Chapter 27: Transitioning Into A New Life

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Narration: After the two weeks of paid vacation,
Pope Rekture summoned Selena and Himiko to his chambers to discuss Seth being allowed near his baby.
"Are you two sure you want to allow him to parent his baby? He did try to kill you, Miss Mendez."
Pope Rekture asked seriously and wasn't in his normal,
sounding mood.

"Yes. I'm not going to deny him the right to be a parent just because he had a moment of weakness. Clay, as Seth got to know his name in Regalia, beat Seth up and took advantage of his weak mind and gave him a sword that was corrupting his mind and directly influenced him in the opposite way. That and he did come to his senses when I gave him a chance to come back. Also, Azura Aqua is unfit to be a mother as she tried to kill the baby mere minutes after Seth came back. She ranted about him, proving her right and that all demons were evil."

Selena replied. "And what do you think on the matter, Lady Himiko?"
Pope Rekture turns his rolling chair to face her.
"I've spoken with Seth myself, and he is extremely remorseful for what he has done. I can tell you for certain. He doesn't believe he is worthy of being a parent. I believe that we should give him a second chance that and also I want to take him under my wing and train him like everyone in my own branch."
Seeing as how neither of them will back down from this,
Pope Rekture agrees to let Seth have a second chance.
"One last request."

Selena pipes up.
"I'd like to be the mother of that child. No child should ever be without their parents. I can't stand the fact that Azura Aqua wants to give up ownership of her own child, and it sickens me. So please? Let me help Seth raise that baby."
Selena says with a bit of anger but also a bit of softness in her tone,
whereas previously,
she had been indifferent in the conversation.
Pope Rekture picks up on this and allows Selena to mother the baby once it is born.

A few months later,
Azura was in the delivery room,
giving birth to a beautiful baby girl who had a tiny little strand of blue hair,
and she cried and cried,
but for Seth,
this was a beautiful moment.
Once labor was over,
the doctor gave Azura the baby, to which she furiously declined!

The doctor was shocked and taken back. So he gave the baby to Seth,
to which he cried tears of joy.
One of the few good things Seth has ever contributed to to the world,
and he gets to hold her.

Selena and the twins enter the room, and instantly,
Selena and Azura glare at each other as Selena hands Azura two bottles of formula to fill up with a note attached to them.
Seth wipes his tears,
and Selena sits next to him and holds her hands out hesitantly.
Seth looked a bit saddened,
but Selena assured him she wasn't going to take his child away from him.
Seth hesitantly hands over the baby as Selena holds her,
and the baby listens to the beat of Selena's heart.
The doctor gives them some time alone before having to send them out.
The whole squad gathered around Selena and Seth in the waiting room, and everyone was cooing and gushing over the baby.


Year: 2008
Age: 15

Selena Mendez was studying Demon biology as well as half breeds from none other than London's lead scientist Gabriel Tesla,
who was touring all over the world to give all branches this seminar.
"When a child born from the union of man and devil arrives into the world, they immediately get the scent of the mother and the father. Should anything happen to the mother, it will be next to impossible to calm the baby."
Gabriel wrote on the chalkboard, to which Selena took notes.

Back in the present: Selena was wearing some of Azura's clothes so that the baby would not tell the difference between Selena's scent and Azura's.
Though there will still be some differences,
the changes are for too small to distinguish the differences,
causing the baby to believe Selena is her mother.
Two months later,
Belladonna gives birth to a baby boy that her and Chase mutually agreed to name Jackson.

Jackson, much like Chase,
was a type of draconian Demon.
A metal dragon at that.
Lily and her sisters were all waving their fingers at him,
and Jackson grabbed a finger and gripped it tightly,
causing Lily to drop to her knees and suppress a scream.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow! Please let go of my finger!"
Lily whined.
"He's just a baby. He can't hurt you that bad."

