A New Beginning

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As the school bell rang, Jude hurried out of the building, scanning the crowded courtyard for Clay. He spotted him leaning against the wall, a cigarette dangling from his lips, watching the students file out one by one. Clay's expression was as unreadable as ever, but Jude could sense the impatience simmering beneath the surface. They had known each other long enough for Jude to pick up on the subtle cues that others missed.

"Hey, sorry for the wait," Jude called out, adjusting his jacket as he approached.

Clay huffed, taking another drag of his cigarette. "You're always late, you know. One of these days I'm going to leave your ass behind," he muttered, blowing out a puff of smoke, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Jude smiled sheepishly, knowing Clay was more bark than bite. "You can. I deserve it," he replied, looking up at him.

Clay sighed, flicking the cigarette away and stepping closer. "Damn right you do. You're lucky I care so much about you," he said, his voice softer now. He grabbed Jude by the chin, lifting his face so their eyes met.

A slow smile spread across Jude's face as he felt the familiar warmth of Clay's touch. Despite the gruff exterior, Clay's care for him always shone through in these small, tender moments. Jude's body relaxed under the gentle pressure of Clay's hand, the tension from the day slowly melting away.

Clay sighed again, rolling his eyes playfully. "God, you're like a puppy, always wanting my attention," he teased, pulling Jude into a gentle embrace.

Jude hugged him back, feeling the steady rise and fall of Clay's chest. "I didn't say anything," Jude mumbled, though his heart swelled at the comfort of being close to him.

Clay chuckled softly, ruffling Jude's hair. "You don't need to. I can see it written all over your face. I know you just want me to be touching you all the time, like the clingy boy you are," he said, holding Jude against his chest.

Jude pulled away slightly, adjusting his jacket as he looked up at Clay. "Yeah yeah, where's your big brother?" he asked, trying to hide the blush creeping up his cheeks.

Clay snickered, glancing off to the side. "He's probably getting his ass to run on time for once. Hopefully, at least. You know how terrible he is at that—he's a dumbass," Clay replied, folding his arms and looking away from Jude for a moment.

Jude couldn't help but smile at the familiar banter. They had been friends since childhood, and though Clay was a few years older, they had always been inseparable. Even with Clay's tough exterior, Jude knew he cared deeply. He could feel it in every embrace, every gentle word hidden beneath the teasing. And Jude wouldn't trade that for anything.

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