Sunshine and Laughter

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Jude chuckled, shaking his head. "How could you call me late when your brother hasn't even arrived yet?"

Clay rolled his eyes, glancing back at Jude with a smirk. "Shut up, you're a smartass too, you know," he said, ruffling Jude's hair again. "But my brother's on his way. I can see his car from here—" Before Clay could finish, a car pulled up in front of them, and the window rolled down, revealing Aiden behind the wheel. His expression was calm, yet tinged with the usual boredom.

"Get in, you troublemakers," Aiden called out, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.

As the weeks passed, life fell back into its usual routine. Everything continued as it always had, and their days settled into the familiar patterns they had grown accustomed to.

One windy afternoon, Jude found himself sitting on a bench, yawning as the chill of the air made him pull his jacket tighter. Clay sat right beside him, close enough that their shoulders brushed. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes, chewing on one absentmindedly before putting it back in the pack without lighting it. As the wind picked up, Clay shifted even closer, practically pressing against Jude for warmth.

Jude noticed Clay's odd behavior and glanced at the cigarette. "It works like that too?"

Clay raised an eyebrow, slightly confused. "Works like what?"

Jude pointed at the chewed-up cigarette. "You eat cigarettes?"

Clay snickered, shaking his head in amusement. "I just chew on them, not eat them. I don't swallow them or anything. They still give me the nicotine," he explained, a small smirk playing on his lips. "You should know this by now. I've done it around you a few times."

Jude nodded slowly, still feeling a bit unsure. "Still... feels like... I don't know."

Clay's expression softened as he looked at Jude. There was something in the way Jude spoke, something that tugged at the corners of Clay's heart. Without a word, Clay reached out, taking Jude's hand in his, their fingers intertwining. It was a silent reassurance, a small gesture that said more than words ever could.

Jude felt a warmth spread through him, not just from the physical contact, but from the unspoken understanding that passed between them. He leaned his head on Clay's shoulder, letting the moment linger, the world around them fading away as they found solace in each other's presence.

Despite the changes, despite the confusion, there was one thing Jude knew for certain—Clay was his safe place, his constant in a world that seemed to shift like sand beneath his feet. And in that moment, as the wind whispered through the trees, Jude felt a sense of peace, knowing that whatever was happening, they would face it together.

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