Chase says, and Lilith agrees,
to which Jackson grabbed her finger, and she too went down on her knees. Chase walks over to Belladonna and baby Jackson on the couch,
squats down, gets Jackson to trade their fingers for his,
and Chase wasn't even fazed by Jackson's grip.
Lily and Lilith get up from the floor and just watch Jackson suck on Chase's finger and make some noises,
much to their delight.

Around Christmas of 2017,
the two oldest of the future kids show up in London.
Succubus Selena, Morgan,
and Chase's oldest daughter.
Goes out and finds them, leading them back to the mansion.
"Dad, this is Nero. He's two years older than me, and this Akiza. She's a Lightning Majin from the Demon Realm, but no one knows how she actually ended up on earth. You and mom adopted her into the family when she was two, so she's around Nero's age, just a few months older."
Nero has a well-built body with his abbs visible through his muscle shirt.
Nero sported navy blue pants,
black combat boots,
and a navy blue jacket.

Byond that,
he had Chase's hair and body,
but Morgan's Hispanic skin, nose,
and dark red eyes,
unlike Chase's lighter shade of red eyes. Akiza was a Caucasian woman around 5ft 8in to 6ft with her combat heels. Akiza had blue eyes,
white hair with a pink tent,
wore a black sleevless crop top,
and black arm warmers.
she had long white pants to complement her Yin and Yang color scheme.
Other than her clothes,
she had a long lizard dragon like tail as white as her skin.

She signed language to greet Chase and Morgan,
and though her lips are moving.
Words aren't coming out.
"She says it's nice to meet your present self, and it feels good to be home." Succubus Selena interprets for her. "She's not deaf. In our timeline, you raised her to be a servant first and a sister second, so one day, she protected us from Demons, but her throat was slashed then her volcal cords were ripped out, and her healing factor didn't heal her throat properly so she uses our phones or sighn language to speak."

Chase sized up Nero,
and Akiza then asks them to come with him,
to which he leads them into a nice open room that might as well be a ballroom. Chase stops in the middle of the room, and Nero and Akiza stop behind him. "Ok kids, we're going to have a sparring match so that I have a feel for how strong you are. Come at me in any way you like."
Just then,
Akiza lunges for Chase with a lightning fast eye gauge,
to which Chase grabs her wrist,
and instinctively,
Akiza push kicks Chase away to get her arm back.

Akiza bounces around,
discharging electricity everywhere and flying at Chase with lightning fast punches, kicks, elbows, and knees.
Chase just grins away as Akiza gives him no opening or breathing room,
whereas Nero is trying to take an opening,
but Akiza is in his line of fire that he can't safely pursue Chase.
Chase sees that Nero is hesitant,
so he very easily puts distance between him and Akiza,
then cranks up the speed and guns for Nero.
Nero rushes Chase,
shooting his Incubus wings out of his jacket and rushes Chase.

Akiza ups her speed and shoves Nero to the floor and takes Chase's punch to the jaw,
causing her to slide across the floor. Chase and Nero engage in a head-on fist fight with some mild kicking between the two,
then Nero swings one of his wings that has a hand like function and grabs Chase by the leg, then starts slamming him on the floor repeatedly before throwing him towards Akiza.
Akiza gets up and attacks Chase from the front,
while Nero draws one of the three knight swords off his back.

Nero attacks Chase from the back,
but Chase very easily uses their own teamwork against them,
causing Nero to slash Akiza's side and for her to accidentally punch him in the face.
"Ok, I've seen enough. Akiza, your offense is great, spectacular even, but your loyalty to Nero can be exploited. You would defend Nero with your life, and I can see that. However, it is quite clear that Nero lacks any sort of battle experience. That being said, you need to have more faith in him being able to defend himself and actually coordinate with him. Nero, you hit like me, so you're good in strength. However, your sword play could use some work and be less reliant on your wings. Other than that, you both did good."

Akiza martial arts bow to Chase as her side heals the cut shut,
and all Nero did was rub his jaw from where he was punched.
Chase returns to Belladonna and holds Jackson while everyone else did their own thing.
Though Seth,
the twins, and everyone else are enjoying themselves, the countdown to Atlantis begins.

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