Chapter 22 (Alexia) In your arms

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I basked in Ty's strength and energy for just a few short minutes. Seeing that doll made my stomach twist, and I felt the vomit reach my throat.

Snippets of that terrifying night played in my mind. My poor Ava crying, the ferocious dragon attacking us, and the final image I recall, the lifeless body of my beloved baby sister lying on the floor. The images made me shake. Why is this happening, and how did Dad find me here? It doesn't make sense.

Part of me wanted to stay in Ty's arms, but the other part knew it was not an option. I am scared even though he has been saying he won't let go ever again. I hate living like this. Scare of the present and of the future. 

I gathered my thoughts and calmed down as best as possible since I didn't want Sammy to be more nervous than she was. I hugged her tight and told her I would see her soon. I could see Ty struggling about having to let me go, but GD would keep me safe until we figured this thing out.

Before we got back to the compound, I already had multiple texts from Ty:

My Tiny Lady, I am sorry this nice day ended on such a sour note. 

Thank you for protecting Sammy! I am in awe with the love you profess for her.

How are you feeling? 

What can I do to help you feel better?

Now, that was a loaded question. My brain conjures multiple images, from the mild ones of him holding my hand and promising me he would stay with me forever to some extra spicy ones of us making love. 

I could feel my face turning red. Where did that image come from? 

I am in so much trouble with this guy. My heart is guarded, but my body is wired to follow him. 

Since I couldn't explain this in my text, I sent him a simple reply.

Thank you for caring. I am glad you decided to crash our park date. By you keeping Sammy safe, you are already helping me. I can't lose her like I lost Ava.

Dragon: Ava?

My baby sister.

Dragon: I am so sorry for everything your dad did to you. I promise you he won't be able to hurt you anymore. GD already warned the guards at the gate, and we will have two extra brothers doing rounds around your apartment.

Thank you!

I thought that was the end of our conversation, but later that night my phone rang when I was about to turn my light off after talking briefly with GD.

It was a FaceTime call from Ty. I read a story to Sammy, who was still a bit rattled by her accident this afternoon.

"Alexia, why can't you be here with us? I need you to spook away the bad lady."

"My love, I am sorry. The bad lad can't reach you because you have your big giant there to protect you, remember? Plus, you know you are not a little princess; you are..."

Before I could finish the sentence, she said loudly, "A warrior."

"Yes, you are my little butterfly. All will be fine."

Once Ty turned off the light in Sammy's room, he asked me to stay on the line and went to his living room.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Thinking about Ava, knowing her last minutes alive, she was terrified, and I couldn't help her. Thinking that he robbed me of everything, a happy childhood, my sister, my identity, and even the chance to visit Ava's tomb to honor her memory. It's a lot to deal with. Now, he is out, and I must fight this new reality. I hate feeling vulnerable and out of control of the situation, but there is not much I can do."

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