Peace, All We Want Is Some Peace

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A soft rain fell, creating a sombre atmosphere that seemed to match the mournful occasion. The cemetery was quiet, the sound of the raindrops gently hitting the ground adding to the solemnity of the moment. People were gathered around a small gravestone, their faces solemn and tearful. Clay stood among them, his expression stoic as he stared at the name etched into the stone: 'Jude.'

Memories flooded his mind—moments shared with Jude, happy moments tainted by the knowledge of the events that had led to his death. He thought back to the day they had met for the first time in the 4th grade. He remembered their countless trips to the skate park, their nights spent cuddling and watching movies, their laughter and their tears. He thought of their last moments together, filled with tension and distance, and wondered if there was anything he could have done to prevent this.

Why didn't I see it? Clay thought, feeling a surge of anguish. How could I not realize how much Jude was suffering? He kept so much inside, and I thought I was helping by being patient. But maybe he needed more than I could give.

He felt a strange mixture of emotions—grief, anger, guilt. Anger at himself for not seeing the extent of Jude's pain, for not doing more to help. Guilt for the times he had been impatient, for the times he had failed him. But above all, he felt a deep sense of loss, a hole in his heart that felt like it would never be filled.

I should have been there more, he thought sorrowfully. I should have pushed harder to get him the help he needed. Now it's too late, and all I have left are these memories and this unending ache.

As he stood there, surrounded by others mourning the loss of Jude, he couldn't shake the feeling that a part of him had died along with him.


Days sobbed into weeks, and weeks into months. The pain of Jude's absence never fully faded, but the acute sharpness of grief gradually morphed into a dull ache that was easier to carry with time. Life continued on, and people slowly began to move forward. But for Clay, the loss always lingered in the background, a constant shadow that would occasionally resurface in unexpected moments.

He tried to keep himself busy, immersing himself in work and hobbies, but sometimes the memories would catch him off guard and bring back the pain. He would catch himself listening to a song that they used to sing together, or walking past a place they had frequented, and the wave of nostalgia would hit him with unexpected force. He missed Jude's laugh, his smile, his presence in his life. The world felt a little less bright without him in it. And he always questioned himself, did Jude find peace? Did he do enough? Did he failed his promise? Who knows.

The years without Jude were difficult for Clay, filled with melancholy and a sense of emptiness. The memories of their time together haunted him, and he struggled to find joy in anything. He tried to move forward, but the hole in his heart left by Jude's absence was too deep to fill. Eventually, he found himself unable to find a reason to keep going without him by his side.

Three years after Jude's passing, Clay made the decision to join him on the other side. The people who knew him were shocked and saddened by his sudden death, but deep down, they understood. They knew the deep bond he had shared with Jude, and they knew how much his absence had affected him. To them, it was almost inevitable that Clay would follow his partner into the great beyond.

Life went on for those left behind, but for Clay, there was finally a sense of peace. As he crossed over to the other side, he felt a gentle warmth surround him, and he knew that he would be with Jude once again.

In the realm beyond, he found himself reunited with his partner, and all the pain and sorrow he had felt on Earth lifted from his shoulders. Together, they could finally be happy, free from the constraints of the physical world. Finding peace together, away from all the pain of this world.

The memories of their time together on Earth were there, but they didn't hold the same weight of sadness and despair. They were simply moments in time, happy memories that they could now look back on fondly without the pain that had accompanied them in life.


What is life, really? Is this journey we take, with its ups and downs, its joys and sorrows, worth it? It's a question that haunts us all at some point. But in moments of deep connection and love, in the shared experiences and the bonds we form, we find meaning. Even in the face of unbearable pain and loss, the love we give and receive makes every moment precious. Life, with all its trials and tribulations, is worth it. Because in the end, it's the love we carry with us, and the peace we find, that gives our lives their true value.




The End. 

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