one that knows I "like" Akia! What'll happen when this gets around fucking school!?" I yelled.

And worse what if Jaelyn hears about it.. I thought to myself as I stared Alani down.

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, "What's the big deal? It's true isn't it?"

She then began to walk away, "Anyhow, I've got better things to do than spread rumors. Besides you said it in the hallways to me. Anyone could've overheard. It's not nice to point fingers at your friends Simonéa."

And with that she left. I groaned out and punched the bathroom stall. That little fucking bitch, it's over between us! Well, if that's how she does me.. then that's it.

She just can't stand people talking about her being dumped. So she used me as some stupid ass diversion. Well, if she didn't do it.. then who else could've?

I breathed out trying to calm down. I don't need friends like her...

I headed back to my next class but I stood outside the door to check if people were still talking about it and people were.

"Who do you think wrote that about Nea and Kia on the board in class?"

"Maybe Nea wrote it herself.", A girl laughed.

"No way! But then again, she could have. Maybe it was her way of getting Kia's attention."

"Talk about desperate! As if Kia would give her the time of day!" Girls were laughing like crazy.

"Kia's not interested in sluts."

Then I heard Kia's voice but I couldn't make out what she said,"Ah.. y'all females giving me a headache. But did I ever tell y'all what a great kisser Nea is?"

Then I stormed off to the portables as the bell rung to get to last period.

I had to talk to Akia, where was she? I've got to talk to her to clear things up. If I don't, this'll get back to Jaelyn. In fact, it may already be too late. Then someone called out my name.

"HEY! You, Nea!" As I looked back three girls stood behind me hands on their hips, and hands crossed.

"I want to talk to you. What kind of games have you been playing with Kia?!"

- Alani in media ❤

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