Please, I dont wanna die..

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It was as if all the pain and frustration bottled up inside Jude had finally found an outlet. He screamed and sobbed, letting out all the negative emotions he had been holding onto for months. The sound of his own agony filled the room, echoing off the walls like a tortured soul. He couldn't stop himself; the screams and sobs continued to pour forth, until he was nearly panting with exhaustion.

"Clay..." Jude called out, his voice breaking as he whispered the name he used to call out as a child, alone in his room. "I am begging you, never let go, please." The guilt gnawed at him, making him hate himself for ruining someone else's peace for his own sake. He felt so selfish, even though he knew it wasn't truly the case.

Clay, heard Jude's desperate call, felt his heart wrench. He immediately wrapped Jude in his arms, pulling him close. "I'm here," he said softly, cradling him like a child,  his voice filled with compassion. "I've got you. I'm here."

Jude clung to him like a lifeline, his body shaking with sobs. Clay's heart ached at the sight of his partner in such pain, and he held him tighter, offering all the comfort he could. "It's okay," he whispered, his lips close to Jude's ear. "Let it all out. I'm not going anywhere."

Clay continued to soothe Jude, his hands gently rubbing circles on his back and his fingers running through his hair. He whispered words of comfort and reassurance, trying to be an anchor in the storm of Jude's emotions. Each cry and sob from Jude felt like a dagger to Clay's heart, but he remained strong for him, his embrace steady and unwavering.

As time went on, the tension between them reached its breaking point. The months of suppressed emotions and unspoken words had taken their toll. Jude's untreated thoughts had spiralled into a deep, dark depression that consumed him. Despite Clay's best efforts to be there and offer support, it wasn't enough. Jude was drowning in his own mind, and there was nothing Clay could do to pull him back up.

The night was cool and quiet, the sounds of the city muffled outside. Clay sat on the edge of the bed, watching Jude as he slept. It wasn't restful sleep but fitful and troubled, marked by restless tossing and turning, occasional moans and mutterings escaping his lips. Clay's heart ached to see him like this, to witness the depths of his suffering and feel powerless to alleviate it.

Clay reached out and gently brushed Jude's hair from his face, his touch tender and full of love. He felt the weight of their struggles, the pain that had accumulated over the months, pressing heavily on his heart. He wished more than anything to be able to take away Jude's pain, to make things right. But for now, all he could do was be there, offering his presence and his love in whatever way he could, as the night stretched on in silent, aching witness to their struggle.

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